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Everything posted by MonsAlpha

  1. Heaven forbid our tracer missiles don't work properly....
  2. MonsAlpha

    Goodbye Mauraders

    Again...another person who has no idea how to use interrupts. -Every- class has at least one.
  3. I'm rolling mine right now! I need to knife people and then stealth afterwards because I can't handle myself in front of a person one on one sans stealth.
  4. Please excuse his majesty MMO player. He's fresh off the train from Ihavenolifeandplayvideogamesalldayville.
  5. So because you don't know how to use interrupts, it's OP?
  6. Funny...at level 24 I just went up to a guy, stunned him, got 3 crits in a row and killed him within 15 seconds. After that I just cloaked and did the same thing. Then after that a bounty hunter killed me with tracer missiles, and endless supply mind you.
  7. Maybe if resolve worked properly it wouldn't really matter. I know, I know, what's resolve? What I find really funny is when I'm on an Imperial team with 4 sorcerers and they do no healing. While if you are a Sage, you're almost required to heal because speccing for damage would seem useless (not imo, but that's what I've heard from others). The entire game right now is stun stun stun stun root stun root root lightning lightning lightning stun stun stun stun root root root root. And then when resolve "ocasionally works" you can slip out only to die by another Sorc chasing you around the map in Huttball senselessly while your team just scored. They're all the same, obsessed with purple light.
  8. 1.)ALL throughout beta, people on the forums wanted tiered PVP because going against a level 50 with at least 15 more abilities than you, doesn't really match no matter how much bolstering you do. 2.)Bolstering is dumb, why even bother? If you have tiered PVP everyone in their racket is relatively close to one another. 3.)Heal consumables are on a ridiculously long CD, I'm a healer and rarely use them but for someone who needs an extra boost to finish someone off, shouldn't have to wait 5 minutes to do so. 4.)Raid frames, almost there, still don't display the accurate number of people in the WZ, nor do they always display the accurate hitpoint information. 5.)What's resolve? I've never heard of that. I grab the ball in Huttball, I'm stunned for over 30 seconds, one person after the other with 4 sages healing me (it was a heal heavy match) not once did I break free. 6.)Huttball:What incentive is there to grab the ball if I'm slowed for basically 50% of my normal speed? Get a team of 50's with rescue and guardian leap and you win the game throwing your teammates around the map. 7.)Healing, you're almost forced to spec into the healing tree as a Sage to get the procs that lower the activation time on deliverance after using rejuvenate. It's a 2.5 second activation usually but 1.5 after you use rejuvenate (if specced properly). In 2.5 seconds, more damage can be done to one person than that tiny heal is worth. 8.) Expertise:Just another reason for tiered warzones, grab a full set of champion gear and you're good to go! 9.)Ranged DPS if played correctly will always be superior to melee, it's rare that I see a melee get as much DPS as a range DPS (could just be player skill, so don't quote me) 10.)Targeting for healers needs to be fixed ASAP. I have been very adamant about this all through beta. It's terrible trying to click a teammate when he/she is in a mess of 6 enemies. 11.)Do devs even read these forums? The raid frame problem in beta not displaying proper values wasn't/still hasn't been recognized as a bug no matter how many times it was reported. I'm honestly not trying to complain and I'm actually quite happy with how the game is balanced right now. I can't think of one class that is superior to another class, and for that I applaud BioWare. But it gets really obnoxious when I'm the only level 50 on a team of level 15's against an entire team of 50's, well that's just not really even, no matter how much bolstering you do. Please don't take this for a trolling post, and I'm really not trying to complain I'm only bringing what I think needs to be fixed to the table. If you disagree please let me know why I'd love to hear another person's perspective on the same subjects.
  9. MonsAlpha

    Nice Targeting

    WHY HAVE YOU NOT FIXED THE DAMN RAID FRAMES AND TARGETING? Will writing in caps work this time? It's getting beyond obnoxious trying to click one teammate in a group of 5 people. I can't see their name because it's bunched up with the others, the raid frame doesn't show accurate data, how am I supposed to heal? It kind of sucks when you could have saved a teammate if only you knew what their name was so you could take a quick 15 second glance at the raid frame to figure out who is who. Not to mention the titles (probably just me) of everyone gets confusing when looking at the frame to target. Is it that difficult for this to be fixed? Even in beta with all of the complaints it was not once ever recognized as a bug. When I look at someone who is at 20% health, the raid frame says 100%. So...now what? [2 separate, yet equally related issues]
  10. Bump. This needs to be fixed!
  11. I don't understand why people run around the -entire- map chasing one single person in order to kill them. I really don't understand it. What are you accomplishing? Oh btw, my team just scored while you could have killed the person who was 10 meters away from me completing the objective. I just don't understand why people feel it is so necessary to chase after one person. I play a sniper, if my target goes out of LoS, I pick a new one. What sense is there in chasing one person? It's not an arena, stop trying to get highest damage and show off like you did something, your objective bar shows that you didn't.
  12. You can see from that pic I have full bars, almost no latency. My FPS is around 75-83. Yeah I completely agree with you on the second part. It's terrible trying to figure out who is where just by looking to see which raid frame is more highlighted to denote closeness.
  13. I was just going to post this. It was never written as a bug during the beta, no matter how many times it was posted about on the beta forums. Here's just one example from today: http://imgur.com/bZf2X It has not been recognized as a bug and it needs to be. You can see the raid frame showing full health, while the player does not actually have full health. This is going to be/already is a big issue for healers in the game.
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