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Everything posted by Fornix

  1. For BioWare it does not matter why you're not buying it out of the cartel market, as long as you're getting them some way. As BioWare would much rather see you buy 3 on the GTN for your alts as opposed to selling 1 legacy-wide version. As those 3 sold on the GTN? Are 3 actual sales. Whereas a legacy-wide version? Well, that'd just be 1 sale. So if people want to state a why, they'd also need to make sure they don't buy the product on the cartel market AND on the GTN.
  2. $14.40 is still quite a price for a single character mount, for me reason enough to only purchase it on GTN once price is low enough or it becomes account wide. Thing is though, BioWare will be able to keep on doing this, as long as people are paying. So @ TS, these sort of petitions towards BioWare to reduce the cost of such a mount are pointless. If the community wants it to change? Simple, the community ought to stop buying. However, they ought to stop buying it completely! Doing such as me, by buying things like these on the GTN instead, isn't going to stop BioWare from doing this. As BioWare still made the sale. They couldn't care less whether I personally did the money transaction towards them, or whether someone else bought 10 to throw them on the GTN for some quick credits. It'll only stop if people will stop buying these sort of items all together. Considering as to how that's very unlikely to happen, BioWare can keep on selling for these prices till they see fit for it to change.
  3. Many healers do that for resource building. So by effectively managing their resource even before the match has started, they're already being a more valuable team asset than you are. As for healers healspamming in corners, just initiate a vote-kick to get rid of them.
  4. You can check server specific forums to see who and what is recruiting. You can simply check around in areas of the game you like to play and see which guilds you seem come by frequently, send one of their members a whisper and ask them what their guild is like, or you can simply take a dive into the deep and respond to one of the random general shouts. It all doesn't really matter, you can always leave a guild again if its not to your liking. You won't really know till you've been a part anyway. You may have 10 different guilds with the exact same playstyle, however 9 of them may be terrible for you as you just don't fit in with the rest of the players. As good as it may sound on paper, it just doesn't work out then.
  5. Spread out over countless of castles, keeps, forts, etc. whilst introducing a small player cap to the map. Give good credit rewards for taking those structures so we may all engage in PvP whilst trying our other best to avoid any opposing humans! The problem with events in GW2 if you ask me is that they happen too frequent. The entire idea of the world continuously changing so no playthrough is the same, is great. However, as all events cycle within a relatively short playthrough this consequently means that if you play for more than an hour at a given time within an area you're going to see all events looping by regardless. As such, all playthroughs will still be the same. They really should have lengthened that up, made it more complex. Villages shouldn't change hands every hour, they ought to be friendly for a few weeks and then if things are let go slowly but surely they ought to be taken back. And with that, it ought to take several weeks again to regain. By having it take so long, and rather than fighting for the entire event every time you are there, but just fighting for a minor element of it all, it won't feel so utterly repetitive. What also didn't help in GW2 was the fact there was no real logic to it all, the enemy practically came from within. Much rather I think it ought to play out like a game of risk, where the opponents slowly move up from their own border.
  6. Well, I prrefer keybinds, but I most definitely don't use ALL keybinds. Some are just too impractical. Anything right of 7, is pretty much out of reach for me. So on skill bloated characters, the occasional skill placed on 8 or beyond (with or without modifier) will be clicked as it's simply faster and more tactful than letting movement go .
  7. Indeed, lol. Then to consider that over the past months I can't even recall being knocked off from my speeder it makes me wonder even more what the fuss is about. It's like giving a single intern who makes 0 per month a 10% raise, just to find all the other interns complaining they're not getting that same raise .
  8. I personally like combat mods as they allow me to actually view the game I'm playing more effectively. As it stands currently HP is placed within the character portrait, rage/etc is placed within the same UI item. Skill cooldowns are placed on the hotbars. Whilst my character is centered on the screen, the UI elements which display that info is not. Of course you can drag them there but that doesn't really give a clean UI look. So I prefer combat mods to place a thin HP and Energy bar on the sides of my chars, I prefer placing frequently used skill CD's next to it, etc. Those sort of mods allow me to fully enjoy the game as I can keep watching the action, rather than splitting my attention between surroundings and hotbars/portraits. Also in terms of healer characters I've always used mods where allowed for on-hover healing, a feature also currently lacking. Such combat mods don't make you better in any MMO, the only thing it does is make the game more enjoyable.
  9. Fine on a PvP server. On PvE servers I always ensure that such people get a temporary vacation by reporting them for harrasment/griefing along with asking guildies to send in a report against such people.
  10. I for one was not affected, so it's most definitely not "entire frigging server". Although several guildies were affected, although luckily in our case I've recieved the pieces of loot which dropped during the rollback period, as such we didn't lose anything (beyond a kill status in some of the members lockout overview for this week). However, it's most definitely unfortunate that stuff like this happens. It'd be nice if for these sort of purposes there'd be some form of "offline logging" on the player's end, which records things such as drops, accomplishments, etc. So in case of a rollback if people lost something of great value, a report could be submitted to which such a log would be attached for BioWare to view. Question is of course, how to keep it safe, encrypted and prevent any tinkering with it. However, something like that would be a much welcomed change. Unfortunately though, I doubt it's ever going to come. Rollbacks have been a part of MMO's ever since their existance. And I can't recall playing a single MMO where I haven't experienced an occasional rollback myself either. The response is always the same as well, nothing can be done to be of assistance.
  11. The game doesn't become more hostile due to things like this. If the players with that mentality are already there they'll just as easily find some other reason to moan at you instead. For example not wearing gear to their liking, not having the gear to show you've done a certain raid before or not, etc. The only thing it may do is relocate the "reason" used to moan. Personally I'm all in favor of damage meters, threat meters and heal meters to be implemented. It allows for a much more on the fly adaptation to possible issues. Not reaching required DPS? See if it's an overall issue, as in all need to push a little harder. See if it's a singleplayer issue, have a quick talk on rotation to see if they're missing something or not. Etcetera. Having too much DPS, reaching phase switches during inconvenient moments due to it? Simply check which of the DPS are doing the highest to have them chill out a bit more during the fight. Aggro issues? Instantly see whether a tank isn't pulling sufficiently, or whether a DPS manages to pull off insane threat levels and could do well with a guard to tone it down a bit. Healing/shielding insufficient? See if it's a single healer thing. See if a healer is perhaps overhealing too much which causes running out of force, etc. Currently if running into an issue such as this where you run into a bit of a hurdle but just can't place your finger on it why, you need people to upload combat logs or transfer them to a raid leader, etc. It takes a lot of extra time, which could have been instantly visible ingame.
  12. Been following the BioWare MMO rumors since '05. Created my first account under the name of psychodude in oct 2008. Switched to this account to stuff SWTOR into the mail address my origin account was linked to. And since then remained an active subscribed.
  13. You can already pretty much: Using credits you can purchase the required gear unlocks, character slot unlocks, weekly ops/flashpoint/warzone/space mission passes, etc. The only thing you cannot buy, is a credit limit unlock. So whether or not you can effectively do this on your server depends on whether or not your community puts up such things for prices below the credit limit. However, combining it is a very good possibility. For example whilst you're subbed for a few months you can purchase all the unlocks, and you can purchase weekly passes in abundance to last you for another year of play without the need to sub.
  14. Most probably not. Multithreading can be done within a single process. However, an app is limited in memory usage on a 32 bit client. Using 2 processes doubles the amount of mem it may use. I think that's why they did it this way.
  15. The Red Eclipse : 5/10 Truly, any argument ever given by people against cross-server instancing? It is just daily behavior on The Red Eclipse. - Barren chat in general. - Ninja'ing items, "stealing" quest objectives even if people would be in line, etc. - At best getting a simple hi in instances, most of the time not a single word spoken at all. - Too many players with a superiority complex in PvP. - Etc. The only reason I'm not scoring it lower is because under that mountain of dung there hides a very good quality of people, which make up for all of it. But it's the kind of people you need to find, look for a decent guild. If you want to play solo, not joining a guild? Try and join another server, as this community will in general not be the friendliest towards you.
  16. Plenty of guilds out there, however as already stated you may have more luck on your server specific forums. Beyond that, even on here you may have more luck if you'd mention your server and faction you're part off . Best luck you'll have though simply by looking ingame to see if any guilds are recruiting, and have a playstyle to your liking.
  17. BioWare should simply throw in an additional little toggle already in the groupfinder: - Full Run (includes allowing people to view story, expected to complete all content, etc). - Speed Run (skipping on story, skipping trash packs where possible, etc). This way it's clear from the start in what sort of group you'll end up.
  18. I got kicked once, for being a sith jugg tank . It was 3 guildies, and the only thing one of them said was "sorry, but we're looking to get our sith jugg some tanking gear" before I flew out. As already wearin full campaign/black hole back then I sent him a whisper back stating I needed none of the gear, but wished them good luck on waiting for a next tank to join in, which just for their sake better not be another sith jugg. He then whispered me back saying he didn't see I was geared, lol. Asking if I still wanted to join up with them anyway . So I asked him if his mom perhaps dropped him when he was a baby. But all he had to say to that was "huh?" .
  19. The maintenance is still in US morning times, for EU it's 11AM - 3PM, heck even that ought to be extended around 3~4 hours to make it into primetime. So for the US it ought to be extended by what, 9~10 hours?
  20. 1.7 will probably come around 8-9 weeks after the latest patch, taking the christmas break into consideration. So I expect end February. After that I think we'll probably see one more patch between Makeb and 1.7, somewhere in the beginning of April (if we're lucky throwing back in the Rakghoul event for a bit), with somewhere mid May probably Makeb to hit. But well yeh, that's just my expectations .
  21. I think he'll be able to pull of more than that under full load, but the 600W is most definitely enough. OP: In case you're doubting on ever going cross-fire, SLI, tri-SLI or whatever you may wish to increase the PSU a bit. In case of SLI I'd recommend around 800W, in case of tri-SLI I'd recommend 1000W. It doesn't have to be any time soon, but even for example if you're planning in 3 years from now or something I'd still pick up the heavier PSU. Those Corsair PSU's last a long time and also have a very lengthy warranty (depending on the series it can reach up to 7 years). It'd be a shame if 2 years down the road you'd decide to pick up a SLI build you were doubting on already anyway, but due to each card under full load being able to pull 350~400 Watt suddenly running into power shortage and still needing to buy that PSU extra. If you're certain SLI or CrossFire will never be part of your system, just stick to the 600W, by far sufficient. Little addition to that. The 200R is a rather small case, be sure to check that the 7870 actually fits into it. If you keep the space above the hdd cage free it shouldn't be an issue I think. But it may still be somewhat cramped.
  22. In terms of mechanical keyboards its availability is indeed very limited, and also those are quite iffy at times. As the term "mechanical" is thrown onto it rather quickly. Some have only certain segments of the board as being mechanical keys. By example, my Corsair K90 as well. These keys are mechanical: http://www.corsair.com/media/FAQ/cherry_red_locations.jpg Whilst these keys are not: http://i47.tinypic.com/1hpjjn.png Personally, I don't use the function keys a lot, nor do I use the macro keys combined and as such they're not required to be mechanical for me. However, I've also come across "mechanical" keyboards which just had a very limited section of the keyboard using mechanical keys, something which to me is not acceptable. Often a good keyboard is something overlooked by gamers, just regarded as just another peripheral. Often regarded as even less than the mouse. However, buying a keyboard ought to be given the same level of thought as purchasing the rest of your system. Tailor it to your own needs, and you'll have a keyboard which may last you a decade. Buy something quickly because it looks fancy or is cheap, and be prepared to smash it in frustration .
  23. Grinding missions, skip all the rest such as FP's, warzones, and space missions. Also skip on heroic missions if you do not have a solid part to directly dive into it. Beyond that, purchase companion character gifts, raise all companions to cap and grab their relatively easy to obtain quest rewards (most is just talking on your ship).
  24. No, you cannot freely transfer yet. And no, on PvP servers it also doesn't really feel like war between the two factions considering as a very limited number of players actively engage in world PvP. It more feels as if you walked on the wrong gang's turf every now and then.
  25. Different games can interact differently with keyboard actions. Developers may for example decide to limit the number of keypresses which can be simultaneously registered, they can decide to rather work with key presses to work with key releases, etc. Those differences can make it such that you may experience issues in some pieces of software, whilst in others it goes unnoticed. As such I remember playing some cheesy korean grinder MMO for example which limited keypresses to two. As such you couldn't run, strafe and jump unless you ran with autorun on .
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