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Everything posted by WarGame

  1. I agree that some of these things are a mess. For me a return to extreme load times is the worst of it. I think armor dyes and the barber should be part of the base game like every other mmo I've ever played, but I agree that the barber is to expensive and that the cartel armor dyes being random is a disgrace as well as being priced to high. Both are gouges in my eyes and alarming precedents, at this point I will actually be stunned if the base game gets anything aside from half-***** fixes going forward. On the flip side I'm a huge fan of the collection system, although some items are to pricey and items you directly buy from the market should be account wide without further purchase. Nothing should be more than full armor suits cost and it should remain the only feature that can only be had with cartel coins. I'm also cool with having to collect the whole set to use it, although I think an exception should be made with revans mask for obvious reasons. I'm completely fine with renaming prices as well as the cathar price, 10 bucks is pretty much standard fare for those things, the guild price seems abit high however. I would pay 6 bucks for a non terrible species in the future with no problem. Whatever they charge for server transfers I'd be fine with as well.
  2. I think calling this a game update is kind of hilarious. They hyped this game as innovative, seems the real innovation is going to be how to charge more for the same crap every other game has and then call their cash shop updates game updates.
  3. I agree. I also agree with the idea that a species change should cost money. But having to pay for a basic appearance change is absurd
  4. I don't have a problem with the race or even having to pay with cartel coins for the account unlocks. Random dyes and the barber though, definitely fine examples of greed. Maybe the end of preseason 1 ranked warzones will be a cartel unlock
  5. Should be kept this way, although wow's function where you can put someones email in and get access to them on any toon while they are on would probably be a good middle ground. talk with your friends, not with strangers
  6. They definitely didn't incorporate it enough, but then they would have had to think of something new instead of cross breeding priest and wizard
  7. When this game was made wow was the top of the food chain in the industry, where you'd probably say wow borrowed from everquest and so on.
  8. I think 15 bucks is fine, this game definitely puts more emphasis on it's cash shop than any other I've played though. The only reason I even need a sub at this point is the credit limit My biggest issue is probably that I got home early and I've been waiting in a pvp que so long I've had time to post on the forums. A more frequent happening since makeb.
  9. Oh sure, but the game keeps track of your various purchases. Either way the people that drop 100 bucks or so a month on the cartel market are their best customers, I definitely think they should be given a freebie here and there for certain milestones (I am definitely not one of those people). I hear what you're saying, but this guy strikes me as more of a principle of the matter sort vs I can't spend 5 more dollars on this video game item I want kind. They are releasing cartel market items at a rapid pace, I'm sure it's pissing many people off in many ways.
  10. Well said. Players like you also should be getting additional bonuses in the cartel market if you're spending that much, if you've bought 30 thousand cartel coins you should get that damn mask for free.
  11. You seem like a good guy, I've been a pvp guild leader in other games so I'll give you some thoughts based on what you've said here. Hopefully some of it puts an idea or two in your head. 1.) Fun is the most important thing: A dude who is hilarious in guild chat/ vent is worth more to keeping a guild going than the state of a game. 2.) Cater to the players that carry your guild: More times than not, raids and warzones are pretty much carried by a minority percentage of the participants. Figure out who those people are and act accordingly. As an example if you have a healer that is pretty good and always has to play his healer, but has a dps alt, go out of your way to play your healer sometimes so they can play their alt. If you can keep your core around you'll be in good shape. 3.) Don't defend the company to your guild mates: Pvp progression isn't the priority in this game, not by a long shot. To date what has been provided is a year of preseason ranked warzones, multiple gear grinds, and two new maps (novare coast being very similar to civil war). All of the warzones are 8 on 8, so there is no variety either. So at this point saying oh bioware will fix x pvp problem, sounds like a mix of ineptitude and bs. Instead of saying oh well they'll fix bolster stick with it guys, make fun of them for botching the concept for this long and expect it to remain botched. In essence, if your guild is largely bashing the company, go with it abit instead of saying everything will be alright. In addition to that if something is put in that is kind of awesome, don't be shy about that either. 4.) Have a solo chat with everyone in your guild on occasion: The more people feel involved the better things will be. 5.) Don't worry about your member number: As long as your core group is intact and you aren't gated from doing what you want in the game, you're good. If the guy that doesn't run anything and doesn't say anything in guild chat quits, who cares. I'd also much rather have/ be in a guild where 6 can take out 10 rather than we need everyone to take out one ops group. 6.) Guild alliances: Getting in with another guild that has similar interest as yours can be a good thing when you guys or short people or they are. In addition to that if one guild falls apart there is a natural merge. 7.) Don't be afraid to kick people. If you have a guy that needs on everything, is a drama queen, or is generally undesirable, get rid of them sooner than later. Being a guild leader can suck, so best of luck to you
  12. I definitely don't like certain things they are adding to the cartel market, but this is one of those things that definitely should be had through their cash shop. Same with server transfers, name changes, class changes
  13. If the sub numbers include the people that subbed to buy makeb for half price I wouldn't pay to much attention to that yet. Otherwise any kind of fiscal growth is a good thing
  14. They should have an option to turn xp off for players like you. I however have no interest in doing the same go fetch quests with a different voice over on every planet every time I make a new character. The vast difference between what you like and what I like is why options are a good thing
  15. Cool features, everything being put through the cartel market is getting quite old however.
  16. I think a major difference between this and other releases since wow is that this one actually had a shot at wow. The rumors about it's immense budget also added to that. Saying this game didn't meet expectations isn't really a stretch though, even though it's doing better now than it was 6 months ago.
  17. I agree, definitely with the part that there are going to be many disappointed lore fans going forward. But I think that was going to be the case the day disney made their purchase, the unfortunate downside of getting movies made regularly now in the mobile device age. To the swg guy: I played swg for a long time, I had multiple accounts and it's the only reason I even know what an mmo is. But that game is gone because it wasn't that popular, they overhauled the game twice for a reason (you could write a novel about this). Most people aren't interested in a sand box game, if they were there would already be a wildly popular one with more on the way.
  18. I would imagine it will be a future option in the cartel market (in my eyes these are the sorts of things that should be in the cartel market).
  19. I like the idea of adding dailies with specific, personal objectives that award money. I'm not a huge fan of some of the things on your list though.
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