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Everything posted by ganondorq

  1. oh, also. galactic empire and new republic has bacta instead of kolto, which is a more potent healing medicine. i don't think that'd be enough to decide a war, but it means any injured soldiers are back in action much faster.
  2. i think the galactic empire would probably win. their army is likely larger, they'd have more resources in general. but if they have darth nox's silencer fleet and isotope-5 retrofitted dreadnaughts, the old empire would have a small naval power advantage. but, then it comes back to sheer resources. galactic empire probably has a larger supply of ships. i'm assuming an all out war, instead of basically terrorist tactics that were used by the rebel alliance. the new republic should take the old republic because they have an infinite supply of troops in the clones, clones who are by far and wide stronger than the average old republic soldier would be, since they're copies of jango fett. the only advantage that either the old republic or the old empire have are in their force users, and force users alone can't win an all out war. the dark council would vaporize sidious and vader, the old jedi masters are stronger than the new, and more numerous.
  3. i'd definitely be happy to spend money on a nautolan. been wanting one for ages, leveling a new sage right now and she'd be so much better as a nautolan.
  4. it'd be nice. but, if you've ever played wow and went to silvermoon as a demon hunter... you know why this will likely never happen. it'd require swtor's version of cataclysm, and that's a very expensive and time consuming process. people already are raging over the trailer "wasting" money, they'd be in a sure fire rage here i think. it's a cool idea, i just don't think they'd take the risk. it'd mean basically re-designing the whole game.
  5. i think it's a bug with the new influence system. i was subbed when it changed and that's when i noticed that he started to say these things. i really wish they'd have more people paying attention to bugs.
  6. to the agent, he also talks about jadus being one of the greatest sith of his empire. so, he's definitely vitiate.
  7. my female jedi consular had a problem where the guy with the hologram acted like we engaged in a romance. it made me never finish his dialogue honestly.
  8. she was approaching arcann's strength, but wasn't there yet. she has more potential than arcann or thexan. but they were trained their whole lives, while she wasn't. being untrained with potential =/= being trained your whole life. her power is still emerging from whatever valkorion did. she will be monstrously strong, but she isn't just yet.
  9. senya is no more powerful there than when she fought vaylin on asylum. neither of them are comparable to us. vaylin will likely get a power boost eventually, but currently she's not our match.
  10. valkorion confirms it in the first chapter, then in the second. "this was my true focus" when asked about his silence through the empire's years, "they died opening my eyes to the truth" when talked to about ziost in the dream. there's really never been a reason to think he wasn't.
  11. it probably has to do with her going through that dark side ritual.
  12. bioware's storytelling is better than anything disney is capable of defecating. just look at that abortion made by that hack jj abrams. this was a nice cinematic, i got really into it. judging by those 6 force user's armor, they're from nathema. so, vaylin was obviously taken to nathema for whatever it was they were doing to her. i know he locked away her power, but he obviously did something else too. so i'm just wondering if we'll get to mention nathema. finally give koth an example of what valkorion really is. tell him that he devoured nathema just like he devoured ziost.
  13. i got that too. my question is this... how the heck would senya even know what nathema is? it was a part of the original sith empire, 1300 years before senya was even alive. maybe vitiate, as valkorion, set up some of his followers from zakuul there for some reason. the nathema zealot gear has zakuulan symbolism on it. maybe it's a back up place for valkorion and he confided its location to senya. maybe that's where valkorion went when he left us in chapter 12. maybe that's where his original body is.
  14. the imps do gain some control over the quakes, but they're attempting to stop the planet from exploding all together. they succeed and cause the planet to go through one final incredibly violent quake that will ensure that the planet doesn't play this final event out slowly enough to destroy the planet. the republic thinks this final quake is the end, and it would have been, if not for the empire.
  15. ilum was probably the emperor's wrath alone in the final fight. dreadmasters were probably marr, nox, and the wrath, with maybe other council members. makeb was probably the imperial agent for the empire and either the knight or the trooper for republic.
  16. i mean, bioware has pushed vitiate up to a level that he's gone beyond anyone we've seen in the movies. there's no way anyone could ever make me believe sidious is stronger than him at this point, he's hitting dbz levels of op. so no, i don't think he's sidious. even having us kill him at the end of this story line is going to be unbelievable. they need to just have him decide he wants to see the universe instead of ruling in this galaxy anymore. make him leave the galaxy and either never be heard from again or to be heard from again at a much much much later date. i don't think he's one of the ones, either. because anakin in episode three is supposed to have experienced all that clone wars crap and the ones, and there's just nothing in episode three that even remotely shows a fraction of the power that vitiate has. it's getting ridiculous, honestly.
  17. arcann wasn't burning worlds at the start of the war. he ambushed and took out republic and imperial navy forces until they were entirely crippled. it wasn't until he started occupations and showed his cruelty that koth saw what ARCANN was and turned on him. i capitalized arcann for a reason, because it was just arcann. it wasn't valkorion doing this. zakuul never went to war or anything under valkorion's leadership, i doubt koth was even aware of arcann and thexan's raiding.
  18. eh, i honestly like koth. he's a genuinely good guy, with a perspective that is formed by his life. he grew up on an idyllic world, a literal utopia where people don't have to do a thing for their selves. it was all caused by valkorion. everything koth knows of valkorion is the exact opposite of the emperor we try to tell him of. imagine if ghandi were leader of your country right now, and someone from australia came up and said he killed everyone on the continent. you wouldn't believe that if there was no way for you to see news reports and such from that area.
  19. well, judging by the next cartel pack, we might go to nathema. nathema was the first world on which vitiate did this. so maybe we can explain it to koth there. "this is what your emperor does. your valkorion is vitiate, and he sees the whole universe as fuel for his whims and desires"
  20. so, ever since the beginning of kotfe and i was exposed to koth's wonderful ideals of how pure and great valkorion is, i've always wanted to have a scene where we take koth to ziost to show him valkorion's true self. i mean, they might have to make a lore reason for it or something, idk. but having a small scene where we talk to koth and then take him to ziost during the down time between now and kotet would be cool. anyone else thought of that? and bioware if you're listening, please consider it.
  21. brontes and vitiate for me. brontes is absolutely wonderful when speaking to you in your mind during the first quests. should have been more of her. and vitiate is freaking pinhead, you can't be cooler than that.
  22. well, the eternal fleet is entirely autonomous. their powers wouldn't work on that. zakuul's ground forces wouldn't stand a chance though.
  23. pyron ran off to the rishi maze, i think. gonna need to force him and his men back into service.
  24. i'll never forget my first shot at leveling up. it was on a jedi sentinel, and it was not an enjoyable experience. thank god they made that easier.
  25. i hope to god they never bring in that oogey boogey religious crap into swtor. that's what i've always hated about the EU and the clone wars series, bringing this kind of stupid crap into it. why can't the force just be a power to use and that's it? so much better than this god crap. whatever else is out in wildspace can rot and die and stay forgotten, please.
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