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Everything posted by Revanmug

  1. He is not a defense spec, the op is the pony one trick focus spec. Everybody should know focus/rage got a nice burst with a fully stacked force sweep. Add that being a small AoE... I am not sure why people would be surprise by those number. Pretty much every post from JK shoving their amazingness in pvp are that spec and for a good reason... the other 2 spec are quite subpar... And we are not talking pve here! Raid are just not really melee friendly AND why the hell would you bring anything over a gunnery commando dps wise? Tank wise, the biggest problem is how out of whack the tree is. It is just a random set of talent to reduce the penalty of soresu form rather than a tree about tanking.
  2. What they guy you quote meant is, using your concept, that operative is the healing AC and so, shouldn't be able to dps too! Like commando, mercenary, sage, sorcerer for healing and vanguard, powertech, assassin, shadow for tank! That leave 2 ac for dps! Yay for that stupid concept of yours! Wake up, That's a a full dps spec. That you like it or not, they have have several tree with different role. You have nothing to fear of a tank spec except from the few scratch they can do here and there... Not happy? complain elsewhere on how Bioware gave most AC 2 roles. Or complain on how tank spec outside of guard is terrible and most people go dps WITH guard rather than just having guard.
  3. Are you talking of bf2 or bf3? You clearly haven't played bf3 64 with their server lagging, poor netcode and hitbox. It isn't as bad now server wise but it has been 4 months now... Every patch, they fix something and broke something else. Hello 2 people shooting at each other and both dying because of lag. Or dying after crossing a corner. Or emptying a magazine into someone and not doing a thing because that person is d/c or lagging bad etc... Ilum is awful but it is probably best to pick another game to show your point.
  4. I think we call that IRONY. You have 6 people in your exemple... CC a healer for 4-5 sec must be hard! Very LARGE and BROAD vision you have there! Fail pvper is fail... Also tank utility... It has nothing to do with mitigation! You change subject constantly when I correct you on 1 point... Tank mitgation is horrible. I haven't talk about the rest. Guard is all that make a tank spec usable in pvp so great it is! Still, doesn't change the fact that a tank is squishy as hell...
  5. yeah sure, I can carry a ball like that when my resolve is full and I use all my cds. 10sec on tankiness every 3min! yay! Even better with a healer behind. Mobility wise? Hell yeah but it has nothing to do with mitigation... If you had any idea of what you are talking about, you would know that a healer + guard is extremly powerful but it has nothing NOTHING to do tank's mitigation... Your 6 people are just mindlessly wacking at the healer while the tank is behind taunting like a madman with guard up... I guess taking 5 sec to focus fire on the tank and cc the healer is too hard even with 6 people!
  6. I suggest you to actually reroll a tank class to realise that those "absorb" are coming from a consular/inquisator shield... and something around 1.5k absorb from jk/JG tank spec that got a 12 sec cd and 4focus cost. "tank damage mitigiation" is actually bad since most dps can actually survive better under fire. Look around those forum and... cough... read before spewing random things.
  7. Are you really that stupid? Ball carrier... huh Them firetrap will pretty much kill both player... Knockback, cc?!?! wait what? Actually, your "tank" is probably carrying the ball and flying all around at the speed of light. Door buster?!?!?! wwaaaaaatttt? dot him once and he is done? AoE the area for the few second before it explode/before they plant/capture?! What is stoping you from doing that? Healer?! Reading this thread must be hard, too hard. Those reasons and just plain stupid and you should be ashame of yourself.
  8. Guard is all that make tank work in pvp right now. Makes things attack him. -Tanking is a pve thing. There is no way to "force" player to actually attack a tank. -Normally, a tank exchange dps for high survivability. In this game, tank have low dps and also low survivability since most ability bypass defense stats (intented or not, I can't tell) How do you fix that nb 1? Give an ability to make dpsing another target than the tank bad. Taunt are great but mostly on too high cds to make a difference. Just wait 6 sec and back to the tunnelvision. The answer to that is guard. With guard, you have to switch to the tank or suffer the consequence of 0 burst. Guard is great right now. It is the very only thing that make tanking spec usable. But wait until most people like you understand how weak a tank actually is because of nb 2. You just need 1-2 cc and watch the tank crumble like nothing. You keep saying that guard need fixing. You are all mix up. Fix tanking first than look at guard...
  9. You have no idea how lvling in wow is and it is probably best you stop talking about it. (hint, it is very very quick now on and the reason it was "longer" in vanilla was unfinish zone and farming mob) And where the hell is yout "epic scale open world pvp" in wow?!?! Have you actually played that game? Wintergrasp was a trade win fortress zone and told barad was a collosal failure. Even WORSE than ilum considering how bad ilum is. Wake up! vanilla was a few years ago... There is no such thing as world pvp on wow. It's all about doing your 10 arena games a week and you rated bgs all while staying in Orgrimmar or Stormwind.
  10. I jump, I spam strike and I do 10k damage with nothing else. I'm not being carry though, I contributed. I afk also because I like doing this job. I'm not being carry though, I contributed. Common sense? You have none sir. People can be carried by the simple fact that the same class with a competent player could do much much more. That has nothing with hardcore or casual. Just that you can use your brain but... so few people has one. What a shame.
  11. pvp wise? very true. I doubt anything can beat gw on that. Pve wise? lol no... just... no
  12. You... no... can't be... You just gave a point to bioware right there. No, you don't compare a 10 years old to a 20 years. You actually wait until the yougest reach 20 then compare to second athlete old stats... This irony is just full of win.
  13. Yeah, I kind of realise you had a quite bad reading comprehension. let me copy paste a part of my previous post... "... to work more effectively and that's not just for game!" It's not because I learned how to use a more effective workstation that I am suddendly "master of video game with inflate epeen". Of course, coming from someone that is happy to bash his head on a wall rather than study it and understand it more quickly... I am not surprise. Walking with blinders is not something I like, at work or in games. There is absolutly no reason why I should be force to. Neither will I force you to remove them.
  14. grapple, pull, push or any cc on a fire trap ain't fine then if you want skill. What I'm talking completely bypasses any sort of skill of killing on huttball
  15. most log have real time update btw. When you have no clue how tools work, It is normal to find them useless. Also, who need to alt tab? Get another screen. That make you able to work more effectively and that's not just for game! Amazing right! DO IT NOAW! Ignorance is a bliss right? Problably why most people don't want those tools.
  16. Avoidance and shield (because I guess you mean the tanking shield right?) are actually totally useless in pvp as most ability do not bother with those hit table. Ignorance is a bliss right?
  17. Hey dude, Im in your raid, spaming strikes constantly with a few slash here and there. I'M DOING THINGS RIGHT! I GET DEM SPOT IN DEM RAID RIGHT! You'll never know you are carrying me but hey! I'm doing things and I complete your list here... "Is the DPS even near the boss? Do you see them shooting? Are they standing in a fire?" Don't tell me how to play also! I like the animation of slash and strike better than anything else! When we hit enrage on nightmare, it is just because you are too focus of watching me and trying to see if I'm doing a correct rotation! Your fault! (Yes, this post is 100% sarcastic. It's also 100% true.) I suggest you walk away shamefuly back to your troll raid and never come back.
  18. Go back a few months ago, around september, when they first announce that "bag loot" for normal operation. The amount of post of joy from the crowd was just sickening and would you dare make a post against it, you were going to be crush by spam of post... Doesn't seem that great now hein? Yes it remove ninja. No, it doesn't just rain loot to you (the you has nothing to do with the poster). RNG can be as frustrating if not more than a soo horrible ninja! Why? You can act against say person, not with luck. As it was said soo many time, random assign loot is always awful for anything that is remotely organized. While being able to trade would be great, it doesn't really fix the issue and the trading look like an waful patch to an horrible design. Want to fix the problem? Give the possibility to change loot rule in normal. Done.
  19. That is what I did. Remove the rakata enhancement et replace it with the columi enhancement or any tanking enhancement you get from raid. Here you go, you just remove the quite stupid surge boost. Doesn't excuse the quite stupid stats but with how tank's balance is out of whack, this doesn't really surprise me... And I don't have much hope for Bioware to fix this. Better get use to it
  20. Mmorpg pvp is soo great, balance and entertaining! Probably why MLG drop WoW even with the millions people playing it right? Get off your high horse. The biggest reason you see mmorpg pvp tournament is because of the amount of people playing those. But even with all those numbers, they are quite awful pvp game competition wise and most circuits know it. It just doesn't match with the idea of a rpg. Play real pvp game if you want to test your skill against another human. Hey look, that company you talk above... activision blizzard... it is the same that made SC2! See you there since you like real competition! Or maybe MW3 from Activison? Works for me too. I Play both.
  21. You have to understand that "mmorpg" have hidden rules to enter that category. GW has never been taken as a real mmorpg. The entire game is instance with only the city/mission area open to everybody. Also, RPG also involve an evolution in your characters. Evolution in power (lvl) then gears. Gw's evolution was very limited. It is quite impossible to have a balance mmorpg for pve and pvp without separating them completly since it doesn't match at all with the idea of a "fair fight". GW was an amazing pvp game. Many type of arena 4 to GvG to faction battle etc. BUT... it was a very terrible pve game. As expansion went out for GW, it became more and more a game of specifique build to farm trash alone for rare looking gear and then sell them for amazing price. PvE is what attract the most people. Not surprising a company focus on that first. That you like it or not, rpg/mmorpg have rules and you can't deny those. You might want to play another type of game for real "pvp". Hell, GW2 will be out soon enough and the pvp will probably be amazing if they do like the first.
  22. bold part... Is right when it's your premade vs pug. Has your group face another competent group? like a 4 person group made of: 2 melee operative, healing sorcerer and a powertech? here what happen: The 2 operative jump on the guardian melting him in a sec. At the same time, the powertech just pull your healer away and cc / interupt him with the sorcerer would the tank not be dead in time... Which is quite rare. The guardian might trinket the knockback and pop every single cds to survive (I have yet to see that) but that won't be the case on second turn... situation? you barely enter battle and it is now a 3 vs 4.. In a few second, you tank was destroy. your dps probably barely touch the enemy. Your healer is without guard and your group doesn't have taunts nor guardian leap to help WHILE the opposite team has the a full group. The worse? You can also do the oppossite. Just pull the tank with the grapple, wait 3 sec (the grapple immobilize you which stop you from leaping) then stun while the 2 operative play with your healer. that methode is just less safe as guardian might trinket and leap in a probably futile attempt to save his guarded target. Great great joy for being a tank with little damage and also little protection! Pvp where the first to open win because of several high burst /high arm pen dominating class with bilions reusable consumable is kind of boring.
  23. To be precise, the jugg "rage" one pony trick spec does that. Why? The build is just about making smash crit. Smash being a 5 meter (4 being melee range btw), 5 target max "aoe". I am not sure how someone could "decimate" a team with those characteristic. Then again, I never really understood the idea of making that "AoE" the hard hitting ability of this spec... In other word? It's a full dps spec. Far away from the idiot screaming "tank doing dps" everywhere. The real tank will be standing next to their guarded leaping back and forth, doing pretty much no damage and hoping nobody focus on him as he is going to get melt away in a sec if his 3m abilities are on cds.
  24. huh wake up? biochem is the best crew skill for pve also...
  25. You are pretty bad if you need doc to survive as a tank. The only thing he does is making sure you don't have to rest after every fight BUT... every damn fight last several time longer without a dps companion. Just no. I tried doc a few times. Realise how bad and long it was and went back with Kira for the rest of the game. Sergeant Rusk is also quite good for more AoE.
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