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Everything posted by CupieFoxtail

  1. 1. Those PC's are made out of wood. Seriously, I could get this game running on a 300$ machine. The only person you have to blame is yourself. This game doesn't have crysis graphics, but I don't want them to dumb down all the pretty that I like so that you can play on your 1998 E-Machine. 2. You don't have to grind the mobs, there's plenty of quests. Are you surprised that an Imperial base with a fleet-obliterating weapon has a ton of Imperials guarding it? 3. Complaining about the server queue is also your fault. Don't like the queue? Move somewhere else. If every single player in any server-based mmo decided to play on a single server, they would have a queue, and they would have no right to complain. There's plenty of queue free servers, even at peak hours. And YES, I am on a server with a queue. I put up with it because I prefer that size of server, and any waiting that results is a direct result of my own choices. 4. When you say "these" bugs, your use of pronouns indicates that you have previously enumerated the bugs in what you write. You did not say what the bugs were, unless you think that the Imperial bases being filled with Imperials is a bug, or you think that your 3 rocks and a processor is entitled to playing a video game.
  2. All triple A mmo's and fps's draw out the fanbois from opponent games to downrate the metascore In these two genre's there is way too much bias in self selection surveys, and these should be discarded The reviewers however, are pretty unbiased. They may be miss the fun of games sometimes... but they're payed to be not be proponents of a particular IP
  3. The critical reception of this game is indicative of a game that is of poor quality and unpolished http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/star-wars-the-old-republic IGNORE THE MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN
  4. I actually raided progression in WoW for 4 years, I'll take that apology now Unless you're a terrible person and a terrible player, you won't need to spam on chat channels for more than a few runs, because by then you will have a friend's list full of other good players on your server that like you and see that you're good and want to do flashpoints with you. But I can see why you're worried. With your bantha poodoo personality I bet you have a tough time finding people who are willing to suffer more than 45 minutes with yourself
  5. How dare bioware force me to interact with other people and gain a reputation on the server I play an MMO to get gear and be better than other people, not to talk to other people and get to know them and play with them People are just a means to an end, I demand that you find random bodies to fill my groups so that I can play badly and ignore them and get carried and get gear And then queue again with another group of stupid people that I can ignore while they carry me through a flashpoint Shame on you bioware, shame on you
  6. Don't let the door hitcha where the december date of your joining this website splitcha
  7. Nope, I'm forming my opinion based on all available information on the class, and my information clearly shows that gunslinger is better. And yet you used the same information to come to the conclusion that GW2 would be the savior of MMO's. At least show a little reason and restraint given the amount of information disclosed, otherwise you're just making yourself too easy to beat up on
  8. lol, have you played a smuggler? If you sit still while a mob is smacking on you, you're gonna drop. fast. Outside of that, the energy bar mechanic is exceptional. You have to actually focus on burst or on sustained damage, and the consequence for overextending your burst is a major damage loss. But okay, conjecture away based on the fact that they're a ranged class and must be like WoW classes I saw a character smashing a few faceroll abilities on a gcd without taking ANY damage. That means he can use it on any mob without a gap closer or that isn't immune to stuns So basically, the entirety of the leveling experience is backpeddling and spamming one and two. But keep dreaming on about endgame, brother! Tell me when they release any meaningful information on what high end PvE is like, and until then, dream on.
  9. I don't care what he thinks about SWtOR, I love this game. But if he thinks that GW2 is going to be a special futuristic god mmo, he's wrong. It's a step backwards for thiefy class class mechanics, that's for sure The grass is always greener on the backpeddling side for bads like this, I suppose
  10. There's plenty of light or medium or heavy servers instead of full ones You can't sit here and QQ just because you're too lazy to reroll on the new servers that were provided on launch day
  11. Oh boy, does GW2 look revolutionary: Backpeddling while hitting one and two. Color me entertained. And boy that UI is so special, with all 8 of its gigantic boxxy buttons and diablo style hard-to-tell-how-much-hp-you-have-left orb. But it's okay you guys, it has a combat log already, so its GONNA BE FUN
  12. Your opinion is that other people's opinion of the game is that the cutscenes are bad? This pretty much summarizes your ignorance: you think what you want is what everyone else wants
  13. People form groups. They will meet each other, and keep talking, because they are on the same server. If someone is good, you add them to your friends list, and do more dungeons later. Or maybe, hey, this guy plays well and is very fun to be around, I should do some more flashpoints with him later. I suppose if you don't want to talk to anyone... You could go sit in a dark corner. It's nice to have the option to meet people and play with them again, instead of never seeing them after running a flashpoint with them
  14. I would like to agree with you, because your post is not QQ'y, and I appreciate that Unforunately, the black and yellow color scheme has been plastered up on the web for a longgg time http://www.the-nextlevel.com/tnl/content/107-SWTOR-Preorder-Bonuses-for-All That post was on october 24th
  15. I read an interview with Roger Ebert once, in which he said that he went into every movie he's ever seem wanting to like it. It is quite clear that you never had the intention to enjoy the game, and because of that your review should be entirely discounted. Please do better next time. Pick up an issue of Game Informer and learn what a real review is
  16. The truest words ever spoke - "See you at launch"
  17. Because you can solo endgame content amirite? Every somewhat-popular MMO released since after Everquest has given the player the ability to level the entire way to cap solo, this one just made the leveling experience much much more interesting Genre problems, companies are catering to the majority of people(see: MMO player-base that is used to WoW) and not the small minority of sadists who want to be group dependent to play at all
  18. Sniper: Ghost warrior has a 55 on metacritic from critics, and it STILL shipped 2million copies Reviews don't mean much these days
  19. Funniest part imo, when he said there should be an auto attack You're never going to have a hard rotation unless you are filling all the cooldowns with the player's choices. Play a WotLK ret paladin, you didn't hit buttons damn near half the time. boring as heck
  20. lol atlas <3 was so sadface when he turned out to be evil
  21. Video game sites/magazines are not wise to review mmo's. The leveling experience to cap is hardly indicative of a developers abilities to create compelling reason to come back and play the game more Beyond that, a player's experience is heavily influenced by those around him, so all a reviewer can really do is rate single player content and how effective and acesssible interaction could be with other players Take anything a reviewer says about an mmo, be it positive or negative, even lighter than you would with a standard game See reviews as a sort of impression of the mechanics, because there is no way pre-launch that they can tell and rate the direction of the game's content or nature of the pvp in a large scale over an extended period of time, because the general mmo community is not playing it at the time Ultimately, reviewers are just reviewing the single player content of an mmo and forming general conjecture on the endgame post-launch And for the record, I LOVE the game
  22. We're all cried out from earlier today Bioware's parenting techniques are a success
  23. I made the mistake of playing batman on xbox 360, because I did not have the patience to wait for the PC release The game was fantastic The graphics looked really bad
  24. Dark Souls is not on PC, therefore your point is moot
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