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Posts posted by ViciousFett

  1. I can confirm that works, I just bought 4 comms.

    It was a little confusing however, after splitting the stack the comms were stuck to my mouse cursor and I had to click my inventory (not currency tab) to finish the purchase.

  2. 3 Warzone Commendations can now be traded for 1 Ranked Warzone Commendation.


    This has not happened. its still 30 for 10.

    3 for 1 would be handy if you're less than 10 comms short to buy your next item. I personally have been short a few times and had to play another match just to get a few more WZ comms.

  3. Another reason, which I'm not sure applies to this game, but probably does is:


    When you use /stuck it also sends a location report to a database which developers use to identify spots where the geometry needs to be fixed. If people spam it in one spot that isn't necessarily a bad spot it makes the reports useless.

    Only problem I see with it now is that people use /stuck to reset raid bosses on a wipe faster.

  4. I can really get behind this concept. I know this game is currently more geared toward the WoW faction style, but it really wouldn't be that difficult to change things to a more SWG style of faction grouping. Anyone familiar with how factions worked in Galaxies knows it was simply a matter of not being flagged for PVP, and this seemed to work a lot better for people that were more into PVE as opposed to PVP.


    Bioware has the chance to really give it their own unique system too with the Light/Dark alignment system. It's not something I see happening soon, but further down the road it will probably be necessary as people continue to leave the game.

  5. Rather than changing LI, let's take some of these story mode flashpoints and make them into Tier 2 HM flashpoints:


    Hammer Station



    Collicoid War Game

    The Red Reaper



    I was just wishing we could do these FPs at end game, so tired of the old 7 HMs.

    It would be a nice addition for people that cant do operations for the other pieces of rakata gear(F2P)

  6. The term "rdps" was created because ranged dps is preferable in most operation/flash point situations, especially when in a pug. The reason for this is it's often easier to tank and heal when the dps aren't getting hit with AOE damage from bosses. (see LR-5 or Heavy Fabricator). This isn't to say melee classes are bad, in fact marauder assassin and powertech(and their republic counterparts) can out dps the rest, but it usually makes for a smoother run without them.


    Having said that, it's a bit of a mystery to me why people have now taken to spamming general chat with "mdps LFG" etc. I appreciate your honesty, but you should know that isn't helping you find a group.


    Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.;)

  7. Five months of no updates, no new wz no new fp no new anything and to regurgitate the same stuff that is already there and some new colors seems like a spit in the face, especially after promising updates monthly i don't expect fp or ops every month but 9 months since release 1 OP and 2 FP most company's make games and expansions in 9 months you guys can only make 1 OP and 2 FP?


    Sounds like you don't even play the game that much if you can't remember that we got 2 new ops (KP & EC), and the Novare Coast WZ (4 now).


    I don't disagree that the GAR event left us feeling a little ripped off when compared to the Rakghoul event, but I'm glad we have legacy weapons now to transfer barrels/crystals between toons.


    There's loads more coming in the weeks ahead as well...

  8. One thing I hope you guys realize about New Legacy Content is that by the time it gets added most people will already be legacy 50. So once again we'll get a bit of new content, then legacy xp is useless yet again with nothing to work towards.

    Not only should they add legacy perks for levels 25-50, but raise the cap to 100, or 200 and also add some higher level perks to work towards.

  9. For PvP, new mainhand and offhand items will become available from the PvP vendors when Terror from Beyond is released. These will be included so PvP players don't feel the need to get the hilts and barrels from PvE items to get the highest weapon damage in some cases.


    Could you please clarify if these new PVP weapons will require WH weapons to purchase, or am I better off waiting to spend my ranked comms and continuing to use battle master weps for now.



    Also... anyone else find the different color pallets on the new PVE gear a bit pointless when you can get the chest and color match the rest? I remember a huge uproar over how ugly campaign/black hole gear was when it was released, ans BW saying they heard us "loud and clear".

  10. I applaud this kind of open design dialogue, but with a game that's ran by EA and Lucas Arts I have very low expectations for anything to come of this. This is far less of a community driven game like EVE and much more of a money meat grinder designed to make fat cats richer. When it eventually starts to fail they'll simply shut it down and start a new SW MMO. It's happened before, and it will happen again.
  11. I was sure they would have taken a post mortum of the Rakghoul event and though of ways to make an even better thought out event, not one that's ten times worse...


    Bioware, if you actually read this, please learn from your mistakes for the next event. Unfortunately the all the future events for the next year or so are more than likely already in the can. Probably made by the old devs just before they got laid off...

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