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Everything posted by Journeyer

  1. Of your 6 major, game-ruining points, the lack of a Krayt Dragon was one of them? Sounds like the game's doing pretty well to me. Btw--remember Kotor? "Krayts," as you so familiarly call them, are pretty darned rare. Not just tomping around the desert dropping epic loots. There *will* be a Krayt, you can be sure. And Bioware is saving it for an Ace.
  2. They announced that the traditional 6-week update cycle would be 9 weeks at the end of the year because of the holiday, so I'd guess...9 weeks from a few weeks ago? Would be nice to know, for sure, though, I agree.
  3. I didn't even need a guild for any of this quest--solod it. And for finding the parts...yep, I used the chat window to ask if anyone else was looking. It was a week after HK was added, but there were a couple people looking anyways--helped speed it up. But none of that even has anything to do with "hard." It's not hard. It's pretty ordinary lvl 50 content. For the Heroic 2 part, I had to put away my dps companion and bring my healer, but that's not exactly hard. If you mean that it took you more time than you wanted to spend, or that it was not the kind of gameplay you wanted, you might title the post in that way, rather than saying "too hard."
  4. What level cap? Ohhhhhhh, the one in March? Don't worry about it. You'll want it by then.
  5. Hmm--that's an interesting thought. Would be a reasonable way to explain the pre-order thing, at least.
  6. Correct, we're not getting it for free--and I'm ok with that, since the game has had to switch pay models. He was implying that it's free in the sense of "no additional charge above your subscription fee (if you save the tokens)." As for the cartel store, there was a post made recently (see the dev tracker) stating that it will never be in the Cartel Shop. I hope that this will be changed, or explained--which is the purpose of my post
  7. True, but...we're putting money in the bank for them every month--about $5 worth, based on the Tokens they give. Surely they've heard of long-term investment. I think that it'd actually e *great* both for us and for them, if subscribers essentially got the content free thanks to saving up. Because that would mean that all of the other enticements in the shop were apparently not effective ways to get certain people to spend. And this would then give them something worthwhile. To put it another way, if you have a store that sells only one brand and it isn't selling well, you don't up the charge on the merchandise. You expand your offerings so that everyone has something they'd like to buy from your shop.
  8. The model is backwards. Remember those Cartel Token things? The point, for Bioware, is to drive us customers to spend tokens. Anyone who's been hoarding from the initial F2P launch, or is planning to save up the monthly allotment for "something big" ought to be essentially a target for Bioware; the goal is to say "here's something big--spend those tokens!" That way, we'll need to keep subbing at the very least, and possibly shell out additional cash. So that expansion...it's only available for hard cash? Why? Wouldn't the exact opposite be wiser? Shouldn't it be purchasable *only* for Cartel Tokens? That would move the currency along. I do not mean to open this up to the obvious cheap shots about EAware wanting to double-dip. Nor am I particularly interested in opinions that the expansion ought to be free. What I AM interested in, and please tell me if you agree, is a clear and rational explanation from Bioware. I would like to hear why this latest expansion is money only, as opposed to Cartel Tokens only in light of the logic I have just presented. It would additionally be great to hear from Bioware something about the design of the Cartel Market system. What, if not to sell us new things, is Bioware's intended model? Were they afraid that introducing Makeb to the Shop would be flamed as Pay-to-Win? I think I can actually speak for everyone in the SWTOR community if I say that we, the players, would like to converse. We want to hear your thought process and respond. You guys shouldn't have to try to guess what we're feeling, and then bravely try to make an official policy statement (and brace for impact). We want you to try out your ideas with us. Tell us your logic. Let's chat.
  9. I don't like this. I'm not one who thinks that the expansion should be free--I get that. But as a subscriber, I ought to be allowed the choice of saving my $5 worth of tokens each month to pay for the expansion, or paying cash for it so I can use the tokens on goodies. Bioware came out at free to play and spoke of how player feedback was more important now than ever, and then followed up shortly thereafter to make sure we all were aware that they had begun implementing changes. Well, the feedback seems pretty clear here: 1) Subscribers want to choose how to spend their money. Let us decide whether to spend frivolously or save up. 2) Folks demanding all the expansion stuff that was promised waaay back in a pre-F2P swtor are ignoring the many updates we had that clearly overturned that initial intention. Reasonable people don't mind paying.
  10. First of all, what CE ripoff? The one where you got everything they listed? Or the one where they later decided to add bonuses like extra Cartel Tokens? Second, check your own signature. Aren't you supposed to be gone?
  11. This analogy is an accurate representation of the situation, and should be burned into the retinas of most of the posters on the past 30 pages. Or, if we were so lucky, Bioware would make an in-game message pop up quoting it.
  12. Welll, I don't know what BW will do next Spring, but I'd say that at the present it makes sense. I mean, you spend Cartel coins in the Cartel shop in the game, right? And there's no expansion in the game yet.... So the pre-order, out of game, is in $. Mind you, no guarantee that once it goes live it'll be a Cartel shop unlock, but since Section X is, I assume.......
  13. Good post--I hadn't noticed this was available yet, and I've just pre-ordered! (QQing? On my forums? Never! ;D Look, the game's F2P, we're going to have to pay for new things. Sure they "promised" no pay for Makeb...back when the game was under a different economic model and they figured on having over a million subscribers. They've promised "no promise on that" many times since, and as we all like to forget, more recent news trumps 8 month old projected statements. It's 50% off to subscribers. Buy and be happy )
  14. Really. What daily reward group finder were *you* using at launch? You might be thinking of another game. Puff...there you aren't. There's some things you can buy, certainly. Some. Go ahead--gear yourself out in Dread Guard with Cartel sales. I'll be waiting for the results. People on a forum disagree? What, after reading your post, I thought everyone got along so well! But while we're at it, note that I've made it quite clear that Bioware has already taken many steps to greatly improve interaction. For those of us able to simultaneously read *and* comprehend, it might have become clear that the theme of my post was "more of what that previous guy, and most reasonable players, feel is improving the game. Less of this back-to-solo-mode nonsense." My mind is happily clear on this.
  15. Unfortnately he's right. Now, I'm not going to go searching for all the posts, but there have been hundreds threatening to rage-quit if real-life holidays started triggering events in game. It's humorous to see the community flip-flop on this. Back in the day, everyone was a Star Wars purist, not wanting their immersion ruined by silly holiday events like those other mmos do. Now, we've got 100 pages of people upset that we don't have events while all the other mmos do.
  16. I would like one Cartel token. Make it a daily if you must, or grant it as soon as I log on. But only grant it to me if I log on. Every day. What's 30 extra Cartel Tokens / month mean? In terms of the value of Cartel items, it means very little. In terms of subscribers and preferred players, it means logging in to the game at least once every day to see what's happening. And to get that Token--because if I don't log in, I'm just throwing away money. To put it another way, I think Bioware might benefit greatly from something almost negligible in cost that would ultimately result in incentivizing players to keep logging in for something every day. It's a system that should be built on, but this is a start. Keep us from taking indefinite breaks, keep us "in touch," stopping by the game. It's a heck of a lot more effective than sending out emails every few patches to remind us to come play. (Why do I get those, btw? I *do* log in almost every day). If this is seen to be ineffective, may I introduce you to GLU Mobile, or any other number of free to play gaming giants, who offer just enough of an incentive to encourage you to keep coming back every day but not enough to unbalance their profit model. I think it's worth it, to Bioware, to put a little bit of currency out there for free; the payout is keeping players in the game every day. (See my suggestions below, explaining the Ultimate PvE experience, Tradeable Cartel Tokens, and PvE Careers--all of which would have addressed the problem of getting players back into the game every day. And all of which have sunk away without reflection from Bioware. But, here I am again, trying another angle. I don't even get paid for this! )
  17. Multiplayer game. Group up. For those of the "but grouping is hard" pursuasion, let me remind you that back in the day, when we didn't have groupfinder, over a million people vacated the game. Commonly cited problems: Too instanced, too much a single player game, too much solo content, not enoughways to group. The way to bolster this game is *not* to further scale the rewards for solo daily missions. It will *always* be easier to log in whenever and do content alone. The way for Bioware to grow the game is to provide improvements to grouping tools, and to provide rewards for grouping. Oh, and also...BH comms? Srsly? Go straight from 50 greens to Dread Master Relics and Campaign armor? Why bother having any gear? The point of the game isn't to get gear. The point is to have fun, and to explore the content. Which, btw, follows a story, if anyone's not spacebarring it all. The gear is both the reward and the step to the next goal. If you skip straight to top gear, you aren't playing the game, I'm sorry.
  18. Bought it, ride it, love it. It's, to use a phrase, delightfully tacky yet unrefined. To put it another way, it's just outrageous enough that I get a kick out of it. And just too outrageous to use outside of the holidays. Working as intended.
  19. The only legitimate complaint I've heard is from clickie-healers who ask to put them away so that they don't keep clicking the pets instead of the peeps.
  20. But more importantly, did he cap it? I ask only because I've channeled doors in Voidstar for a full 8 seconds many times before, while stunned or dead. I don't actually successfully cap, though. Just happens randomly. (Seems to be triggered most by agent sleep darts for stun, not sure what's causing it on death. Either way, as someone who has seen his own toon channeling while definitely not actually capping, I can say that it appears to be a performance issue rather than a deliberate cheat--unless he's actually able to cap?
  21. The game needs to make money, Cel. Bottom line. Bioware has added new Ops, new FPs, new PvP WZs, 2 world events, new world bosses, new daily mission areas, new tiers of gear over the last 11 months. That's nearly every aspect of the game, significantly expanded, in 1/2 panda-cycle. If all of this new content is somehow completely unbalanced for you because of a bunch of new outfits in the cash shop, then I do not feel that you are giving a particularly fair assessment of the game. If the only thing that matters to you is the story, then great--Bioware recently announced it has made more progress than it hoped for on the new class story lines. So those are coming too, and in the realistically near future (read: they already have several done). If they want to put little goodies and toys in the cash shop to keep the game alive while purists hold out for the next story addition, I'd have to ask you not to complain.
  22. =D Thanks for the support! We saw, with the introduction of the Cartel Market, just how quickly a 4th Cargo Bay slot became obtainable, so I think I agree with you that it's tough to call just how long a feature like this would take to develop but it's certainly doable I'm revisiting this suggestion because it's becoming, as predicted, rather important. I now have a war hero PvP set, a Dread Master PvE set, several bonus gear sets (world events, bell hat, sabers with rare color crystals), Revan's set, and the Life Day gear--I like the looks of each of these things, and I'm definitely running out of space fast! Adding a way to manage outfits (and to take them out of inventory) is only going to become a bigger and bigger deal if BW succeeds at making me want more cartel stuff! And...this system would make the transition from PvP to PvE to dual-spec much simpler~ (Imagine if each speeder we unlocked went into inventory to use...it's a good thing there's a separate tab for it, and it's basically the same idea for outfits)
  23. I vote that they will be a group of post-dread-masters baddies. (And they'll all wear a big shroud over their heads...defeating them will unlock the hood-down option)
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