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Everything posted by Docmal

  1. If you did the tfb breadcrumb prior to 2.0 you would not have gotten ultimates for it. Thats how i got the uneven number.
  2. Screw that... just introduce a costume or appearance tab! Damn how awesome would that be?
  3. There were some server issues yesterday. Looks like they cleared up and i am looking for a root cause.
  4. 1) make sure you are running swtor in fullscreen windowed mode. 2) its possible that you some how placed the popup offscreen - to reset it you must reset that characters settings. Go to file > settings > character settings, select the character and click reset settings.
  5. Usually Load times are significantly longer in the live game because of increased populations. I wonder if this will affect housing load times.
  6. The biggest problem for guilds is the lack of tools to support guild income. Guilds are 100% reliant on donations and ops material selling. My guild currently runs through several million in repair funds per week and between crafting gear using guild mats and selling some we are at a steady negative. With huge prices for guild ships, strongholds and conquests we should have some tools that allow collection of funds. We need a guild due system and a tax system to help fund guild activity.
  7. Everything about your post screams "I am ignorant" from the grammar to the lack of understanding basic statistics. You are incredibly lucky that anyone responded to your utter nonsense at all. You and anyone who was responsible for educating you should be ashamed.
  8. The proponents of eliminating BoP via Legacy Storage are convinced that the way they see and play the game are the way everyone sees and plays the game. They assume that no one cares about the Reputation System and it's rewards because they don't. They assume that no one cares about the collection system because they don't. They assume that the credit sink associated with moving mods is inconsequential because they don't notice it. They assume that no one cares about the limits placed on quickly gearing alts by limiting that to current legacy gear slots. These assumptions are all flawed. I myself disagree with every single one of them and I am certainly not some casual player. Without gear gating, the reputation system, the collection systems and credit sinks this game would have significantly less content. The same argument manifests itself in so many ways, and it comes down to this simple fact: If you take away the effort required to obtain something it becomes worthless. Let me say this another way: If you choose the quick and easy path as Vader did - you will become an agent of evil.
  9. I understand your point of view, and honestly I share it. However, many people have mirror alts that share gear. So new legacy sets that have cool looks and are somewhat exclusive are much more valuable than non legacy sets to those people. However, I do agree that the legacy gear system is a pain point in customizing the appearance of characters. My concern is that I don't want legacy storage to replace legacy gear to solve the issue of character appearance customization. I want an appearance tab to solve this problem. Besides, a legacy storage system that allows BoP trading will not only devalue legacy rewards, it will devalue the real money we have spent on collection unlocks for gear.
  10. Don't you think that allowing trading of bound items through legacy storage completely removes the need and significance of legacy gear? Doing so would ultimately make most of the event rewards pointless since they are legacy items. You are asking to functionally replace legacy gear with legacy storage. This may have the side effect of all the current events and rep grinds to be much less desireable. So much so that Bioware would most likely meed to introduce new rewards that people will want for all existing event and rep content. Not that i wouldnt support such a move, but I would MUCH rather see them work on an appearance tab so my gear's appearance doesnt matter.
  11. You mean on the pop out? I dont know what the hell happened there but ill get it fixed asap.
  12. In my nightmare progression group i have switched all my non set bonus armorings to high mainstat and i use an attack adrenal during every pull. When you have 4 dps who can pull 3800 - 4200 on a dummy you need a solid high threat opener. Then after 30 seconds it gravy.
  13. The pet system is a horrible mess, just like the moods and emotes. Needing to respawn a pet when you log in or zone is the reason you dont see them. Pets should disappear during combat. They should never permenantly despawn. And when you activate a new pet it shouldnt replace your existing one.
  14. Do you have the latest version of Parsec? If so send your error log to support@parsecparser.com and I will see what I can do. Find your error log by clicking here Also provide as much information about your system as you can, such as OS version, what time zone you are in, etc.
  15. Make sure you have the latest version of Parsec ( It has logic in it to automatically sync Parsec time to an international Time Sync Server. If you do not see any errors about Time Servers when you start parsec you should be synced. You can double check by going to File > Settings > Time Sync. Then check Time Status. The last number in the status is the number of milliseconds your clock is off from International time. If all this checks out and you still have problems contact me via support @ parsecparser.com and maybe I can help.
  16. I honestly dont understand people who want a quiet place to chill in an MMO... Isn't the main purpose of logging on to the game to play it, ie: do something? Also, I don't understand why those same people wouldnt just turn off chat if they dont want to see it. I want to hang out in my house, moving **** around, messing with stuff, playing dress up, shopping on the gtn, all the while keeping an eye on chat for something might want to participate in with one of my 16 alts... Isnt that what MMO end game is?
  17. Ive been in games where this was done several ways. Any time you fracture the community across multiple chat zones you the game feel less full. Looking for pugs with my alts or crafting with my crafters will still be in fleet and thus the new housing will be nothing more than a customizable ship instance.
  18. The time sync error does not stop you from using the application. It is just a notification that your computer cannot reach the time server for some reason. My guess is you have fire walled the port needed. If you want you can make sure Parsec is allowed to send/receive on port 123 so it can sync time. If you cant connect to the time server now, then you couldn't connect before either. Nothing has changed with regard to it except that it notifies you when it cannot contact the time server after 5 seconds. If you want to completely disable the time server I can walk you through a config change that will do it. Just send me an email.
  19. There is a problem with the heal scoreboard pop out causing Parsec to crash when it displays data. This will be fixed in a patch today. Until then you can stay connected by not using the pop out.
  20. Im not seeing anything parsec related in those images. When you get the time sync error it crashes or does it let you continue using it?
  21. There was a problem with the deployment yesterday and the awesomium files were marked as prerequisits instead of included. I rolled back the release and made a new one that properly includes the awesomium files. There is no need to install awesomium. Parsec has always used awesomium but will continue to include the files it needs and will not require you to install anything. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please continue to keep your Parsec up to date since the raid service will soon require you to keep up to date in order to use it. Again, is the latest version and includes all the awesomium files it needs. The only requirement for parsec continues to be the .Net framework 4.5.
  22. Maybe medium settings at 1080p
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