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  1. The people in my guild were subs who understandably have lost faith in Bioware and will re-sub when new Ops come out (never). Show me the math that says that gearing out will be reasonable for everyone or will be "quick". At command rank 100 you have less than a 8% chance of getting a specific piece of gear. The math says it will take 2-6 months to fully gear out a character... and you have to do that with each individual character. Lots of people never Progged ToS or Rav.... hell lots of people haven't cleared the 2.0 ops in NiM either... some of the best raiding guilds left the game before they killed Revan... plenty of stuff for returning PvE people to prog through. If Ops passes get updated I will be incredibly surprised
  2. If you did any form of end game content you would know that a player in 204 PvP gear can pull better numbers than a player in 220 crafted/com gear. The set bonus IS the reason. As a healer I couldn't care less if Im missing a few points of mastery/crit/or alacrity. What matters, what has always mattered is the set bonus. Also lets assume Bioware is smart enough to put in a system that gives you gear for your spec. if you are missing one piece of BiS gear you have about a 1/14 chance to get it. If you are unlucky you have a 1/26 chance of getting the piece of gear you actually want.... with each crate. If you need NiM gear you have to grind for 99 levels of galactic command to unlock NiM equivalent gear. Then you have to grind through each crate praying you get the piece you want . Worst case scenario is that you have a 6.8 % chance of getting the piece you want.... with each crate. Do the bloody math your self if you dont believe me. According to the math it will take 2-6 months to fully gear out a character with BiS gear. Have fun doing that on every character you want to raid with
  3. Some major questions and concerns about 5.0 gearing. 1) if these changes go through and F2P and preferred players in our guild and on our raid teams won't be able to do progression raiding anymore. This will instantly kill 2 of our 5 raid teams on Ebon Hawk. That is IF people dont un-subscribe because of the RNG changes and their F2P friends leave. 2) RNG has never been a good system. Hell you guys tried it at launch with PvP bags.... or dont you remember the Champion/Battlemaster bags? Even with heavy unlucky insurance on the rolls because of how much gear each character needs we will be spending MONTHS to get the pieces we actually need to be competitive. 3) getting alts/ new players geared up will be terrible. Our guild has recruited about 6 new raiders over the last 2 weeks. We got all of these new players geared up and ready to start pulling harder operations in less than 2 hours. Is that too fast? YES. But with these proposed changes it will take MONTHS to gear out a new member which will make progression raiding imposable. 4) Operations passes, Flashpoint passes, and warzone passes will now be worthless. Going into a WarZone as a fresh lvl 70 character you will get slaughtered by people with NiM quality gear. There will be no reason to get ops passes or flashpoint passes because if you're subbed you dont need them and if you aren't subbed you cant get gear. PLEASE eric. Announce on Thursday during the stream that this was a mistake. PLEASE my guildmates dont want to stop playing, But these changes will force our hand. Sincerely, Tacticswim, 4 year sub.
  4. Currently in order to get Tauntaun domestication data on Hoth you have to go to each of the nests scattered around the planet and pray that your lure works... Currently the success rate of getting data from a Tauntaun fawn is 20% which is absurdly low. please either add more nests or raise the success rate of using the lures... I would love to get a Tauntaun without paying 1.5+ million credits and currently there is no feasible way to get one with the domestication data mechanic.
  5. also they should try to add in mini-games from the original KOTOR series, games like Pazak or swoop racing would be fun games to play against real people.
  6. sounds more like hutt-potato......
  7. Even when you have grouped up to find the HK-51 parts it still takes hours to find them on planets like Hoth.. Perhaps a revamp is in order where the parts are in more "restricted" areas or have some defining features to make them slightly easier to find?
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