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Posts posted by ViciousFett

  1. So tired of buggy new content because your internal testers can't do their jobs. You clearly need us, so just put every new build up on test server, and give us better testing tools, like instant lv. 50 characters with gear, or at least the ability to copy existing characters over.


    This is so 10 years ago basic MMO knowledge, why haven't you guys figured this out yet?

  2. Also, some classes (agent, smuggler) are a lot less obvious about their healing due to a lack of particle effects.

    Many times the only way to tell if their healing is to keep them targeted and watch their cast bar.


    Healers make a huge difference in WZs, if you get put on a team w/o any it's basically a loss, I vote keep target markers in, and perhaps even allow the same icon for multiple targets.

  3. So what was so amazing in the last year of SWG then? I don't see having less professions etc. that amazing..


    Heroic Encounters (kind of like Flashpoints)

    Bounty Hunting system.

    PVP invasions

    TCG Items

    TCG Houses (Google Cloud House, vehicle garage, ship hanger, etc)

    Armor color kits/ Armor mods

    Improved crafting system

    TONS more

    • Add a 15th item equip slot for instruments. (Augmentable like relics of course)
    • Add a vendor with a music instrument or dance prop for each social level.
    • When players use level 5 or 10 party bombs players in area will play equipped instrument instead of default dances.

    Group jam sessions could grant a social xp buff, it wouldn't affect PVE or PVP mechanics, but it would still provide some incentive for people to quickly meet up before bosses, etc, for the music buff.

  4. Anyone that says the NGE was bad didn't stick around to play it more than a month or two. The last year of SWG was better than anything that came before it.


    The initial slap in the face to people that unlocked jedi the hard way was harsh, but the game ended up much better (for all classes) because of it.

  5. Yeah, no. HK is going to go for $15-$20, easy. Three to four months worth of store points for subscribers.


    Maybe, but we get retroactive tokens to start with, more if you have CE.



    150 Cartel Coins*

    Each paid month prior to July 31, 2012


    1000 Cartel Coins**

    Purchasers of the Collector's Edition


    You're all forgetting that the currency you use real money to purchase ANYTHING with is cartel tokens.

    Subscribers get cartel tokens every 30 days with their subscription, therefore ANY pay content will be free to them.

    DERRRRRRRRP Overreact moar! :rak_01:

  7. 1. Add a vote to disable social conversations feature for all Hard Mode Flashpoints. Yes, you'd be forfeiting the social points, but many of us that have done these flashpoints 100 times over no longer care!


    2. Add a HM Lost Island and SM Op certification feature. Too many new players are queuing up for these two with no prior experience or gear. Most of the time they end up getting kicked from the group, or abandoned all together (especially Lost Island). Most players don't even queue up for LI because of this. Solution: Require players to have successfully finished HM LI, SM KP, & SM EV once to be able to queue up for each of these.

    Make it a quest with a modest reward (besides the Group Finder queue ability) to get people interested initially

    Moving forward, ANY HM op or SM EC that gets added to Group Finder should also require this type of group finder certification.

  8. I'm sure most of their team is working on expansion content for later this year, which unfortunately means very few updates in the near future.


    They defiantly need to communicate with us a LOT more however.

    The Podcasts are great, but I'd like to hear them at least every other week, not every other month.

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