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Everything posted by Docmal

  1. X.S Freighter Missed You Orbital Fluffy Bunny Parade
  2. Join T.H.A.T today! Stand up for your healers and tanks everywhere! DPS welcome...
  3. The only widespread issue I have seen reported recently are some delays during peak times which are Mon-Thurs 1-4pm CST (EU peak) and 7-10pm CST (NA Peak). This occurs when there are several thousand people raiding at one time. Unfortunately I have not been able to reproduce this myself, but I am actively trying to find evidence of this so I can open a ticket with my service provider. As for "Freezing your PC", I have not had anyone else report this symptom. If indeed your system froze and it wasn't just parsec being unresponsive then by all means contact me via the support email address and send me your Parsec Error log. Please include your PC specs along with your email.
  4. I just cancelled my sub because this post is so bad.
  5. Oh I see what you are asking now. I reviewed the code and misses are currently counted when the avg is calculated for damage out but not damage in. This seems like an oversight so I will be changing that in the next release.
  6. My algorithm is not using any averages to determine the offhand hits. Instead it indexes damage events after an ability activate. As for misses, they are included in the buckets and reported on the UI.
  7. The only thing that would cause this would be a difference in the time each of you was in combat. The difference in time in combat could be different start, end times or a death and combat rez.
  8. That is what I thought but the problem is that it is not consistent. The first time it got the HP buff was during the last tentacle and the boss was at 20%. On the attempt where we downed it the boss was at 18% when we killed the last tentacle which dropped the boss to 13% and Furious Tantrum began.
  9. I must say, your responses are very articulate and have stimulated the conversation. Thank you!
  10. Unfortunately, this algorithm only works when multiple passes are made over the data. You need an initial pass to calculate the average off hand hit and then a second pass to identiy them. Since Parsec is a real time combat parser it only does one pass and doing more than one pass doesn't make sense until the dataset is complete. That said, you should be happy to know that I finally came up with a satisfactory algorithm. It doesn't exactly identify off hand hits but instead it identifies each hit of an ability after it's activation and gives it an index. For example lets look at master strike: 18:26:03.222 You activate Master Strike 18:26:03.599 You hit Operations Training Dummy with Master Strike for 2,878 energy damage (2,878 threat) 18:26:03.599 You hit Operations Training Dummy with Master Strike for 424 energy damage (424 threat) 18:26:04.184 You hit Operations Training Dummy with Master Strike for 4,926* energy damage (4,926 threat) 18:26:04.184 You hit Operations Training Dummy with Master Strike for 559 energy damage (559 threat) 18:26:05.600 You hit Operations Training Dummy with Master Strike for 10,001* energy damage (10,001 threat) 18:26:05.600 You hit Operations Training Dummy with Master Strike for 1,498 energy damage (1,498 threat) The algorithm sees the Master Strike activation and then identifies each hit after it with an index 1 through 6. The UI will display a total row for all master strike hits followed by a row for each hit. Master Strike ----- Master Strike (1/6) --- Master Strike (2/6) --- Master Strike (3/6) --- Master Strike (4/6) --- Master Strike (5/6) --- Master Strike (6/6) --- There were three instances that caused problems with this algorithm and they were dealt with as follows. Attacks that cause Effects - Some attacks cause Effects like bleeds. These will continue to be listed differently as was designed in the last release, and the bleeds will not be broken down by tick since they do not have an ability activation to be associated with. I didn't see this as an issue since they do not have offhand bleeds. AOE Attacks - Any Attack that hits multiple targets after it has been activated is identified as (Multi Target) and does not display detailed rows. This is to prevent FlyBy from having 56 entries through out a fight. The cool thing is that if you are on the dummy flyby will not be "Multi Target" because it only hits one target. In that scenario it will display 3 separate hits under its total row. Spam-able Multi Hit Attacks - Any attack that has no cooldown, hits multiple times and can be spammed runs the risk of its last hits overlapping the next activation of the ability. All of the basic attacks fall into this category. For example Strike on a Sentinel will usually have 4 hits. If you spam the ability the 3rd or 4th hit will often be picked up under the next activation. This will cause Strike to show 5 or 6 buckets instead of 4 because the second strike picks up hit 3 and 4 of the first, in addition to its own 4 hits: 18:33:17.536 You activate Strike 18:33:17.537 You hit Operations Training Dummy with Strike for 707* energy damage (707 threat) 18:33:18.556 You hit Operations Training Dummy with Strike for 0 (dodge) damage (1 threat) 18:33:18.777 You activate Strike 18:33:18.777 You hit Operations Training Dummy with Strike for 0 (dodge) damage (1 threat) 18:33:19.196 You hit Operations Training Dummy with Strike for 393 energy damage (393 threat) 18:33:19.696 You hit Operations Training Dummy with Strike for 821* energy damage (821 threat) 18:33:20.569 You hit Operations Training Dummy with Strike for 476 energy damage (476 threat) 18:33:20.569 You hit Operations Training Dummy with Strike for 470 energy damage (470 threat) 18:33:21.570 You hit Operations Training Dummy with Strike for 442 energy damage (442 threat) Unfortunately the fix for this would require a 2 pass system where the most frequent bucket count could be found during the first pass, then used to correct this problem during the second pass. However, as stated a second pass isn't really in the cards for a real time parser like Parsec so this will just be left as is. All in all I am quit happy with how it is turning out and I hope you all get as much use out of it as I have already. This combined with the new miss/resist column is very enlightening to the offhand miss rate and it's affect on damage inconsistency.
  11. Both of these are included in the next release. Which will be... Soon . Err... Sometime this quarter
  12. Care to explain how the mechanic works if it is not a bug?
  13. This is an odd bug. Tonight we downed it by having the tanks hold back on DPS. It was not necessary to hold back any of the dps from doing flybys or sweeps. Tanks did not use any attacks besides mitigation attacks. But it wasn't straight forward why this worked. In the attempt where the boss bugged out we were on the last tentacle with about 21% on the boss. However, when we downed it today the boss had 17% when the last tentacle dps was started. When we killed the last tentacle the boss had 12%. It is not clear what about the extra dps from geared tanks is doing to bug the phase but I suspect it has to do with pacing. The boss starts with 50% life and each tentacle takes 5% so that leaves 20%. Take 15% for the final phase and 5% for the tanks and aoe to play with. I believe if you use to much or all of that 5% then tentacle damage is skipped and it can cause the 30% bug.
  14. Thanks that was what I thought but I wanted to make sure. I will report back to this thread when we try limiting the damage to the boss during that phase. I suppose it didn't help having a smash spec guardian and 2 slingers dropping flybys on the tentacles since all that damage hits the boss.
  15. So after farming DF and DP for some time and gearing alts, and alts alts, we decided to farm TFB NiM for mounts and titles. Everything was going smooth until the third set of tentacles in the second phase. Before the DPS downed the final tentacle the tanks pushed the Terror below 20% HP which resulted in it buffing up to 30% HP and entering Furious Tantrum. We DPSed through Furious Tantrum to 7% HP where it enraged and we didn't have much left. My questions are: Are we missing a mechanic that results in Furious Tantrum and buff of HP? Or is this the intended design to require we burn through 30% HP during Furious Tantrum? Or is this a bug that we work around by slowing tank DPS (ha ha I know right)? Any insight from groups who have done this would be welcome! Thanks!
  16. And you still go the crappy mod...
  17. Yes it is difficult to get tank implants. However, up until this gear level BiS tank implants were crafted which made them super easy to get. So I guess it all washes out in the end anyway. Oh and also, every HM boss has a chance to drop Oriconion MK-2 tank implants which are very nice and do not have accuracy or alacrity
  18. Seriously? I mean really? Come on... You are trolling right? I just do not understand the crying. This is an MMO... did you think you were playing a single player game? You should rethink your game choices. Maybe you and the community at large would be better off if you found a different game to play because it sounds like this is just too much hardship for you to take.
  19. This isn't really about entitlement. It is the simple fact that if people had known there would be an achievement for getting both faction sets the would have done so. I would have. I did the event and got every reward on the republic side. I have never played WoW and didn't even really have an understanding of what an achievement system was. Then when the system was implemented I smacked myself in the head and said "why didn't you get that you idiot!"
  20. I noticed that it still does not build stacks when the target is immune. Like Calphayus after you beat him down during each phase. Obviously Immune is different than Resisted.. but in case you were curious
  21. The last one started on either a Saturday or Sunday... Can't remember exactly but I remember it was the weekend.
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