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Posts posted by ViciousFett

  1. Just so you know, Black Hole gear is not intended to be the best end-game gear. That's why there are just 2 basic sets with mostly higher Endurance to bring survivability up for the next tier of operations. There are three tiers of campaign gear (Mk.1 - Mk.III) Currently you can only get Mk.I from HM Denova, but Black hole is still just a gap between Tier 1 and Tier 2.
  2. It seems extreme, but let me remind you that Black Hole gear is basically the poor man's campaign gear, with no set bonus, and only 2 sets to choose from. Also, people are really hitting a wall with the EC SM & HM operations. The general population needs to be brought up to speed gear wise because the average columi/Rakata mix isn't cutting it for most people. Don't foret that we haven't even seen the mk II and mk III campaign gear sets yet.
  3. I think it would be really cool to have Mustafar in KOTOR. In the SWG: Trials of Obi-Wan expansion HK-47 was a pivotal character (and boss) on that planet. It would be really cool if we got to see how he became imprisoned there for thousands of years. Mustafar's geography is far different from anything currently in TOR as well, which would make it an interesting new environment to explore.


    Original trailer:

  4. Here is my issue with the adaptive gear. I wear medium armor. I bought some adaptive gear on the PTS. I bought the imp dancer set. When I modded it out and put it all on yes the armor rating went up but the durability stayed the same as if it was light gear so 80/80 all my medium armor is 100/100. So yes this is a fun change but as a hard core raider it comes with a cost that makes it not worth it. It comes with more repair bills more frequently.


    Wow, can't believe they forgot to scale the durability as well as armor rating.

    gg BW

    They should really just remove durability all together. It's a joke that light armor users have to pay more to repair, and heavy pays less.

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