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Everything posted by Viikuna

  1. Why woud you want to tank the enemy team? That's just stupid. Positioning yourself right is the key (like in ANY pvpmmo). If you run into position that makes you the first target for the enemy team, that's your own fault and problem, not Sniper releated.
  2. I never really thought about it. My best guess is, that my female character habbit started with Project Entropia (Entropia Universe now) back in early 2000's. Because female gear was cheaper in that game, as there was more people playing male. And since then, 90% of my mmorpg characters have been females. Never ever have I done any "real" roleplaying or tried to fool people to think that i would be female in real life. It might also have that little mental factor in it. As in, how will that guy feel when tiny skinny female character kills him in PvP
  3. I've noticed this leak too. Running below 2GB memory usage for the ~first hour. After SWTOR have been on for couple of hours, it eats all of my 4GB... Need to buy moar
  4. Well it only ever happens to me when i join an ongoing match. I cannot remember (then again, i might not have the best memory - who knows) that my Daily wouldn't have completed, if i did join a new/fresh game.
  5. Did you join a game that had started before you got in?
  6. When a player who does not currently play any MMO is interested in starting one (or plays one and is looking for a new one), he/she will look at what each of the MMOs got to offer NOW, not 7 years a go. He/She sees what SWTOR offers now and compares it to any other MMO he/she might be interested on and what that other MMO offers NOW, not what it did offer 7 years a go. Because when he/she starts to play it, he/she gets what it does have NOW, not what it had 7 years a go. SWTOR 2012 have to compete against: WoW 2012 Rift 2012 Eve 2012 etc. etc. Stop living the past, now is now. And that is what matters.
  7. If they give us all the best/good looking gear at the start of the game (= current end-game), then what they could possibly give us later on with higher tier end-game?
  8. They also could take the EU servers down ~6 hours earlier, which would be about 3-4AM GMT, so there wouldn't be huge rush of EU players in US servers. And then bring them back up when they take US servers down (abouts), so it would be late for US players and no huge rush to EU servers.
  9. Maybe not rude, but when i'm not flagged for LFG, i do find the "wanna come heal X?" whispers annoying. If only there could be macros, so i could just press one button for "No thanks. But when i will want, i will flag myself for LFG"... Most of the time i just don't answer anything if i'm in middle of something...
  10. Yeah i got my bracers from green quality lockbox from Balmorra quest reward. So my guess is that the game treats unmodded oranges as a worse than prototype(blue) in quality. I believe that the lockbox had 20lvl item roll, at least in tooltip. As well as the gloves having light blue (trash) loot beam from Lord Inath.
  11. Todays Lord Inath (didn't count kills): [Ardent Warrior's Vest] [Vindicator's Chestguard] AND [TD-07A Panther Gloves] Only belt to go edit: Second Korik kill: [TD-17A Imperator Belt]
  12. Up to Hoth, i've only abandoned 1 or 2. And that was because i thought that Nar Shaddaa wasn't worth of my time (was outleveling it by the time i got there, so i did only class quests in there)
  13. There are many different colour snows out there. I bet that the last time you ate snow, it was yellow.
  14. Operative is HEAL class, they should do the lowest dmg because of that. DPS only classes should be on top, and tanks in between them. Also, operative dmg requires you to: STEALTH behind your target and press 1 skill. Warrior/Knight burst requires you to: use 2 or 3 abilities first, still be within in range of your target (and alive because you're visible all the time) AND THEN use your AoE ability. I cannot avoid the first one, second i can because i can see the Knight/Warrior
  15. I replied what i did, because you started with ego boost. I've played MMOs over 10 years, i don't call myself veteran. And another ~3 years just other online games before that (RTS mainly, still do. <3 Shogun 2 & Starcraft 2). Also because you're yet another person who tries to bring up hes point by mocking other game (and more or less the players who like or have played it) that they(you in this case) for reason or another don't like There is no game that pleases every one. Every game has pros and cons. Personally, only thing "wrong" in WoW for me is, that's too easy to get the gear. And the fact that after so many years of it, it gets boring to play the same game with its style/theme not really never changing.
  16. WoW wasn't my first MMO either. Project Entropia was. In that game best guns/armor cost you the same as a new car. When you shoot your rifle, you shoot real money. In some pvp areas you can also loot other people, out from items that are worth real money. Every action you do (except very few things) cost you real money. You losing some xp/virtual pixels (worth nothing) on your kindergarten mmo feels nothing.
  17. 1) True. edit: but also same things. /edit 2.a) So does PvE need balance, or you see guilds bringing only 1-2 classes for the dps, because they are best. Or just 1 healer class. 2.b) If fresh 50 hopping in to PvP should be allowed to do that, then why not fresh 50 hopping in to PvE aswell? Why value other above one, and not equal? Players are needed there just as much, GL soloing that raid... 3) RPG's need PROGRESSION, be it PvE or PvP. That's core idea of RPG anyway, the progression. Both aspects of the game have players that play that aspect of the game only. Full time PvP'ers don't want full time PvE'rs to jump into PvP without doing the "progression" first, just like PvE'ers don't want PvP'ers be able to skip raid content because of gear. Current expertise on PvP gear sets both on equal settings, that PvP player with PvP gear going for PvE gets same disadvantages as PvE player in PvE gear going for PvP. However, your desing would be badly in favor PvE players over PvP players.
  18. So people going heavy on PvE side of the game, could jump on to PvP side of the game and lose nothing. While PvP player will lack the expertise? Against current system of: PvP player starts PvE: you lose dps/hps and got wasted endurance (PvE gear already got what is needed) PvE player starts PvP: you lose dps/hps and survive less.
  19. And the guy in the video is not buff stacking so 1.1 changes wouldn't change the numbers.
  20. I cant do anything without cc breaker when an operative opens on me and pops ~12k of my health away if everything crits during the stun. I cannot counter the opener also in a any way, because i don't see you. I can however run LoS from the Sorc, before he's in range of me. See, i can say things like that too
  21. I don't play Operative myself, so cannot post anything. And if i would play, i for sure would not be posting here, trying to justify the nerfs. Been watching: http://www.twitch.tv/th3d0nut About 10mins ago he got 5.4k opener crit on (what i believe to be) Champion geared Merc, tried to screenshot other 4.8k and 4.6k openers on the same target, but the quality is beyond bad when screenshotting from stream, so cba to upload them.
  22. BioWare cannot do much to avoid 12 vs. 6 games (for example). It's the people who queue causing this, by going AFK and not accepting, or just not accepting or declining the Warzone. And the next person in queue doing the same. They could increase the time before the battle starts, to give new people the time to join when that happens, but that can make the wait extremely boring for those who are the first ones to join.
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