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Everything posted by Beakertanks

  1. This is exactly the problem. I Have one of each story line at sixty. So now I get to do the same outlander thing on all of them with only brief interludes of something different. What the hell is the fun in that? Look if you are gonna focus on Story then give us a story that eats up the kind of time that we would have invested in ALL THE OTHER PARTS OF THIS GAME THAT YOU ARE NOT FOCUSING ON. Otherwise this is going to be the most boring MMO in history.
  2. Sure. We are the chosen one who does all the same stuff except has to find different companions. Which will totally work.
  3. We are all the Chosen one. We are all greeted by Lana Beniko. We all start at the same time in place. Sounds a heck of a lot like we are all in the same story line no matter the class to me.
  4. All the follow on information just worries me more. I've got a bad feeling about this.
  5. It's kind of like there's this old dude sitting next to me telling me KOTFE is no moon.
  6. http://massivelyop.com/2015/06/23/e3-2015-bioware-dishes-more/ Sooo. Two things. No class specific storylines post sixty. And you have to go find all of your companions again. I am increadibly excited about the new content coming out. But I must say I would much rather have a smaller class specific story and I really really really am worried about what the hell is going to happen to all of the investments we have made in our companions.
  7. Good to see the conversation. The bottom line is once upon a time this was a cool way to invest some time to make a better character. Now they are worthless and that is a huge problem.
  8. Two things. First. Pre 2.0 you could get a total of 40 of each datacron stat. Now you can get a total of 50. This does not relate to the difference in gear from pre 2.0 to now. Essentially if you had all of the datacrons pre 2.0 it was the equivalent of having another piece of gear. Now they are not even worth one mod. The datacron stat bonuses need to be doubled to a total of 100 for each stat. I recommend simply doubling the value of existing datacrons. As there are codex entries for each one this should be mildly straightforward. Second. The matrix shard relic was a useful thing once upon a time. Now there is no purpose whatsoever to getting the shards. I recommend a new 186 level relic that uses 4 instead of 3 matrix shards. This would require a change to the Matrrix Cube assembly room, but that should be fairly simple. Thanks for reading my post.
  9. +1 on most accurate advice so far.
  10. I have no idea. Brilliant question and supposition.
  11. Dude, You didn't make that argument. You said that there was NO problem. That aside, this will not have anything to do with people "leveling out" because people with established accounts can easily augment their alts. THAT aside, I still crush people with my NON augmented 55. This does nothing to address the fact that the abilities gap between a 30 and a 59 is ridiculous. Bolster could be fine and the mid bracket would still be stupid. Just less stupid than it is now. Still want to see you get on a level 30 and shoot a video of you crushing people in mid bracket.
  12. This makes the most sense of anything I have seen on this subject.
  13. I mostly agree with this, however, I have found that if you have rocking pvp gear on your char, it is a little less important. Expertise certainly applies to your comp. It can be quite useful in OWPvP. However, you also are dealing with a lot of NPCs in OW. As I do endgame progression, top end PvE gear is readily available for my comps and in my opinion is better in many ways. Still I know some guys that have max PvP gear on comps and they punch people in the face in OWPvP.
  14. Per many earlier dev posts, they have a significantly greater ability to data mine than any player. The purpose of threads like these is not to say "Bolster gives 3.14 times more power to characters between the levels of 55 and 59." Frankly it would be hard for us to empirically prove it as we would have to use identical sets of gear on identical advanced classes on identical servers that are separated by 10 to 20 levels. Something they can far more easily do than any of us. The point is, a level 35 toon never solos a level 56 toon. Ever. Why? I honestly don't know. I honestly don't care. I just know that a warzone is supposed to be fun. And right now, unless you are 55 to 59, warzones are definitely NOT fun in the mid bracket. But, like many, many, many times in the past, the devs are overworked, under-resourced, and frustratingly silent. THAT is the problem. This game takes in millions of dollars a month. People have established a level of expectation that those millions of dollars will go to things outside of designing decorations for the cartel packs. Little things like ensuring a cornerstone of MMORPGs is functioning with some sort of semblance of order and playability. All of that being said, the fundamental problem with PvP in this game is the technical issues with cross server PvP. There simply isn't enough of a player base on a server by server basis to provide the most common sense solutions to the bulk of the pvp woes. They could do a significantly better job of matchmaking if they had the ability to draw upon EVERY pvper when putting people into warzones. Off the top of my head they could do the following: do matchmaking in regs arenas based on role like they do in ranked do matchmaking based on role in warzones make valor something that influences matchmaking break up lowbies into more brackets make matchmaking in RANKED actually based on you rating. Make regs, solo ranked, team ranked, and GSF (hey it's pvp dang it) all pop faster Add ranked GSF give scrubs a better chance to play against other scrubs so they can LEARN THE DANG GAME WITHOUT DYING EVERY 10 SECONDS well you get the idea. Why do we not have cross server? Because the Devs say it would require a much too substantial rewrite of fundamental portions of the way the game works. Thus, we will be stuck with real problems in PvP pretty much as long as we play this game. In many ways all of these PvP complaint threads are just an exercise in player vanity. But I AM vain. So I will keep doing it anyway. Who knows? Maybe someday BW will sink the money into giving us cross server queues. I just won't hold my breath.
  15. Can I just say that stuff like this restores my faith in the PvP community. Course I would have been flaming the guy. Mercilessly. But I would still want him to persevere, learn, have fun, and eventually become a ******.
  16. Absinthe. Best. Drink. Ever. I once did PvP only for a month straight. Not one repair bill ever. Not sure what is going on here.
  17. There are more imps than pubs on every server. However, I have found that the Pub communities are all usually more mature, and more supportive. I also like the Pub quests better TBH. Well except for the fact that I don't get to kill Jawas on Tatt. I mean I am light 5 on all my chars, but damn killing Jawas is sooooo fun.
  18. pub or imp? PvP server or PVE? RP or ... not RP? I PvP on the bastion. There are many "pvp" guilds. Most of them are mediocre. The good ones are all fairly selective. Pub side G-Quit (I'm not in the guild, but whenever I run solo queue with them I win) Imp side ..... well MVP isn't playing any more. You could try Killface or Cherry Pops, but the vast majority of their players obviously don't know what "hotkeys" are. And think a rotation is how the yummy chicken is made at Costco.
  19. The sky is neither green nor blue. It is predominantly nitrogen gas that refracts the "visible light" portion of the electromagnetic spectrum into a frequency that most people lable "blue." I could screenshot it all day, wouldn't change the rightness or wrongness of what color you call that frequency. Would you like me to screenshot my 55 sage in 124s or worse own every toon below level 55 solo? I could, but frankly it is a waste of time. Anybody WHO ACTUALLY PVPS IN THE MID BRACKET KNOWS IT IS EFFING BROKEN. You would have hung out on the deck of the Titanic refusing to board the life boats until somebody provided you a screenshot of the lower decks filling with water. The crew running around saying " it's sinking" wouldn't have been good enough for you.
  20. Great line. Love that book. I read it before the wall came down. Wow. I'm old.
  21. Nice avoiding the question. Perhaps, if you truly sought confirmation, you would record a level 30 dominating in mid bracket. Since you are not willing to do so, you are not contributing to the solution either.
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