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Everything posted by GrandAdmrlThrawn

  1. I'm level 48 and I have over a million. That's probably because I don't buy anything. It also helps when you sell a pair of bracers on the GTN for 400k. Basically don't buy things you don't need, sell things you loot that you don't need on the GTN, and do a ton of questing and space missions and flashpoints and you'll have no problems with money.
  2. They did go crazy with Jacen and kind of go against what he was about. He still is my favorite character of all time though. I like Anakin and Ben as well. It's kind of a shame they had to kill off Anakin because right around the time he died he was becoming the most interesting character with how powerful he was becoming and the love developing between him and Tahiri. I don't quite "love" Ben yet like I do some of the other characters but I'm very interested in seeing what they do with him next. I'm still reading Apocalypse so I haven't seen what happens between him and Vestara yet. I need to get on that.
  3. I can't believe I forgot Corran Horn. I have failed in my fandom. He is tied with Wedge as my favorite pilots. Tycho Celchu wasn't too bad either. I'm a huge fan of Rogue Squadron all together.
  4. Shift and left-click I believe is how you link to the chat box. Also, it depends on the item you want to sell. If there is nothing like it on the GTN you can name your own price so whatever you want to get out of it then you post it for that. Doesn't mean it will sell but you just keep posting it until it sells.
  5. Cause I'm having fun and I enjoy the game.
  6. I think doing one for Taris would be pretty funny. Maybe having a quest giver with the quest symbol over their head and the main saying something like "Let me guess. You want me to kill Rakghouls." Possible idea there for you.
  7. That sounds like an extremely boring way to play the game. But to answer your question, you need to complete the class quests in order to gain companions.
  8. See, now that I can understand. I didn't think of it like that and now that you mention it, as time does go on, less people will have the title either because of more people joining or the older population leaving the game and yet more people just choosing not to display it. So I can completely understand that desire for having the title.
  9. Definitely good work. Your style has a Disney feel to it. Have you spent a lot of time drawing Disney characters?
  10. Basically aesthetics. Other than the mods that are in an orange piece of gear there really is nothing different other than the way it looks. So all you need to do is find orange gear that you think looks good on your character and keep the mods up to date and you're good to go.
  11. You could always take off pieces of armor and use weak weapons to make it harder on yourself I guess.
  12. You can create a Legacy once you complete Act 1 of your class story (usually around level 30ish). As of right now the Legacy system is not in place and won't do anything other gain experience until Update 1.2 comes out (assumed to be coming out sometime in April).
  13. I'd have to go with Yavin IV followed closely by Dathomir. As far as in game goes I'd pick Voss. I think it was very nicely done.
  14. Fair enough, though I don't know the answer to that. And to be honest, I think it won't really be clear what the best class is until 1.2 comes out because they are still tweaking everything for 1.2. Everyone has their own opinion to what the best class is or will be so it will be pretty hard to really know what truly the best class is.
  15. I honestly don't understand why everyone is getting so worked up about the Founder title. Nothing against the people that want the title but I don't understand the excitement. There's what? About a million and a half people who qualify for the title? So it's not like it's a rare title. I myself only use the title when I start a new character and then switch it when I earn a title that I like. It's unfortunate for the people who want the title but won't get it and I feel bad for those of you who won't get it. I just don't know why so many people care.
  16. You can also start earning Legacy XP so you can get a head start to unlock Legacy abilities once they get implemented in 1.2.
  17. Most of what you are reading is from the players who play the healers now and have been used to the way the healing has been in the game and now it's being "nerfed." They are making the healing classes more balanced and in line with what they want the classes to be so if you haven't been playing the healers I doubt you're going to start playing and say "man this healing class is weak!" You'll play the class and learn how to best use it as it is. Now you can wait til 1.2 comes out and then roll a healer or you could roll one now and deal with the "nerfs" as they happen. Just depends on how adaptable you are. I'd just pick what class you are most interested in and just deal with the nerfs and buffs as they come and go and adapt to the changes. That's my opinion at least.
  18. I found out the hard way as well about the offhand sabers but luckily for me all the mods were better than what I had in my actual saber so I pulled them and put them in my main saber and it worked out. All I really lost out on was a cool looking lightsaber handle.
  19. My favorite characters happen to be from the EU. My favorite characters are Jacen Solo, Grand Admiral Thrawn, and Wedge Antilles (who was created in the movies but fleshed out in the EU). I like Luke and Han from the movies but most of the characters I really like are from the EU like my three favorite characters as well as Jaina Solo and Tenel Ka and so many others.
  20. If you really like your original saber then as everyone has said you just need to keep up with all the mods. If you happen to have a bunch of commendations and don't have anything in particular to spend them on you can always use them to buy a lightsaber that has better stats than yours and then pull those mods out and put them in your original saber. Or like the others have said use your commendations to just buy the mods themselves. It's really up to you and what you deem a worthwhile buy for your commendations.
  21. What do you mean by "reassembled"? Do you mean upgrading the mods that are in it? Because modable items like your starting lightsaber are only as good as the mods that are in it. As long as you keep buying new mods to put into your saber it will be a good saber. So just keep up with getting better mods to put into your weapons and armor and you'll do fine.
  22. Like was said before, you unlock your Legacy name once you finish Act/Chapter 1 of your class story. And as stated before, you are normally around level 30ish. I was level 32 when I finished Act 1 and earned my Legacy Title.
  23. Best thing to do is stay away from those mod tables. They are useless and some of them are broken. Since you can mod right out of your inventory by Ctrl + right-clicking the item you want to mod the mod tables are obsolete.
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