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Everything posted by AnAcuteAngle

  1. Feel like the Eliminator set is still easier to get though. I can also see this build being nerfed for not 'working as intended' as dubbed by BW (or something along those lines), so I'm a little hesitant to spend so many comms buying the 'Shield Spec' gear and re-armoring it rather than just roll for an entire Eliminator set. Apples and Oranges, that's just my preference.
  2. Where would you recommend getting the augments/ armor enhancements to sub in for the gear? Since I'm not a big PvE'er,, would 2 Piece Combat-Medic and 2 Piece Combat-Tech suffice? Combine with Degauss for 2 relatively short snare breaks... The Carbonite CD reduction helps the whole 'escape' problem of the Pyro's.
  3. OP what armor is that? It looks sick
  4. Alright guys, I'm currently running Pyro (obv bc it's awesome) and I was wondering what the best Black Hole daily Relic (whatever you want to call it) is best for the Powertech (speaking PvP here), If it's even worth getting. If it's not worth it in PvP, I'll probably get one of the tankier ones for PvE, and if that's the case, which one then? I'm assuming Surge is best for Pyro, and Shield Absorb is best for Shieldtech. Any thoughts?
  5. Yeah, I feel like the PvE set would be a little harder to get, so I may go with a Combat Medic / Combat Tech combination. Once I get the rest of my gear/ expertise up to par, obviously.
  6. But while the shield only mitigates 25% of damage, that's only an extra 5.3% to what you would have normally. I feel like the Alacrity from the Combat Medic gear also hinders your performance a bit. Maybe I'm wrong, and that's a high possibility, but I'm just skeptical as to how all of this is worth giving up a 15% Rail Shot Crit / better (DPS) stats on gear. Also, are you taking the Supercommando 2 piece for the extra Guard sustain? It doesn't seem like that helps the shield, but it makes sense in PvP as that's a pretty integral aspect of medal attaining. EDIT: My bad, The PvE Supercommando gear. Gotcha, my bad.
  7. Powertechs are better unless you have a guild that is in dire need of a healer.
  8. That's interesting. So, essentially you tie together Energy Rebounder along with the 2 Piece Combat Medic / 2 Piece Super Commando bonus? And it works? I feel like that'd be sacrificing a whole ton of damage, both burst and sustained, which is main aspect of Pyro. Have you thought of Degauss for this build? Or wouldn't it be more efficient to run as a Shield spec? I don't mean to ask so many questions, I'm only curious. I appreciate your thinking outside of the box.
  9. January Ilum. That's the reason I quit this game for three months If they're gonna even try to exist after... Comes out, they better fix things like this.
  10. Anyone willing to post a screenie or two to show the optimal way of setting up bars/ hotkeys for a Pyro build. I just got back to this game, a little rusty and haven't found a great setup that I really like yet. Thank you
  11. Title says it all. Eliminator or Combat Tech?
  12. I've also seen people buying 'Construction Kits/Boxes' Are those worth going for?
  13. Okay so, 1. Buy blue recruit gear (Basically, start over... Sigh) 2. No more Ilum quests 3. Battlemaster gear is bought with WZ comms, War Hero with BM gear + Ranked comms, currently ranked comms are bought with WZ comms. Correct?
  14. Also, where are the quest givers for Ilum? How is PvP nowadays? As in que's and whatnot. I've heard this game still has like 1.7 million subs.
  15. Hey guys, I just game back after a 3 month break from this game, and I'm wondering what has changed so far. It seems like a lot of the PvP gear has been changed, different augments and what not, but how about the gearing system? I checked with the old bags vendor and he doesn't sell them anymore (not that I noticed anyways) and I can't find any vendors that sell champion gear. Any on Ilum? Somebody help me out D:
  16. In b4 BURST MEANS EVERYTHING IN PVP I guess I was the only one right about the 21/2/18 build being kind of dumb. At least for not going 23/0/18. But hey, that's just me. On a side note, I kind of regret buying the Eliminator's set. Just kidding, the other ones look ridiculous.
  17. I play a Scoundrel, and I'm not complaining. Yes, OP's and Scoundrel's burst is ridiculous and needs revamping (Just as most of this games PvP does). Also, you're not the only overpowered class, nor will you ever be the only class ever to get nerfed. Get over it. You were the flavor of the month, but now your time is up. Sorry (but not really). Thanks.
  18. QQ OP. You were the flavor of the month, and soon you won't be.
  19. I just feel like I shouldn't have to entirely re-roll factions just to enjoy PvP. But that's just me. Maybe I'll make a Consular or something. Maybe a Smuggler. I tried a Trooper, and it's just too obnoxiously close to Bh for my liking. Also, I really don't wanna re-level. I. Hate. It.
  20. I disagree with the OP entirely. Tell me why an average Smuggler/OP should be able to open on a geared, tank specced Powertech for 70% of his health? Oh, that's right. He shouldn't. Class nerfs and buffs roll around month after month and this is the beginning. It's not a bad thing. Every (successful) MMO has done it or still does it.
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