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Everything posted by Journeyer

  1. Single best update: All is right with the world again.
  2. *fake math* + *fake math* = rage!!!! 60k for a planet's dailies? 75k repairs for no deaths? Let's get a video of that. 80-110k for each planet's dailies. 60k for 3 wipes. I used to be able to run Ilum dailies 1-2 days per week, wipe for 2 hours in raid, and come out ahead on money. Now, outrage of outrages, I have to put in effort. 15 minutes on Ilum will net you 50k. Give it a try: Agent Falcon Mission, Downed ship mission, Shield generator mission, destroy turrets mission.
  3. Well, and *also* it's one less lightsaber the other guy can pick up, if we're talking spares In short, there's advantages to being able to block in one place and hit in another. Maybe you don't go into a fight with 2 sabers, but if things seem to be evenly drawn, you change the equation. And you grab that second saber because if you don't, the other guy will.
  4. Too Overpowered, to have one class that can't be cc'd. You'd realistically need to add a counter-cc to every class's defensive ability, but...then what's the point of having out of combat cc? You can always just use a stun breaker. And the second stun, if your resolve isn't full, is not long enough for a cap.
  5. One time, I RE'd a schematic and got an upgrade on the first try. I'm pretty sure that RE is actually 100%. --or, trust Bioware on statistics, since realistically, they are the only ones with the *whole* picture.
  6. If I have your lightsaber, you do not have your lightsaber.
  7. From the known issues post: Using the inventory sort feature while any items are currently being used in another window (such as mail, GTN, or trade) can cause items to be destroyed from the inventory.
  8. My criteria for quitting a warzone--judge if you'd like; I've only quit a few: 1) Are we in the first 2 minutes? If I've spent more time than that, I ought to have done something meaningful by now. I'm not quitting a WZ that I'm trying to win. 2) Are we morons? I love force-sprinting to a pylon, capping, turning around, and seeing 6 teammates there, supporting my effort. Or solo-capping snow while watching grass get stealth capped right under the noses of the 2 people "guarding it." Or defending solo vs 7 incoming on a door in Voidstar. Can you all really not see the hoard of red names going left? 3) Do I have 1 or fewer medals? Sorry--selfish here. Rewards @ 3 medals. So if the whole team refuses to do anything other than 7-man guard grass on Alderaan for the match, I guess you all don't really need me. If *all 3* conditions are true: 1 minute in, blatant stubborn moronism and refusal to try, and I cannot even get any credit... I quit. Happens occasionally. And is *definitely* not the same as the %^#$^%$s who quit after losing one objective. Try, people. Just try--that's all I'm looking for in a WZ.
  9. If you do *only* your story missions, you will be 5 levels underleveled by Tatooine. Trust me, the challenge is pretty awesome. The trick is, Bioware has to draw the line somewhere--maybe they went towards the casual end. You can't get through the game on story missions alone, so you'll have to engage in some side activities. There's space, side quests, PvP warzones, and flashpoints. But if you *had* to do every single one of these to level, then you'd have the whole PvE crowd ticked off about having to PvP and vice-versa. And the complaints about space missions would be pretty over-the-top if you had to do them daily to level. It's fun, thin, diversionary content to help supplement your XP I guess the point is--if you feel like you're done somewhere, head to a different planet Those side quests will be there to entertain your next toon.
  10. You... you do realize how that works, right? You are billed repairs based upon the value of your gear. Wiping for content you're over-geared for thus nets you a loss. They are currently putting more credits out with the *potential* to take more back if you wipe. Similar balance as before (in terms of wiping cleaning out your winnings), with more potential reward. If they reduce the repair costs, then they will simply need to make a quick reciprocal adjustment to the quantity of free credits that are pouring out of every gaping wound in every npc. Lower repair bill = lower mission rewards. Did you not notice that when tfb rolled and repair costs went up, the number of credits from that Op became insane? I can wipe a dozen times in there and come out ahead. Did you notice that when the newest world event and daily missions rolled, they drop a freaking ton of credits, as well as blue and purple items? The group XP thing--that did always puzzle me. I've come to assume that what they mean is that the XP in a group is multiplied by the number of members in the group rather than divided among them. So you get the content done faster, with fewer wipes, but receive the same XP (unless you bring a 50 to smoosh your level 30 heroics).
  11. Heh. Don't. You'd spend several tens of thousands of dollars arranging the suit, and the day before your preliminary hearing, Bioware would add the Green-backed Alderanian Troll pet to the vendor. *poof* There goes your lawsuit, as Bioware adds items to the vendor post-launch.
  12. It's addition. 270+630+1440. Annnnnnd. You are not expected to do maths. You are expected to complain on the forums. We will do the maths *for* you because we are just that nice. Annnnnnnd... Maths? Just save up trophies. Use them. When the red text says you hit your cap, wait a week. As has been said many times, the vendor isn't going anywhere. Use the items, farm more in the next recurrence if needed, and you'll get the items. Ohhhh, wait. You want to get the items in the most efficient, time-productive/labor-reducing manner? Do Maths. How the heck do you think anyone figures out anything efficient?
  13. "Recurring event" Unless Bioware messes that up, there's simply no feasible way to complain about not getting enough helixes. (And the crack about worst MMO developer kinda rings false when paired with the accusation that a player would have to group up and go multi-player to get content).
  14. I'm hoping they'll sell a special Grey Helix Wallet in the Cartel Market, to keep them in!
  15. While I'd be disappointed if this is true, a good thorough 6-hour play-time and discussion with guildies led to the consensus that we like the event quite a lot. The promise of recurring holds some sway here, for one, and we've realized that we sort of rather like the idea that the whole event isn't simply done in 2 days. The last event with the Chevin, while enjoyable, had unfortunate backlash here on the forums that I can sum up with "So that's it?" Finding all the stuff in that event would have taken a bit of time w/out Dulfy, and with, no time at all--and then the event was done. We're actually liking the idea that this seems tuned pretty closely so that you can get close to the rep cap either with multiple toons on PvE, or fewer doing both PvP and PvE, and the purple drops from this thing are crazy--it's raining money. And having things that appear to be just out of reach after day one of the event is much better, I think, than having the entire event appear to be "solved" in a day.
  16. Thank you Bioware! Accomplished!! <3
  17. My raid group has 2 shadow tanks--Toth isn't an issue. (In fact, we leave him in Berserk for the whole fight) That being said, the first few times we fought him, it seemed as though I was simply not able to survive it. (I was on the Zorn side, so I got Toth's first jump and Berserk). Attentiveness, as others have said, is vital here. And communication. When Toth hits 90, 70, 50, 30, and 10 percent, he jumps. That's going to do a lot of damage to you if you're on Zorn when a flying Drouk lands beside you. So be ready! If your health isn't topped off, as a tank, it's time for defensive cooldowns. You have a bubble, resilience, battle readiness, and *possibly* a clickable relic. You know to stop DPS on Zorn when you get "Fearful" --that should help--and you're hopefully keeping kinetic ward up the whole fight. Point is, it's *supposed to hit you for ludicrous damage. Because if it didn't then, the healers would be able to massively over-heal the whole raid, negating accidental aoe damage taken, etc. You could breeze through the fight and be sloppy. The fight makes you, as a tank, search for a cooldown rotation to help your healers, and it's up to your healers to zerg-heal you on the jumps, and it's up to the dps to avoid damage from fearful, the scream, and the red circles in order to help the heals. Oh, and--switch bosses--that's happening, right? On the jump, each tank taunts the opposite boss. Because one you get the fearful debuff, you can't hit Zorn for 40 seconds without killing yourself. Like a team fight! Coordination is definitely key here--we call our 92%, 90% jump! Every time. Welcome to swtor tanking!
  18. Lol. You asked...I guess it's time I came out about my cargo hold >< I can't even explain this, so...screen shots? Bay 1: http://screencast.com/t/9Hb64S2neMDB Bay 2: http://screencast.com/t/sEh2diicyR3 Bay 3: http://screencast.com/t/c4vQn8JU Bay 4: http://screencast.com/t/LLYj3sJ5 Hilights include: World event currencies! Sabers containing every rare color in the game! (white, purple, pink/purple, black-green, black-yellow, orange-red, magenta, etc) Lucky Coins! The precioussssssss One or more duplicates of almost all common Cartel speeders! Jawa Cloak! And far, far more and weirder things I...collect. Edit: Gah, fixed all-important tab 4 link
  19. The imperials, as a group of people who all came from one place, have similar accents. This isn't surprising. As for British, what are you talking about??? What's Britain? They all sound like they've got Dromund Kaas accents to me. Unless you want an out-of-game-lore anwer. In which case I've got that for ya too. Watch the movies. See how the Imperials sound? Canonical accent. As for why the Imps in Canon have accents--no worries. George Lucas isn't anti-brit. He did, however, find himself with a unique need back in the 1970's. He needed the world's largest soundstage for his new screenplay, and for the majority of the film's extras (who happen to be Imperial), he hired local talent once he arrived at Leavesden Studios. Which is in England.
  20. Since launch, the jumping mechanic has improved. Jumps are divided into 2 categories: the longer one and the shorter one. I think there's a ton of frustration due to imagined extra complications such as the need to get a running start, force speed, speeder, etc. These shouldn't be needed, however. I have gotten all of the games datacrons using only the basic 2 jumps, except in cases where additional vendor tools were needed. To long-jump: Press space, and then Up Arrow immediately after. To short jump: Press space and then Up arrow after a short pause (about a third of a second). Basically, it's either an immediate 1-2 punch or jump-then-forward. You use the long jump to cross gaps and the short one to get up on ledges. All of the attempting to run and jump and so on actually leads to the frustrations where you seem to hit jump in time, but end up glitching right off the edge. *Additional note on long-jumping* You don't have to be riiiight on the edge of something to long-jump--often you don't want to be. make sure you're firmly on a surface, and then just 1-2 jump. If you glitch off the edge, take a step back next time. But no running and jumping is needed. (In my experience, this timing was much less clear at launch, and simultaneous pressing was needed--which led to much running and jumping and...falling )
  21. If you ran that FP in Rakata gear, you're sure he's dead It's entirely doable to actually kill him with no fall. He just drops to the floor dead if you get him during the solo phase
  22. I'm glad you've all found this thread entertaining. So let me get this straight...you're all good with having an unspecified amount of credits subtracted from your sales with no notice? I'm seeing a lot of "commish since day 1 lolol" and "think it's too high go play another game roflcopter." Re-read. I don't like that the commission is unannounced and invisible. It *ought* to be listed somewhere when an item is posted. Deposit: 5 credits Commission: 220 credits. Anything--just something. Informing someone that 6% of their sale has been taken *after* the sale is over is not ok, regardless of day one, regardless of other games costing more, and regardless of your current level of lols. (I do understand credit sinks, you know). You guys *like* not being informed?
  23. This has got to get fixed, and fast. It's like fraud...but feels worse. Example case: I see an item selling for 37k on the GTN. So I list one myself for 37k. Means the item is worth 37k if it sells, right? WRONG. I receive 34,780 credits. Where's my credits?!?!?! Ohhh, I see. In the mail message, it says that a "commission" of 2220 credits has been sliced off of my sale. That's 6%--kind of a big deal guys. And I don't necessarily mean "omg, so much." I just mean...6% is an awful lot to take off without ever telling me!!! Look at the GTN when listing an item. Where's the commission mentioned?? Nowhere. Listing fee: 5 credits. That's it. So the big surprise, and devaluation of my item, occurs after the sale! You do realize what this has done, right, BW? You slashed the value of every sellable item in the game by 6% overnight. Did anyone at the braintrust wok out the numbers here to see what was going to happen? Let's hope that any would-be sellers in the game weren't trading close to margin--you've just bankrupted any who were. This is easy to fix. DON'T have 2 fees--one hidden. DO list the commission right up front. Just change the word Deposit to Commission, and we're all set. Having the money culled on the back-end is dishonest.
  24. Bumping up again, after a month, because... heh, "Rise of the Hutt Cartel?" Oh, Bioware....if ever you had an opportunity in the making... ;D
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