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Posts posted by ViciousFett

  1. Currently Empire has one Companion with a crafting crit +5 (Jaesa, synthweaving)



    Republic however, has 4:

    Corso: +5 Armstech crit

    Tanno: +5 Armormech crit

    Doc: +5 Biochem crit

    Kira: +5 Synthweaving crit



    Why no love for the Empire BW? :rak_02:


    Also, many of the droid sensors are fairly gimp without a crafting crit mod at all..


    Medical Droid Sensor

    +10 Biochem Efficiency

    +2 Diplomacy Critical


    Scout Droid Sensor

    +10 Artifice Efficiency

    +2 Treasure Hunting Critical


    Security Droid Sensor

    +10 Armormech Efficiency

    +2 Underworld Trading Critical

  2. if this is the past how is his number higher then hk-47?


    HK-47 was in Kotor 1 & 2, which takes place before this game. 47 is also a boss in 2 of this game's flashpoints.

    If you're confused by HK-47's presence in SWG, that's because he was sealed in an old republic facility on Mustafar for thousands of years, then reactivated.


    I really hope BW gives us some more story of how HK-47 came to be imprisoned on Mustafar. Mustafar expansion anyone?

  3. you really want the black hole commendations, which are used for the almost-highest pve gear in game, to just drop? LOL


    It's really not that outrageous when we'll be getting Black hole Comms form doing the group finder daily in 1.3


    The dropping of the quest and re getting of it would be too exploitable though, maybe they could make is so you can only pick up a daily ONCE A DAY to prevent that.

  4. Hover over the companion icons in the legacy window. It says nothing about crit etc buffs.

    You get cooldown& duration buffs for your Heroic Moment ability (once for each companion type) and +10 presence, which stacks for total companions unlocked.

    I think the buffs the Dulfy article describes were scrapped before 1.2 actually came out.

  5. It's been about 2 months since we got the Black Hole dalies on Corellia, and it's already a ghost town most of the time. Getting a group together for the 4-man heroic (which is usually 3-maned) is a pita when there's only a few people in the zone at the time, and half are AFK.


    What can get people back in the zone? Glad you asked, here's my suggestions:


    • New recipe drops for social armor
    • Possibility of Black Hole comm drops off instance mobs only (to prevent farming of respawning mobs). {Similar to how planet mobs can drop planet's comms.}
    • **AND MOST IMPORTANTLY** A faster way to get to the black Hole area! Having to sit through a load screen to Corellia, run through the starport, then sit through another load screen to BH is ridiculous. There needs to be a shuttle from Fleet straight to Black Hole!


    Everyone please bump this thread if you'd like to see these changes, or add more. Thanks.

  6. My Jugg is my 4th toon and I have a full set of orange Legacy gear. Once I'm 50 im just gonna buy a set of columi pieces with my other 3 character's extra tokens and pull all the mods out to put in the legacy gear, then I can add augments to each piece later in 1.3


    The Legacy gear is spendy (750k for full set), but it will save me a ton of flashpoint farming, and I will eventually have the set bonus once I start getting campaign gear on that character. Looks better than columi/rakata too IMO.

  7. I'm on my 4th character, lv 37, rest are 50 with full columi or rakata.


    Ground xp hasn't really changed at all, although I've found much faster more efficient ways to level.

    Also, maxed out rocket boost makes a huge difference, especially pre lvl 25.


    Best advice I can give is to just do all the quests you can, skip bonus series quest lines when you can, and once you get to corellia just do the class quests, than start up Ilum/Belsavis bonus at ~47 for much better xp.

  8. I'd like to be able to change the ability icons. Many classes have similar abilities with different icons, and many of the icons are also reused for other class for completely different abilities. I'd like to be able to change them my self to make playing multiple classes easier.


    Also, ability icons for /emotes would be nice, especially /doublelasers.

  9. It can if you add the chatpad, which is basically a qwerty keyboard added to the bottom of the controller. If one of those was required to be able to play TOR on xbox then it might actually work.


    360 and PS3 also have these things called USB ports which you can plug a keyboard and mouse into.

    Worked fine for earlier MMOs like FFXI and Phanatsy Star Online, but it seems people forgot how to use anything less than a controller with consoles these days, it's a shame really..

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