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Everything posted by AnAcuteAngle

  1. Unless you really enjoy it... Then you play it to progress through the gameplay and storyline. Are you suggesting people should play as much so BW has more time do develop an already released game?
  2. I agree with OP. Cept maybe switch around the Mercenaries/Commandos.
  3. The reason why TOR is failing right now, is mainly due to the fact that they spent about 95% of their resources on leveling zones and storyline. Alright, maybe that's a bit rough. I'd say 70-80%, but you still get the point. People loved levelling and then hit 50 and also hit the concrete wall of "There's absolutely nothing to do." Particularly in PvP. So... Let's hope they fix this.
  4. Lol. I'm only saying. Most the time I get flamed for thoughts like this... But... I guess it's nothing that this forum hasn't heard prior to this :\
  5. On another note, I hate how similar the class mirrors are. I wanted a trooper but I can't stand to play him because I feel like I'm just rolling a Bh again.
  6. Hokay. So, Troopers have 12 cells of Ammo. Bounty Hunters have 100 heat. Use an ability that is 1/4 of your total consumption. Troopers, that'd be 3. Bounty Hunters, that'd be 25. Fair enough. Alright, Now let's just go to a 1/6. Troopers, that's 2. Bounty Hunters, that's 16. Hmm... 3/2 of 16 is 24 not 25... So, what are we paying the extra heat for, again? Thanks.
  7. I agree completely. Except that Rift is bad. I think it's alright, lol. I love the class system and the Dev's. Yup.
  8. I love Rift. Even it isn't known for great PvP but I may consider going back to it....
  9. Ahem. MMO: Massively Multiplayer Game Multiplayer. Teamwork and/or competition? I love PvP, but it's not the fact that this game lacks in that area. It's that it doesn't make up for it anywhere else. The whole game is just 'meh'.
  10. Yeah.. I'm glad somebody else agrees with me. I feel like there's just not enough content out right now. I don't know why they worried so much about storyline and left Endgame stuff in the dust :\
  11. It seems as if the only answer were to temporarily implement a Cross-Realm PvP WZ system. Only temporarily though.
  12. I'll be cool with buffing Warriors as long as that stupid In-Combat Camo is taken out of the game. Just kidding, I still won't be. I'm in all purples and I've seen Juggies with 4k more health than me. Stop whining.
  13. That's what I'm saying though. So many level 50's have already quit because of this. Frankly, the WZ's just aren't that good either. I'm tired of Huttball.
  14. I totally agree with this 110% I may quit because all of the disgusting Ilum antics that BW has been putting on lately. Frankly, it's nothing but unfair to everyone and anyone who doesn't take advantage and abuse it. Sorry guys, That's not how games are supposed to be run.
  15. As we all know, The Ilum spark pretty much crashed/wrecked PvP, at least for a temporary time. I'm not talking about the most recent change, but the one a week or two ago where Imperialists camped Republicans indefinitely and... well, it got nasty. But we all know about that, and so that is not my point of discussion here today. Along with that change, they created level 50 only brackets, which was a huge step in the right direction for BioWare- Good for you guys. The only problem with this... is that because of the World PvP issues on Ilum (mentioned above)... A lot of the 50's quit. Yep. And now we have (from what I understand) sixty minute ques. Granted, it vastly depends on what server you play on. So, my question now is this: Is TOR's PvP dead? Is it even worth playing at this point (at least until they patch it again)? To be perfectly honest, PvP is easily the #1 aspect I look for in an MMO, and it doesn't have that... Ouch. But that's just my opinion. Any constructive comments or criticism would be much appreciated. Thanks.
  16. So far these DS/LS choices seem a little... backwards. Lol.
  17. I'm about a 4/10. Bugs, imbalances, that Ilum crap. Only 3 Warzones, really?
  18. Yep. Title says it all. I was originally gonna do this at launch but well, I like the Empire and got kind of side tracked. Anywho. Troopers are pretty awesome. Props to you guys. Should I go Vanguard or Commando? I think Commando, simply for a change of pace. Also, which (Dark Side/Light Side) options benefit you more? How about Crew Skills? How are troopers in PvP? Someone let me know whenever ya can Thanks.
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