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Everything posted by Beakertanks

  1. Bioware's QC process for their patches has always been pathetic, is pathetic, and always will be pathetic. It is like watching a train wreck every time they patch the game.
  2. I know you are trying to have fun, but the fact that the website works indicates to me that they just launched a poorly coded patch (GASP, wait they always do that) and now they have to sramble to get a new patch in to fix the problem of the old patch that was to fix a problem with the patch before that, that was to fix a problem with the patch before that .... well you get the idea.
  3. People don't kow who that is any more. Peter Falk is just some Grandpa in The Princess Bride to them. If they even bother to stop and read his name in the credits.
  4. Does their patch process have a good rep that I am unaware of?
  5. I know we are supposed to put positive comments on the forums so please take this as an honest recommendation for improving your product. Quality Control. It is a process. Good companies use it well and understand it. Bad companies, well, don't. It is readily apparent to all of us who play this game that your patch QC process is terrible. Truly awfully terrible. Blow it up and start over again with this process. I can not think of one patch that didn't break something in the game. Not one. So your QC success rate is 0%. Obviously a problem there.
  6. The changes to my Mk-3 Shield Generator for my Shadow Tank and my Mk-3 Focus for my Jedi Guardian DPS were both net losses to the stats I need. So in effect their game improvement was a game detriment in these cases. I find this unacceptable and request they redo the stat changes.
  7. Just gonna say I wish the Voss were a playable race.
  8. I would rather not have any more gear than to continue the hideous Campaign gear skins. Please revisit this.
  9. I love being a tank that can stealth. It is a fascinating combination of abilities that you don't normally see. I love being the only tank with self heals. We are squishier tanks post 1.3 but all in all I still love being a shadow tank. Fascinating gameplay.
  10. Working EC Hard tonight ... was taking almost twice as much damage as the guardian tank during boss fights. Pretty tough on the healers. And I have full black hole/ campaign with augments and picked mods and enhancements.
  11. I would have to disagree with most of what you said.
  12. GET RID OF EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!! Except legacy Punch. That would be GREAT in warzones.
  13. Quinlynn, by now it is patently obvious that you have NEVER done the NM Pilgrim. So I can say with all certainty that you have no idea what you are talking about. There are NUMEROUS mechanics that make this fight impossible if other players are dead set against you doing it. I wiped a Sithie group for 2 and a half hours when they had the full 16 people doing it and 20 other people guarding them. And I only had one other person helping me. Due to the Trauma Debuff, the nature of the NM Pilgrim Mechanic, and it's location this fight is impossible if one person is dead set against you doing it. That is the problem. So, quit arguing about thigs you have no idea about.
  14. blah blah blah .... Still have no idea what I am talking about. Where is the Nightmare Pilgrim again? Tython right? .... blah blah blah.
  15. blah blah blah .... still never attempted NM Pilgrim ... blah blah blah.
  16. blah blah blah .... Never been griefed by ONE dude on a NM Pilgrim attempt because I don't have eight friends in the world .... blah blah blah. Dude you have no idea what you are talking about so quit wasting electerons.
  17. I just want to agree with the OP. People who use anything but cardinal directions are noob fools.
  18. Not so sure about Mara's but I am a shadow tank. Nerf the stuffing out of Powertech DPS though. They are most certainly OP. As an example did a rated huttball yesterday and for 14 of the 16 players the highest DPS was 74k. The two Powertechs did over 200k. Broken for sure.
  19. Blah Blah Blah ... Never bee griefed so I don't know what I am talking about ..... blah blah blah.
  20. Just agree in general with the OP. Nightmare Pilgrim is just an exercise in frustration on PVP servers.
  21. i just want to agree with the OP. Currently on PvP servers nightmare pilgrim is ourtrageously difficult due to the fact that one person can wipe a group far too easily.
  22. It is not fun to use thirty daily comms and get wiped by one or two dudes.
  23. I just want to Agreee.. It is far too easy for one or two peeps to keep 16 people from doing this. And security forces don't work either. ON PvP servers Nightmare Pilgrim is just a mountain of frustration.
  24. Nerf em. If you don't think they need to be nerfed you haven't bee looking at the scoreboard.
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