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Everything posted by Viikuna

  1. 21 kills = 8 blues, 13 greens. Fun fact: only 2 green rifles are identical, rest are "unique" drops for far. Oh well, maybe some day i will get my panther gloves
  2. Thanks for the info, so the 10lvl heroic areas are best for any of the gloves then, maybe?
  3. Another day, without seeing anyone with any of the 9lvl orange gloves. My best guess is that, they are either not available ingame currently. Or it comes from such a "weird" source that many people are not doing, so not many if any of the gloves around. Like for example something from the starting zones that get skipped alot or not done at all by many people (you can scavenge the strong+ droids at least, but don't know if you can get any items that way. And afaik there is no slicing nodes in starter zones) Maybe extreamly rare grade 1 Treasure Hunting drop? (seeing that there are many oranges you can get and you get past grade 1 fairly fast) /shrug
  4. Have anyone ever seen these gloves? Or any of the 9lvl BoE orange gloves for that matter? http://www.torhead.com/item/d7WYikB/td-07a-panther-gloves http://db.darthhater.com/items/38598/td_07a_panther_gloves/ No item database lists any other versions than orange ones for these gloves. Are these even available ingame right now? Maybe a hidden vendor in starter zone, or ~9lvl boss in started zone? /shrug These gloves should be part of the 12belt, 15bracers, quest chest, 19legs, 23(?) boots, 27 helmet - BoE-set that about every class gets. And are something i would like to have for my IA Ps. Got the Bracers from Balmorra quest reward lockbox (green quality, 20lvl item roll, i believe)
  5. Thank you, now i have that picture in my head and it doesn't go away..! You running after people trying to buff them, while Benny Hill theme plays on the background...
  6. I always collect some free experience before i use new tank, so i can buy some module upgrades. But yeah... stock tanks suck, few are ok'ish like Tiger II for example, but most are pain in the *** to get the experience with.
  7. Without darkness, there can't be light. Without light, there is only darkness. Or something along the lines...
  8. The game is not messed up. People rushing to 50lvl a head of most of the community are messed up. I used to do that too, but in this game i've had no interest at getting to level cap fast. I don't know why, but i just don't have felt the need to.
  9. Indeed, they are the most fun aspect of the game currently (for me), as there is no 50lvls in champion + gear facerolling over easy targets. And i will most likely stop playing at 49 and reroll same class, just to be able to stay in 10-49lvl
  10. I play republic and have not seen any real difference in WZ wait times, EU heavy load (pvp) server. Below 50, that is.
  11. Didn't you see WoW forums when they announced about to use of REAL ID with real names in forums? EU forums had a topic, that when you did read 1 page, there was 15 more pages to read (at least), US about the same. In the end Blizzard had to take a step back and admit that it was bad idea and not going to happen, because there were thousands of pages (on both EU and US) saying it was a bad idea and shouldn't happen. These forums aren't even bad.
  12. It happens when you join WZ that have already started. Noticed it today when it took me 4 games to get warzone played credit, first 3 had started before i joined them.
  13. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1398252#edit1398252
  14. What is the difference? Well the difference is that you change A CLASS when doing that on a sniper. When you do that on a Paladin, you change your talents (ever pressed K (default key) while logged on 10+lvl character in SWTOR?) A Paladin respeccing from Retribution (dmg) to Holy (heal) is equal for Commando changing from Gunnery (dmg) to Combat Medic (heal). edit: A Shadow changing to Sage equals to a Paladin changing to Priest.
  15. It's not even NEAR the same thing. WoW Talents = SWTOR Skill points (default hotkey = K) Really, they are nothing more. Mage is a class. Sentinel or guardian is a class. Just because you choose your class at 10lvl instead of when creating your character, doesn't make it equal to talents in WoW.
  16. It is. Because both are different classes. Paladin is not changing class when he does that, he/she changes talents, which are equal to our skill points in this game.
  17. Then you roll a class that can do that. SIMPLE. WoW lets that paladin have a talent reset, not class change. Just like you can change your skill build from tanking to dps.
  18. 50lvl in full pvp gear critting me for 5-7k while i crit them for 2-3k is because they outplay me? And doesn't have anything to do with the gear rather than skill?
  19. You clearly do not know who Klinda is. Or the style of hes videos. For me, he was the #1 video maker for WoW, when it comes to ENTERTAINMENT. See here for example: http://www.warcraftmovies.com/movieview.php?id=154995 The video is entertaining and fun to watch, just like this SWTOR one. If you're looking for a video of pure skill, high-end team tactics and stuff like that, you're looking at videos from wrong author (not saying Klinda doesn't got any skill). I opened the youtube video in OP expecting entertainment. And it delivered it. edit: Read above. @Vilpo Don't know about the forum poster, but at least the video is in "official" klinda channel.
  20. Read the dev tracker. In future you can remove armoring/hilt/barrel mods again from end-game epics, as well as being able to transfer set bonuses to orange gear.
  21. Trooper: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhLjqgC_fH8 BH: (neither done by me) Trooper: The video time changed from 00:02 to 00:04 before first shot did damage . BH: The video time did NOT change from 00:09 or just barely made it to 00:10 when first shot landed to the ground.
  22. Not the same company, but i've heard that there are people from the original WAR developer team in BioWares SWTOR team. Just look at the game desing... WAR: 2 Factions with mirrored classes. SWTOR: Same. WAR: PvP Bolster. SWTOR: Same. WAR: Valor rank. SWTOR: Same. (even the name) WAR: Tanks having guard/taunt in pvp. SWTOR: Same. WAR: Both factions having "unique" class in a way that it mirrors partly 1 opposite faction class, while being anothers mirror in abilitys. (Squig Herder mirroring White Lion by having pet, but also mirroring Shadow Warrior for being ranged dps bow user and with its abilitys) SWTOR: Same (BH behing mirror to Trooper with it's abilitys, but got Smuggler/IA resource system that just works opposite (fills, instead of decays)) Class resource system is alot like in WAR (basicly the 'rogue style energy', that those who have played WoW will know), only more twists and different numbers between each class and between mirrors. PvP queue system feels and looks alot same in both. Can't say about how the crafting system works (ignore companions doing the crafting) compared to WAR. Because for some reason i cannot remember WAR crafting/gathering at all (been so long since i touched that game).
  23. I don't know if it's just a display bug or not. But i give you 2 cases that happen every game i'm in: 1) Republic captures their first turret 2-5 seconds before Empire. Empire is in lead by 5-10 dmg/tickets until Rep's capture second one. 2. Both capture at the same time, Empire is in lead by 10-15 dmg/tickets until Rep's capture second one. That is, if Republic even is the one that gets second turret
  24. Troopers Full Auto channeling loses 1 tick of damage when getting hit. BH's Unload doesn't. Troopers Mortal Volley ability got ~2 sec delay before the first shell actually lands and does damage. Also channeling bar is at ~40% complete before even the first shot fires. BH's Dead from Above doesn't suffer from either. Smugglers Dirty Kick(stun) roots the player for the duration of animation. IA's Debilitate doesn't. (don't have tested this one myself.) Consular's Project doesn't hit instantly. SI's Shock does.
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