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Everything posted by WarGame

  1. I'd guess kash will be next. I think dant would be much better for the republic side than the empire
  2. It's a shame that so many do not realize this is going to happen. They are going to put everything in that market that will make them money, this will make them money
  3. It's definitely fair, they are giving people something for nothing. I don't think it's optimal though, I'd even call it bad. In other games one of the side effects of free to play is usually more general ques. I just did warzones for 2 hours and had many of the same people on my team and on the opposing team throughout that span. I'm not sure how that is possible in a game that has 10 servers and 500kish supposed subs. Either way their ques are still a bit of a mess or there aren't a whole lot of people queing.
  4. The double xp weekends are definitely awesome news, the rest doesn't do much for me. Thanks for the update though, was very cool of you
  5. I agree with some of what you say. But honestly if you've already seen the dialogue and everyone else in the group wants to space bar, how are you the sort people would want to run with?
  6. Well I'd say this game is at a crossroads right now, it's doing better financially and it's cash shop is being updated at a very rapid rate. Either they are going to reinvest in the base game and try to grow it while taking a stab at original expectations or they are going go into some form of maintenance mode, trying to milk every last dollar out of the cartel market/ sub base with as little risk/ effort as possible. If you answer this question honestly I think you'll be able to better speculate on this question of yours: What makes this game better than the rest and which of those features have been added in the 18 months since release? My answer would be I like star wars, I like some of the class quests (which were put in at launch), and warzones still pop at an acceptable rate. The most innovative feature I've seen since launch is their cash shop, the cash shop here is enormous for the amount of time it's been active and they are making new gambling packs monthly for a reason. The game runs smoother than it did at launch, but I can't think of a single thing that has been added that is even somewhat noteworthy, mostly fixes to things that were absurd at release.
  7. That's because most healers are terrible/ have limited awareness. Hell a huge portion of the ones I see pretty much just heal themselves.
  8. I don't need 2.2 to have anything specific, but I would like the base game to take some sort of direction to keep me subbed. So I'll list some things: 1.) Space combat: The system in the game is a joke in my opinion, I'd like something similar to swg with a gearing system that would involve mass, energy consumption, and output instead of cookie cutter. If it was good enough this alone would probably keep me subbed for the duration, can't really get such a thing in many other mmos. 2.) Pvp variances: 4 on 4s, 16 on 16, 32 on 32, etc. 8 on 8 is nice, but some variety is required at this point. I don't really care if it's easier to build nothing but 8 on 8 maps, I've never played a game before that has the same numbers in every map. 3.) Class Quests: Makeb was an alright planetary questline, but it's replay-ability is minimal for me. The class quests are one of the very few things that make this game stand out, I feel as if they have been abandoned to again make things easier. 4.) Legends Pvp: DC online has a feature where you do the same maps with dps only legends characters like batman, superman, etc. Do it in this game, make it dps only, make it where gear plays no factor, and then sit back and see how well it does. The character lineup: Revan (jedi and sith versions), Malak, Bastila Shan, Jolee Bindo, Calo Nord, Canderous Ordo, Carth Onasi, and HK-47 to start. You make carth the starter, then have the others unlocked through various means (meaning via in game currency for some earned in pvp matches and cartel coins for certain others). You could do it with main npcs in this game, but I personally find the vast majority of them to be super weak. 5.) Duos: 2 man pve content where you can grind end game gear. I like a good group pve excursion on occasion, waiting to put groups together for such on the other hand is something I don't have the time or patience for at this stage. Give me some character progression where I can grab one buddy and go, with varying degrees of difficulty. 6.) City invasions: This game is supposed to be in a war setting, maybe lets have some world events that go off every hour in a different location. The possibilities with this are endless, although I question if the engine can handle it, which is why it's last on my list. Basically anything that would actually make the game better in a major way. If the next dlc is like makeb, or the path of least resistance if you will, I'll be done
  9. It's wow with lightsabers and lots of stuns, it could have been better but it could be worse.
  10. a 4 on 4 map for ranked, a 16 on 16 map for regular, variety would be nice
  11. It is what could separate it from the wow genre
  12. So far I don't think there is any question, it's 1985 style with a graphics upgrade
  13. I agree with this for the vast majority of things. But list the games that have armor dyes (or atleast all the good ones) and their barber in the cash shop for subscribers
  14. Most of the star wars games I've played through the years were pretty bad, the real good ones I can think of off hand were kotor, jedi power battles, the game with dash rendar, and one flight game whose names also eludes me. So if they make one awesome one every 4 years or so it will be an improvement
  15. I'm with you on the first two. The third is partially true and I'd add they needlessly over-complicate many things, like bolster for example. But class balance isn't exactly easy in these games
  16. I'd say launch was the worst. Free to play announcement was the second. This is third, followed by makeb being a pay dlc. Here's the thing though, anyone who pvped at launch knows about the bag system. If no one opened their mouths about that we might still have it. There were idiots back then who thought it was ok to have 27 bracers and no chest piece. I didn't mind paying for makeb, but it pretty much turned out to be a planetary questline with very few end game additions. If they did the same thing 3 or 4 months from now I'd probably retire. Where if they added something that was actually awesome, like say swg esque space, I'd pay in a heartbeat. This cash shop update, I have no problem with them adding items into their cash shop. But now they are starting to add things that are base game features in pretty much every other mmo. Maybe this game is special for some people, but for me and many others it's very replaceable. If no one opens their mouth about these sorts of things, who knows what they will push next. I don't see why there is anything wrong with stating what will keep you playing and what will result in you canceling your sub. Guides, questions, stating what you do and don't like are really what the forums are for.
  17. I'd say dc online has the best one I've ever used, it's basically like the character customization screen. I would say this one is the worst, not even considering that the one many people would want comes in lottery ticket form
  18. Every free to play game I've ever played gives you currency for their cash shop with a sub, they aren't doing you any kind of favor by giving the same thing in this game
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