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Everything posted by CupieFoxtail

  1. http://stateofdps.com/ What hybrid tax? There are not universally hybrid classes at the top. There are not universally pure dps classes at the top. Please use recent facts, instead of something blizzard said that they stopped enforcing in their design policy years ago.
  2. I played WoW for three years as a shaman in a progression guild, never once was I told or asked to switch from DPS or healing. Clearly you just aren't that good. I topped the charts every fight as effectively pure DPS, and consistently made the world top 100 for dps on a given boss for the class. If I ever got asked by PuGs to dps and maybe switch to heals, I told them that if anyone was capable of outdpsing me, I would happily switch to heals. It never happened. As one dps specc, for three years. You can't put a tier list on something balanced like an MMO. Look at the precedent from WoW. The first guild to down the final boss of the most recent patch in a guild with no hybrid tax had 12 pure dps classes on the boss. THE TOP 12. http://media.mmo-champion.com/images/news/2011/december/KINRaidersDmgMeter.jpg The second guild to down the content(matter of strat, not dps) had 6 hybrids in the top 12 dps. You are wrong, wrong, wrong. Dead wrong. MMO's are balanced on specc by specc and class by class basis, not on hybrid vs. pure. That kind of game design died years ago. Inb4 this is not WoW, that is the most readily available information from parsers, and we don't have a reason to believe that BW would balance differently than blizzard, outside of the game being possibly finer tuned. You have NO idea what kind of sustained damage one class puts out vs. another class due to lack of combat logs, so your statements are based on outdated precedence and stupid generalizations.
  3. the rest abilities are also a form of self healing, but they don't count on the board or in medals it just feels weird hope they fix it soon
  4. I'm a gunslinger playing in warfronts Just by using my reusable ultimate medpack (http://www.torhead.com/item/9soZI0I) when low on health I automatically get an additional medal, the one for healing over 2.5k in one heal Working as intended? Seems a bit odd that they would count potions as healing done
  5. Q: Why did humans evolve to where we are now? A: To kill small defenseless animals for lulz As one 50 to another 50, that's a serious noob opinion brother You should quit PvP
  6. If the loss reward is incredibly low, good players are just going to get fed up and quit If a player does very well in a warzone, they deserve to be well rewarded, regardless of whether or not the people on their team also did well Maybe that player's rewards should still be diminished because of the loss... but they shouldn't be made insignificant, or that player is just going to get frustrating trying to grind for gear and join the the side that always wins.
  7. Please give 50s our own warzone bracket. I'm sick of playing with lowbies who have no idea how to play their class and QQ about playing against higher levels
  8. You should care because if you complain about something you know so little about, you make yourself look like a fool. Next time, don't talk about things you don't understand.
  9. You know that when you're using your deployable cover... You only get 20% mitigation And that's only ranged mitigation It won't keep you alive from blaster bolts... You shouldn't comment on things that you know so little about, it just makes you look silly The ignorance is strong in this one
  10. Bounty hunters do not have the snares required to kill a strong mob while backpeddling Go ahead and try at any level past 20. You will die
  11. Is it the dragons that jump over the mountains? Or is it the fps style gear progression free PvP? Or is it the lack of tank-healer-dps? Or is it the lack of raids or meaningful endgame PvE content? Or is the disgusting rotating sets of abilities based on your weapon choice? There is nothing compelling in thief gameplay compared to the smuggler's cover mechanics and burst-vs-sustained energy system Try again, please And try not to curse, it really just makes you look like you are incapable of using your words
  12. Boy, backpeddling and spamming two buttons sure is revolutionary And that UI really revolutionary too /facepalm
  13. You're talking about dungeons. I could easy wrangle up between 1 and 3 other people in this game to do a dungeon "AT ANY LEVEL". The difference is, you can't queue up for group quests in WoW. There are none. It may as well be a single player game up to cap, you have very little need to interact with other people and won't at all in leveling zones. If you queue up for a dungeon before cap, you won't need to speak or socialize at all. The dungeons are simple to the point of not requiring any CC or coordination, and the "mechanics" are incredibly faceroll.
  14. LoTRO had an atrocious story. All you did the entire game was chase Frodo and the gang. Your role in the events could not have been smaller. You criticize tOR and say that LoTRO had a strong narrative... You are either joking, a fool, or are waxing on about how lovely a F2P is The storytelling in this game absolutely blows LoTRO's out of the water The class stories(at least smuggler) are incredibly interesting, with more than a few "you are revan" moments(albeit on a smaller scale due to less time invested)
  15. If you like something because it is different and not just because it is good, you are a hipster I HATE hipsters Sitting in their coffee shops in seattle typing on their macbooks with their thick rimmed glasses and letter carrier bags... Intense refinement of existing elements is very good, which is why this game has an 88 on metacritic and hellgate london is now entirely defunct Hellgate London innovated, but that did not make it a good mmo by anyone's standards
  16. 1. On PvP servers, in contested zones, you are autoflagged 2. I would be surprised if they didn't put in commendations for pre-cap world pvp(unless they already have, I don't really check that when I kill people), but you shouldn't really need much else besides enjoying victory. If they gave random world PvP too big of rewards, there would be some crazy shenanigans. Do PvP while you level for practice and enjoyment 3. I'm pretty sure they're gonna put in a 50 bracket once they get more people. The Pre50 system was designed beautifully imo, there's no segregation so you can play with anyone on your server 10-49 at any time, and the stat buff creates beautiful balance. The disadvantage from not having an ability or two that is relevant to your specc won't put you at a large disadvantage
  17. Having companions makes it much more possible to make single player content difficult Your companion can make up for your class's deficits, and your group will be very balanced out And thus, single-player content can be challenging A single character could not do that, unless they had the health of the tank and the damage of a dps specc
  18. This is not true, at least as a dps specc As a gunslinger I do probably 3x as much damage as any of my companions can put out, in up to date gear
  19. Your "honest" opinion is very very far from the critical opinion, which comes from certifiably unbiased people, so you should notice that it is in the minority http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/star-wars-the-old-republic
  20. I wouldn't believe it either if I hadn't seen the same exact thing by the same exact person on mmo-champ
  21. Yup, I to tend to discount people whose statements are utterly adulterated by bias. Now, here is a normal human response to recognizing flaws in this game. This is a completely respectable form of criticism
  22. It is a natural human reaction to assume that what you experience and think is what other people experience and think. However, I assure you that it is not that case, and recommend that you keep that instinct in check in the future.
  23. Yeah there's not many people on.. I mean, there's only 4 people on Balmorra right now, seriously? This isn't an MMO Although it is 8:00 A.M. and I am a fair bit higher than the general server population... Whatever, I'm too dumb to connect the dots, I'll just go on forums and complain
  24. The people aren't mostly in major cities because they're in other zones, leveling. If you only see 3 or 4 people in other zones... You must be playing at 5 AM
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