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Everything posted by Journeyer

  1. Personal theory: the people on the forums have finally logged in... ><
  2. I know that this is a stretch of reality, but is it remotely possible that since Revan is currently...clothed... he might own, oh, I don't know, maybe several outfits? I, for one, welcome the upcoming "Revan's loungewear bathrobe"
  3. Now that I'm looking again, and have received a Reven's Chestpiece, which happens to look rather precisely like ont of the outfits shown there.... I'm beginning to think that OP might be mistaking a similar-looking non-fancy piece of gear for a piece of gear that I just got in a cartel pack. Has the shoulder ruffles and everything.
  4. Mm, I think a lot of it has to do with exclusivity. Bioware is frequently too "fair" about everything (though you'd not know it from the forums) and most of the pets are achieved too simply, and with no fanfare, story, or anything. They're just drops, straight purchases, or conciliatory mailed items from BW. Everyone is given ample opportunity to get most of them, and they aren't made to seem special. To go one further, the ones that *are* special and are hard to get are *too* special and too hard. If you didn't purchase a CE, you're missing one. If you didn't attend PAX back when BW went to conferences, you missed one. This game needs less fairness and more differentiation (ironically, PvP has pretty good differentiation...oh, right, that was supposed to be the fair part) With regards to OP--I think it's a good idea, but per the first reply, I don't think that alone will have much impact on pet popularity either way. Hopefully, there'll be more to it in the future; even just naming pets at the moment you "use" them would give a bit of weight (and a thousand "I made a mistake/thought I was clever and turned out I wasn't" posts about needing to change names )
  5. In 2 days, "Done!" They're on the GTN, which I applaud Bioware for allowing. And yes, items show up for 15 million credits, but that's not sustainable. Give it a week or two, and all the hot new Cartel stuff is down under a million. And with that week's worth of time, you can run some dailies--you'll get about 4 million credits in 2 weeks Not as desirable as "here you go, today." But I think it's workable enough.
  6. Just out of curiosity, before buying, did you click the preview button on the armor? Did the preview look like the sample art on the Cartel pack image? Curious to know because that was, to my mind, a bigger bug--and one that I *think* they fixed--where previews were doing goofy things like simulating hood-down options instead of what they actually looked like in-game.
  7. It's mainly that each discipline you choose to pursue involves learning specific skills and techniques. By specializing in those kinds of techniques, one elects to use the appropriate weapon. Let me put it another way: Suppose you train to become a master swordsman. And I give you a crossbow. Would it make sense? What was all of that training for? The techniques you have learned wouldn't be applicable. My Jedi Shadow is able to wield the Cartel Axe of he wants to. But trust me, he doesn't want to. Without it, I lose things like the ability to spin around in a giant double-bladed wheel. And serious tanking is a nightmare without several of my double-bladed abilities (which are all crowd mitigation techniques). Doesn't mean I can't do it, but it does mean that it became clear pretty quickly why I wouldn't. We simply trained for something different.
  8. Everyone skips the word Bonus these days, huh? What if a piece of gear promised on the label to give you +10 strength? What if you equipped it on your character, got up from your computer, and discovered that you were exactly as strong as before? Or *less* from melting in front of a machine? Rageeee? No. Because, even though it is in no way stated anywhere on the in-game gear, it is implied that the language of the promise is within the context in which the promise is given. That is to say, "there's a mechanic that we assume you understand. If you did not understand it, this item and its description text can not be expected to be meaningful. Within your understanding of the mechanic, we provide the following." As has been made amply clear, cartel packs contain "bonus" items. These are extra items (that's what a bonus is) that occur rarely. The packs you refer to contain bonus items, per the cartel packs mechanic. The bonus items that are associated with this new pack are not the bonus items associated with any other packs. Assuming, of course, that the word Bonus is clear.
  9. I'm perfectly and entirely satisfied *except* with the price. With all the rage that's gone around the forums, and the threats of violent unsubbing, regarding the addition of a World Event themed and timed with real world holidays, I absolutely applaud Bioware (and shake an "I-told-you-so" finger at the forumites) for Coming up with a number of holiday celebration items that are not blatantly Christmas/Chanukah/Et cetericamas, yet provide players with a way to make their own holiday spirit, as it were, if it suits them. I'd have loved to have seen a world event. But I'd not have loved to have seen half of you rage-quit, or even worse, to stay subscribed just to troll the forums. So, we get something. Only thing is that subs get 500 tokens and this costs nearly 5 times as much...*if* we buy the bundle. None of us have 5 months of tokens yet, and it costs 30% more if we try to buy items individually. So it's very strongly flavoured in Pay to Participate, *regardless* of whether you're a subscriber or not. Let me clarify before I'm misinterpreted. Spending is necessary. But the amount is such that those who have chosen to pay BW monthly will still find themselves needing to get out the old checkbook to try the new items, and that's messy. 1200 for the pack, and I'd have been delighted (2 months tokens, with security key bonus). 2000, and I wouldn't say anything--those who saved all their tokens at F2P launch would be free and clear. But at the introductory price BW went with, *everyone* who's getting these items is paying more cash, regardless of a past year of faithful subscribing. Not even a chance to save tokens through their paid subs. In short, it seems to suggest that once the event ends, we subscribers should be *much* tighter with our tokens. A half year's savings buys one event pack, so...no more Cartel packs for us.
  10. And then, the rage deflated. Phew. Congrats forumites! Success! (If only all OPs on this forum were reasonable)
  11. Oh, yikes. For once, I agree with an angry OP. It's all well and good to discount things, or even, in my mind, to offer something with a "low introductory offer." But for a holiday event, to say it's discounted is flat-out dishonest. Unless Life-Day is going to be a year-round event, or will go up in price tomorrow. These "sale" things are going to need to start being a bit more clear about what the terms of the sale actually are. Edit: I *assume* that the discount is meant to imply that if you bought each item in the pack separately, it'd cost more--but it is not precisely all that clear.
  12. Pirates of the Caribbean Online. I'm sure there are others--I don't actually get around to playing many~ But yea, it's not a good thing
  13. I think you just answered your own question with an insightful commentary on what tends to happen to those who trust in the dark side. As for the game, as others have pointed out, the corruption is a customization option, much like the character creation sliders. You earn a certain amount of disfigurement on par with the degree to which you've been playing in the dark sandbox, and if you decide that your character hasn't actually had a disfiguring moment yet, you switch it off. And at the moment that you decide they've now had such a thing happen...the full measure of the consequences of your power gone dark are waiting just under that serene mask.
  14. For exactly as long as is personally relevant to you. And at the moment in which you lose your patience due to features that *you* prioritize being non-existent, you should go ahead and exit the game, as many, many others have done. And at the exact moment that the features you wish to see become a part of the game (if they do become a part of the game), you should return, and enjoy the game that *you* intended this game to be. In short, the developers are making their game and doing it their way and keeping an eye on feedback. The design plan and focus of the game will not change on a whim, or even on a million whims. It will change in time. And if the game is not fun for you for that time, your time is better spent suggesting specific features, participating in discussion, and playing other games that are more in line with what you wish to experience.
  15. For about $8/month, you can be a preferred player with unlimited access to Ops, FPs, and WZs, which should work well as a subscription-like option for those who would like to pay < $10/month. In 1.6, there will be several additional restrictions removed from Preferred status, as well. The $15 is about more than just the coins--it's for the people who want tons of alts, and unlimited access to everything. Honestly, I think that it's fair to ask for a bit more money from the folks who are generating the most resource usage, while letting everyone else slide in at $8.
  16. I disagree with this suggestion. You do not need better than Tionese gear at level 50, unless you are raiding, and not just raiding, but "progression" raiding. But if you are doing progression raiding, you don't need to start with anything better than Tionese, either, because that gear level is more than enough to easily down the first 2 story modes, which will have you in half Columi gear in almost no time at all. (Couple hours) There *is* a gap between fresh 50 greens and Tionese gear that technically would make it hard for a complete fresh 50 team to tackle EV SM. That gap was supposed to be filled with running countless dailies for relics and purple 22s, but Bioware is removing that half-level grind in 1.6 by granting Tionese to all 50s. If you feel that you need higher than lvl 51 equivalent gear for level 50 content, then I would suggest that no amount of paying money to Bioware should (or will) grant you success. In short, if you're actually doing end-game stuff, you'll have the gear, and easily, without paying. If you're not doing the end game stuff, you don't actually need the gear--save your money.
  17. As a solo queue'er in lvl 50s and sub 50s on Shadowlands, I typically win more than lose Republic PvP, but there's some noticeable trends: Sub 50's: Wins > Losses. Huttball tends to be scoreless, we frequently win on possession. 50's: Win = Losses on Novare and Alderaan. Losses slightly out-number wins on Voidstar. We never win Huttball. (I mean, every once in a while we do, but pretty much almost never) I think it's an organization thing. For example, I've taken it as general consensus that Imps have played far more Huttball matches than Reps because there were many fairly-well-researched discussions that placed faction imbalance squarely in favor of Imps on most servers early in the game...back when Huttball was the only faction vs faction WZ. I also seem to encounter small pre-mades from time to time (I don't think they're everywhere and ruining PvP necesarily, but I do see them). Such groups--often 3-4 clearly working in close tandem, often in the same guild completely dominate Huttball. Like, 6 goals in < 2 mins. All in all, it's much harder to dominate the other warzones, even with small premades, or with voice chat, because of the layout of the terrain and the communication needed. For example, I can type "inc 2 grass" very quickly (or even have it pre-typed), and get back to combat. I can't type "I am up on the top catwalk near the left fire pit--oh, nvm, knocked back, ok, I'm going around the side now, try passing over to that guy who just went up the vent--oh you're dead, nvm"... So, experience, repetition, groups who know the common strategies seem to win the day in all cases, and in my experience, the WZs for which strats are more quickly mastered tend to be the most even.
  18. If you want a super mature community, you don't pack your bags and go elsewhere. You don't somply ignore people who are below the desired community standard. If you want the world to be a better place, you stop rolling over and taking a spanking from all the trolls in the world, and you make a stand for decency and maturity. You ask for it and promote it in your community instead of throwing your hands up and saying it's too far gone. You make the world a better place by caring for it.
  19. Nomination: Best thread ever. Thanks BW for the answers!
  20. If the level cap is raised to 55, then it will simply mean that players are able to obtain nearly Columi level gear via story, making Tionese obsolete. The Ops are still mostly tuned for Columi or higher gear (EV NM, KP HM, KP NM, EC SM HM & NM, TFB SM & HM)
  21. Heya all, I just recieved the following info via a CS Ticket: So, the ticket I submitted yesterday was with regards to the just-fixed companion bug, and I'd used HK-51's health as an example. The information provided in the response does not, then, actually apply to me (I'm a consular), but since it sounds like something that might be good for Knights and Warriors to know--and to know that it's being worked on--I figured I'd share.
  22. F2P can get up to 30? Oooh, good to know. F2P friends indicated otherwise! And, hmrm, good point about dailies. Belsavis + Ilum > 200k
  23. Currently not a problem. F2P gets 10 inventory slots.... I don't know how many serrated talon sales it takes to get to 320k, but I suspect is't a number greater than the average of the F2P player enthusiasm value.
  24. Thank you sir! Must...find Bioware's devs...
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