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Everything posted by LilTsar

  1. everywhere but alderaan, and most especially voidstar, getting a plant/cap/score can depend heavily on getting lucky with the timer on the spawn doors, i say lucky because ive never heard even the most advanced players keeping track of them. having a set amount of time between death and return should make things more interesting, as it gives more power to those players who use strategy/teamwork, and even defensively the consistency would be a welcome change.
  2. such a nifty move, unrestricted by los and gcd with a 60 m. range, and yet its only use is as a cooldown resetter. very nice for doing that, but raising its damage to say thermal grenade level as opposed to basic attack would make its connection to int. probe feel less arbirtrary and make for some very interesting pvp utility in a more straightforward kill you now mentality. id gladly give up a cluster bomb or even base cluster bomb damage for this.
  3. especially considering smugs dont get a healing companion til pretty late, id recommend starting as a healer for ease of lvling, then give scrapper a try come lvl 40 or so, when you get the healer and can fully spec and thereby fully appreciate it.
  4. well technically there isnt an enforcer black hole anything as the bh stuff has different class role names. i think the intended scoundrel dps ie enforcer stuff is called 'trapper'.
  5. vastly prefer my sniper to scoundrel healer (both 50) for pvp. large part of it is that because pvp is so much more dynamic than boss monsters, i dont get bored with just going through a dps rotation and occasionally moving out of circles, which is why my raid main is healer scoundrel and pvp main is a dd. i do just enough pvp on my scoundrel for the weekly, and do an op or 2 and a few hms a week on sniper as well, but in the more competitive realm of pvp, i vastly prefer a more offensive, ie dps based, role, one directly engaged in the action.. so really i guess i just prefer pvp dps to pvp healing, if you like pvp healing op is a great way to go, prefer it on scoundrel to my merc.
  6. When the announced level cap increase is implemented, how will you be handling the skill trees? That is, will they be extended, padded so as to to keep the current keystone talents at the top, simply remain as is or what?
  7. just have to use a fair amount of dps mods and such. only place this doesnt work is the armorings, as theoretically BiS includes 4 campaign armorings for the bonuses, and only 1 or 2 of the heal campaign armorings are the max cunning, but since our 4-piece bonus is meh anyway doesnt matter.
  8. Would you ever consider changing some of the current set bonuses? Most will agree that some are great and some not so great, and, come 1.3, i know of at least 1 that will have been directly affected by patches (2-piece field tech), and while that nice little quality of life bonus will still be so, it won't make as much theoretical sense anymore (ie more alacrity means faster energy consumption so it was nice to get a quick 'cushion' to work with, but with accuracy/armor penetration the bonus being on the same talent feels rather arbitrary. I dont know if any other set bonuses have been affected like the target acquired/illegal mods related one, but, not to be negative, i definitely know of some bonuses that i consider to be of little value.
  9. heck it can be annoying even as a tank. what i do is cycle through the targets. jump at 1, scream at another, smash it up, ravage another and so on.
  10. ya... wish i could say id thought of it. cleverest thing i ever figured out was that if you put a companion into passive mode, you dont have to then turn them on to attack mode, can simply turn off passive. and if anyone asks, i figured it out on my first toon. absolutely. no doubt. cause no way did i die countless times from failing to notice that my companion was just hanging around watching me get killed by 3 swamp rats.
  11. the knockback automatically toggles back on so long as her 'combat acumen' talent is active, turn off both and shell cut it out (and the little dps boost from acumen isnt noticeable). companion portraits seem to get their placement on your ui messed up when grouping, not much to do about it as its a known issue. not a huge issue for me, may try placing the portrait in a different location in anticpation of the movement. like for me it always moves over to the right, and by having the portrait already on the right hand side of the screen it doesnt get in the way. hope that helps
  12. i do belive both effects apply, which is why the talent is getting nerfed in 1.3, down to 3% received fully specced as i recall.
  13. #10 trying to find the bathroom in the dark
  14. big fan of 111111111221112111dswasr1
  15. personally id suggest slinger based on my experiences with a sniper, merc and scoundrel. but thats because for the things that concern me, namely endgame pve and pvp viability, theres not much a merc can do that a slinger cant do better. nice things about merc are ease of solo lvling due to a mez, an early healer pet and a highly effective againt trash one-button-kills-all dps mo. also i prefer the bh story to the smug, but its pretty close and comes down to taste. bh is simpler and more hardcore (mako aside) while smug tries to be clever but isnt as successful at it as say the agent, but still fun. for pvp, the cover mechanic is incredible (uninterruptability, auto-face, immunity to jumps/pulls) and the ac has considerably more utility than mercs, including a root, an en masse and a melee stun, the ability to spec into slows, far superior defensive cooldowns ,a knockback and of course an interrupt. of these, the merc has only, as i recall, a knockback and a stun. their stun can be done at range, but its a small comfort in the tipsy turvy world of resolve (and your teammates who dont pay attention to it).
  16. i wuv me chiss juggy girl. specially with the japanese doll hair and dark side corruption...
  17. i like a cover based stealth idea, just a quick 'deep cover' that lasts up to 20 seconds with a good minute cd and breaks on leaving cover or entering combat. fun for defending and getting a literal ambush on that clever little stealthie, or as a quick 'oh **** its a bunch of red text!' escape ability.
  18. having an active companoin in conversations is one way to get affection, but gifts also work so no need to do multiple troopers. as for the best to run with, for anyone but a commando healer id strongly recommend elara, shes a healer so really makes things easy for questing, has a pretty interesting 'character' and is dead cute.
  19. would be nice to get some recognition beyond that of the baddies for doing it. as i recall some reason defense probe grants healing points, so i dunno why le big bubble cant get some love. i guess it could get weird, like how should force bubble be counted. though id rather get objective points for interrupting cappers. or killing healers. or interrupting healers. or killing someone that was killing me healer. or going periods of time without giving someone resolve. or calling inc including numbers and location. or not being a dick in chat.
  20. sure hope the cathar social ability is lick-grooming.
  21. plasma probe shouldnt be the go-to stealth checker, but suppressive fire. i dont keep pp up when guarding or whatever, cause then its front-loadedness is wasted.
  22. actually i think bw intentionally started blocking certain headpieces from appearing on certain species, including twileks with almost anything (only thing i found for my consular was the columi stalker style weirdthingies, which i suspect they intentionally left available out of spite for people badmouthing the look of their gear). sith characters (squid-chins) no longer show their rebreather things, and miraluka dont show some headbands i think. i believe the justification (not that theyve actually commented on it of course) is that its for the sake of 'cognitive dissonance', like how we cant ride speeders in certain flashpoints anymore. thankfully my legacy bh twilek can wear laws of physics defying hats, so having fun with that.
  23. still have to listen to femtrooper (probably both but female version seems way more frequent and loud/annoying) screaming every 15 seconds. gimme me giggle!
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