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Everything posted by Paulman

  1. Most people don't play rated. RANKED pvp is what you care about because that's what you like. Generally it's not an ideal business practice to ignore what the majority of your consumers want.
  2. Most people make it out to be worse than it really is. Honestly it's pretty easy to avoid using a range ability or immunities.
  3. Full tk has never been very good. Hybrid used to be good. Looks like they made some improvements for 2.0 though.
  4. That's the biggest issue. It's not a nerf. It's effectively removed. This just shows poor judgement on biowares part. It was fine prior to 1.7 the simplest fix would be just to revert it.
  5. One thing that can be said for certain. Bioware does a poor job balancing. They'll change the bubble and it will replaced with something else. People say bubble stun is op but compared to what? Powertechs, smash Juggs, marauders, sins? Almost every class has something op. Bubble stunners aren't hard to kill. It just takes some thought. Part of the reason bubble stubs are effective is because of the dominance of melee class in the game currently.
  6. Most comms are calculated by medals that IS the "chosen in game program". MVP is just a way of saying good job, props to you. The point gain is minuscule.
  7. Ohh the "pvp" event where you stand in line. Yay awesome. Sorry I love pvp but this event is stupid.
  8. Requiring one class to have a partner class to be viable in pvp is not balance. Rated matches make up a very very small percentage of warzones. Bubbles were fine prior to buffing them. The reason we are in the situation that we are in is because over-the-top nerfs followed by over-the-top buffs. Balance will never be achieved this way. Changing the stun to self only will effectively make the that tree useless, unless other changes are made.
  9. You forgot the biggest advantage. The ability to vanish.
  10. I agree. But people don't want balance. They want retribution.
  11. I think it's more annoying than anything else. Almost every class in the game has something OP. The only class that can truely complain is commando/mercenary.
  12. Bad players Very Bad players Incredibly ridiculously bad players.
  13. Good focus and cc. Those 3 healers won't matter..
  14. Kiting and tanking are 2 completely different things. And sorcs are far from an impossible kill.
  15. What's the point of a guild if you are only going to solo?
  16. The stun bubble is in the lightning tree, which is what sorcs are complaining about. Currently the stun is really only reason to spec into it. If they nerf it, hopefully something else is done for that spec. Even you, a total marauder fanboy think it sucks. Currently mara/sent is probably one of the most powerful classes in the game and they are still crying on the forums for nerfs. Sad.
  17. Ok please show me a video of you kiting multiple melee specced into lightning without the bubble stun.
  18. There really isn't an effective escape for sorc/sage. Nothing that compares to the classes mentioned above. They just aren't as good. Dps is worse, survivability is worse. On my sent I can do more damage and get kills much easier. On my sent, I have a reasonable possibility of taking on multiple players. On my sent, if I get focused, it's usually to the other team's detirment because it takes so long to kill me. It's just a flat out way better dps class than sage/sorc.
  19. I don't think you truely believe that everything should die when being focused. If you truely believed that then you would be in favor of changing/removing all kinds of abilities. All warrior types, scoundrel/op, shadow/sin, all have ways of avoiding death from focus fire for quite some time.
  20. Good idea. Or they could revert it back to a mez. Making it self only, would make the spec no longer really viable unless they gave them something else. The simplest fix I my opinion would be simply revert some of the changes.
  21. People like to complain. No one wants to admit that the biggest issues probably lie between the keyboard and the chair.
  22. IMO they should change resolve so that it accumulates as you are stunned or mezzed instead of each ability adding a specific amount. For bubble stun, it should be reverted back to a mez.
  23. The worst mistake I've seen is when people call for backup when there is no need. If you have a 2 on one in your fqvor don't say you need help. You can inform the group that there is one there, but there is no need to call for reinforcements when they aren't needed.
  24. Why is it a requirement for smash to auto crit? The problem I have Ugly Mr. J, is that you and your kind are responsible for the current sad state of the game. Bioware is just listening to their customers honestly. The problem is that the players, like you, are primarily only concerned with their main class excelling and seeing nerfs to other classes they view as better. In essence, they are selfish. Balance will never be achieved by tipping the scales in your own favor. You aren't at all concerned about balance. You are only really concerned with retaining your advantages over other classes.
  25. Actually the forum jockeys already ruined the game. Pugs have always been around. That's to be expected.
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