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Everything posted by Miragee

  1. It's never a wise investment to buy a guide, since all the information can be found for free if you do a simple Google search. It's worse with MMOs because after a few months those guides become mostly, if not entirely useless due to the changes made to the game.
  2. This has been discussed to death. There was a sticky for a while, check the dev tracker. Short answer, they discovered it caused too many issues to use high-res textures outside of cinematic (the claim being only very high end machines had a chance at getting a playable framerate). We won't see them for a while, if ever. On the plus side, since they are in already, if they ever fix the FPS issue they can easily activate them.
  3. First of all petitions are useless. Online ones even more so. They won't change anything. That aside, I HIGHLY doubt any decision is based solely on something posted here. They have systems in place to monitor how people play the game, that feedback plus reviews posted around the web give a far better idea of what people want. The forums are usually mainly the vocal minority, plus a few people who are bored. If a change is made, after there happens to be a lengthy thread about it, it's not because they looked at that thread and decided they must listen. It's because it happens to reflect what people want. You're not alone. The OP is telling Bioware to stop listening to the forums, in a thread on the forums.
  4. Looks like a corrupt download. Try redownloading the client from swtor.com/download if it returns, try turning off any firewalls you have running (including the one that may be on your router).
  5. Why don't you try telling us what is wrong so someone can help. There is a tech support forum and people actually do help. If you can't be bothered to look for the solution, you should spare us another baseless and pointless "this game sucks" thread and go back to whatever you were doing before TOR. Because honestly, if you're mind is made up and you're not looking for help, nobody cares.
  6. It still does a decent job at summing up the critic/professional reviews. But I agree, for user reviews it's pretty much worthless. Between employees posting reviews to inflate the average (and Bioware wasn't the only one either, they were just the most recent ones caught. Not to mention any employee can wirte a positive review from a personal account and never be caught.) and people who post "reviews" without ever playing the game, it's only use is for people to rant/rave. You're better off looking at the reviews that most online stores have, if you want an idea of what people think (which aren't perfect either, but at least are usually reasonably moderated).
  7. This post isn't going to stop the rants. Those people don't care to be constructive, they just want to start trouble or are very bored. Just add the persistent trolls to your ignore list and enjoy the game with the good community members.
  8. Thank you for this helpful post. Move along now. If you care, repeating the same thing without bothering to back it up won't help your case.
  9. They can call it whatever they want, it doesn't change what the game is. It's a persistent online world, thus it's an MMO.
  10. Bioware seems to be doing a decent job at communicating. When there is a big issue, a dev will generally let us know what's going on. Sometimes the community isn't happy with their response, but they do respond. They likely aren't going to bother responding to the same questions over and over (unless it's to point people to an existing discussion). And of course there is no point in replying to someone who just says "I hate this game, and nothing you say will change my mind" or people who are looking for a game this was never suppose to be.
  11. Officially no it can't be played on dial up (as in Bioware/EA/Lucas won't help you if you run into issues). In reality if you don't mind lag spikes (just play on a low population server), you should be able to play. The biggest problem will be getting the initial patching (as of right now, it isn't too bad, but in a few months it will likely be pretty large) and if they release large patches in the future (supposedly we'll be getting some free expansions, which will likely come in the form of a large download with no disk option).
  12. Looks like it was only a few of the most populated ones. Maybe (hopefully) increasing the cap? Either way it looks like they're back now.
  13. As Samy said, you can do just fine without the light/dark restricted gear, at least until they release neutral gear like they promised.
  14. It's a known issue that randomly occurs. It's been here since beta, and they've been saying they are looking into a fix.
  15. You don't have to PvP to level up at all. Solo quests plus a few Heroics will get you there just fine.
  16. "Full" means they have hit the maximum population Bioware set, and you are likely to be in a queue. The limit is set to avoid massive lag, and keep the game enjoyable for everyone. They implied they will increase this limit later if the servers can handle it, but it may have to stay as it is
  17. Telling people not to do something is the best way to get them to do it. That said people will probably start moving to less crowded servers when the queues get too long.
  18. I'm 99% sure there is a filter for such things, and 100% sure they'd delete the character or force you to rename it.
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