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Everything posted by Beakertanks

  1. I like that it would drain from both arcs. No real way to test that. I'm guessing I am gonna go with the weapon power drain then. Thanks for the discussion
  2. On the Top Tier for Ion Cannon on Strike Fighter it gives you an option to drain 40 from enemy shield pool. WHAT THE HECK DOES THAT MEAN????
  3. First week you had to wait maybe thirty seconds for a que. Now it is about ten minutes. This is on Bastion. Just wondering if any other servers were having this issue.
  4. I am thinking shield amplification and clicky defense as you already carry ridiculous shield and absorb
  5. My problem with this is the game will be out for a year and a halfish when the RotHC hits. When will we see a big expansion then? every three years or so? That might be okay, but I was kind of hoping for an every two years sort of thing.
  6. I understand this is now not going to happen in the expansion. What is the point of the expansion if we don't get the story to go along with it? Personally I will feel like I wasted money if there are no Class Story quests in the expansion.
  7. That is pathetic. NO WE DO NOT NEED MORE OF THIS.
  8. Of course an Imp would say this. Obviously has no idea there are twice as many imps as pubs on every server. It is Free For All because the imp faction outnumbers the Repub Faction and it would make the event totally suck for the Republic players.
  9. I saw this once on The Bastion. I immediately began murdering face. There are plenty of PvE event quests. One person actually said "Can't you see there is a line here" lol. I don't think I could have murdered them enough. Fortunately I only saw it once.
  10. Yes. Yes they are. I did NOT see anything in the patch notes saying repair costs would go up. I am pretty sure this is an inadvertant bug. I am a little surprised there have been no developer comment on this one yet.
  11. For example the TD-07A Panther Gloves. Currently the drop rate for these glves is extremely low. I understand that when they came up with the loot table for this, lvl 9 moddable gloves would provide a significant advantage. However with the advent of Craftable level 11 gloves this is no longer the case. I respectfully request you increase the drop rate on these gloves so we nerds can complete customizable looks. I thank you for your cosideration.
  12. The raid ops frame would support 24 on 24. I am ALL FOR THIS. A 24 on 24 warzone would be fantastic. Heck could use the Ilum PvP map to save construction. Just instance it and do a little work on the points. Would rapidly become the most popular Warzone. Please oh please let this happen.
  13. Seena, I personally don't see this as an exploit. You are entitled to your opinion. This is after all America. However, as I peruse this thread I feel that perhaps you are spending an inordinate amount of time to address this issue. By the way what is the ethical difference between a 49 Twink pwning lvl 30 dudes in greens and a Lvl 50 in full min/maxed pvp Elite War Hero gear pwning a noob fifty in recruit gear. People stand much more of a chance against my twink then they do against a full elite war hero dude while wearing recruit gear.
  14. So this is a gear discussion?? I am not fully geared. Mostly yes, fully no. I find that while gear is an important factor, the lack of comprehension of how to actually conduct a warzone is more important. I often beat opposing teams who are better geared because they are a disorganized pug and I am rolling with three friends in Team Speak. Don't get me wrong gear discrepency can be a major fun killer, but that is not what this thread is about is it? Lording over people? Dude, you are taking yourself waaaay too seriously
  15. I think this is quite possibly the funniest PvP OP EVER. I propose Bioware require people to pass some sort of common sense exam before being allowed to post anything on the Forums. How about we just let the OP into warzones with a bunch of people only allowed to use Legacy Punching skills. Sigh, he would probably complain that Jab hits to hard.
  16. Dear Bioware, Don't. Do. This. EVER. Thank you.
  17. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH Apparently in the SWTOR universe East and West are relative. People who don't use East and West are quite possibly nerds who never go outside. Wait .... uh.... I think I see the problem here.
  18. This is a Thread???? Really? By the way I do this. It is Spectacularly fun. I also have a level 50 in full War Hero gear (augmented etc.) SO I "put my big boy pants on" as well. I feel no Shame. None. I worked long and hard to make my Twink. I spent millions of credits on my twink. And I will proudly play him till I the game ceases to function. You all need to lighten up. Seriously. Like Now. Generally I find the people who whine about warzones don't know the difference between Tactics and Tacitus. Think a Hot Key is what you use to start the flame thingy on the stove so they can cook their Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. And feel that somehow their win loss record in warzones with lightsabers actually provides an accurate reflection of their true self worth.
  19. I haven't received a new piece of PvP gear in over 3 months. 3 MONTHS. And I still can get three buddies together and win more than I lose. YOU. PEOPLE. WHINE. TOO. MUCH. Seriously. I find this PvP thread disturbing. If this thread is an accurate reflection of the current state of affairs in western society then the doom of our time is at hand. By the way if you don't like premades in Regular Warzones why don't you recommend they increase the awards for Rateds....Oh wait then you would just complain about how unfair it is that people who do rateds get gear so much quicker. People hate to lose, but apparently they hate doing any self improvement to fix the problem even more. Generally I find the people who whine about warzones don't know the difference between Tactics and Tacitus. Think a Hot Key is what you use to start the flame thingy on the stove so they can cook their Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. And feel that somehow their win loss record in warzones with lightsabers actually provides an accurate reflection of their true self worth.
  20. That they do. Everyone knows Imps suck.
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