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Posts posted by ViciousFett

  1. As someone that uses text macros for /emotes I'm now worried about getting detected by your idiot detection system. I've already had friends get banned for opening treasure chests on Corellia and being assumed credit farmers.


    PLEASE make toolbar abilities for all emotes if you're going to be scanning for text spam, cause I like to spam /backflip!

  2. I play all 8 classes, and all 36-point and hybrid specs. I have seen my Scoundrel roll 12 meters with the huttball while only consuming 25 energy. I've noticed this happens alot when I've been white-barred and used a breaker. I not only cleared the fire, pit, but landed half way from the ledge to the endzone.


    Secondly, you might need to learn to play if you are getting pulled/leaped/rooted to death. If you're getting the first possession then you should be passing that ball off to a team mate who is already on your catwalk. If the other team does not have a Scoundrel/Operative you have the time to restealth without using the emergency stealth. You can dodge the inevitable AOE by scampering once more towards your goal line.


    If you cannot find your team mates or use the excuse that it takes time to find them, you arent using your minimap to its fullest extent. If you've keybinded all your skills, you can do the handoff and stealth in a fluid motion.


    It seems to me (from what you've presented thus far) that you lack the skill of properly picking your fights.


    TY, this^

    Don't really need t hear from people that play only op/scoundrel. For those of us that play all classes (and have a firm understanding of the abilities comparatively) we recognize this as a bad game-play mechanic in the case of Huttball.

  3. Yeah, not gonna read that wall of text if you have no regard for simple paragraph formatting.


    Do not pass Jr High, do not collect $200.

  4. After spending yesterday afternoon looking into your reports and doing internal testing, we discovered a couple of things:


    1. We were missing an important Patch Note for Game Update 2.0, which I'll be adding to the notes as soon as possible with the information, and I apologize that it was missed.

    • Crew Skill Missions above level 400 provide rewards as follows:
      • Moderate and Abundant missions no longer provide Artifact Quality crafting materials.
      • Bountiful and Rich missions will provide Artifact Quality crafting materials only on a critical success.
      • Wealthy missions will provide Artifact Quality crafting materials for both normal and critical success.


    2. As many of you suspected, there are some bugs associated with Crew Skill Mission rewards above level 400. We're working on them now and will be sure to get them fixed in an upcoming patch. When I know more about when that will actually be, I will let you guys know.:

    • Slicing is not providing Thermal Regulators at the correct rate.
    • Slicing Lock Boxes are not providing a sufficient number of credits.
    • Gathering Crew Skill missions do not provide Premium items at the correct rate.
    • One of the Bountiful Diplomacy missions is not following the reward rules listed above and may provide Artifact Quality materials from normal successes.


    The combination of the bugs above, paired with the fact that the new missions don't yield materials in the same way as the older ones do would understandably lead to confusion around Level 400+ missions. We're sorry for any frustration this may have caused, and I hope to have cleared up your questions.





    so, fix tuesday, or what?

  5. There should be no god dam bloster in level 55 wzs period. It should not exist in the elite wz catagories.


    this tbh, what's the point in grinding PVP gear in the new system? It's not even visually unique, same models as PVE gear...

  6. Currently sitting on 47 grey helix comms (with plenty of odd amounts on other toons). So when is the event coming back? It would seem silly to bring it back the week RotHC comes out, but it will have been off for 2 weeks...

    I'd really be happy if they'd just make the grey helix tokens Bind to Legacy.:rolleyes:

  7. If you purchase a Dread Guard Relic from the Daily Comms vendor in the Black Hole, can you mail that relic to one of your other characters? I was told you can but want to verify before I spend the comms. Can someone please help answer my question? Thank you.


    Your blue text is almost unreadable and comes off as being conceited.

    You are not a beautiful unique snowflake.

  8. I don't think that's the issue here, mate. :)


    What is the issue then? That you guys are getting transferred?

    Guess what, I was on an early access East coast US server and I've been transferred twice, and lost all my character names to accounts younger than mine. I survived.

  9. You guys are making a huge deal out of what's really just a minor nuisance.


    This game has such small down time in comparison to other MMOs that I really don't see what the issue is.

    Servers go down, what, once a week? For like 30 min?


    I think you'll find large population servers a much greater benefit than the occasional evening down time.

  10. Heroics can net 7 in the week, and Xeno can net 10 a week or 14 or so if he drops extra.


    7 x 3 = 21

    10 x 3 = 30 / 14 x 3 = 42

    As you can see it's totally possible to get well over 48 helix in one three week period. At most you can get 63. The event hit twice so thats a possible 126 helix.


    where are you getting 3 week period?


    Both periods are 2 weeks long.

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