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    Defending the Republic
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    Member of the Jedi Council
  1. I currently have level 50 war hero / elite war hero armor fully augmented. Believe it or not I have never bought adaptive gear yet and used it. I don't want to make a mistake going forward to level 55 PVP gear so I have a few simple questions. I am tired of my level 50 pvp armor look and I want to get the sanctified jedi set from the cartel market. Will my war hero "set bonus" transfer over to the adaptive set once I switch the mods out? Will I keep the set bonus basically and will the stats be virtually identical to the war zone set I have now. Also when I get to level 55 and start the new PVP set then, will adaptive gear I want now work the same by rinse and repeat switching out the level 55 pvp mods into the same adaptive sanctified set I want now? I don't want to waste the credits or time doing it if its not going to all be compatible or if I lose the "set" bonuses.
  2. I agree. I am full healing sage 31 points in Seer. I LOVE healing all WZ battles and always get top heals by far and many times I get ZERO votes. I realize guild mates or friends plan on voting for eachother regardless of who deserves the votes but to not give votes to top healers is demoralizing. Us healers stick together and know the importance of our job on the battlefield and its too bad many PVPers take us for granted. A jedi seeks no praise LOL but throw us a wookie cookie once in a while....
  3. I have been away forever on my Sorcerer since my main has always been a Consular Sage full healer spec. I decided to return and finish what I always wanted to do with my Sorcerer when I left him at level 38. My main enjoyment has always been PVP and maxing out the best PVP gear as I love War Zones. So my thinking for my sorcerer for me when I hit 50 and then get heavy into PVP is to enjoy some mobilty, with CC while picking up all the main base efficiency talents and use the procs for force lighting to help melt the enemy after I DOT them up and move while throwing a few defensive talents choices in there to. I really love the animatioins of force lighting and I want to keep that arc of talents with my DOT talents to keep in with the Sorcerer archetype. It will be a nice change to go dark side as my main is such a good light side healer. I love my main and I love to heal for the Republic but I need a change. So I was hoping to get some honest contructiive opinions on my future talent re-spec and upon returnning my talents have been reset. So this is what Im thinking for the play style I mention above. Please critique or applaud my talent spec I want to go with. I'm one of these players that agonize for weeks and months over talent calculators as I know you all do to. http://db.darthhater.com/skill_calc/sith_inquisitor/sorcerer/#::f3ef4ef2ef3ef17ef5e2fef2e3fe8
  4. I agree with you in regards to being a Sage healer. There is nothing more gratifying then healing your team in PVP. The noble sage story line is of a healer and its perfect to go heals with your sage. Love it.
  5. This is a positive posting at least for me. With all the negative stuff we read what do you LOVE about playing your favorite class! For me my main is a Jedi Consular Sage, and contrary to the negative post on how supposidly boring the story line is, I actually like it and think it fit the wise Jedi Consular perfectly, a protector and me being a HEALER, the story line of the sage healing and saving people was perfectly woven in to the way I like to play, as a healer. I love the tools I have, I cant cause a lot of damage but I can AOE heal and keep my team alive effectively with a few other minor tricks up my sleeve. Since we tend to be focused and die faster with light armor it presents to me a challenge to even be better and fight the odds against me. For more LOVE to the class I actually am starting to like the look of our War Hero PVP armor. I hated it at first but Im not showing the helm so it looks a lot better now LOL not like a viking for gods sake. So for those who truly love their main...express yourself!
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