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Everything posted by GrandAdmrlThrawn

  1. "It's a TRAP!!!" - Admiral Ackbar Episode VI "Good. Gooood." - Palpatine Episode III
  2. I understand what you're saying but thinking that new players deserve the exact same rights as the loyal players who have been playing since launch doesn't make a lot of sense. Think of it this way; you work for a company for 2 years and have worked hard to get where you are. Then the company starts hiring new people at the same pay rate as you. You aren't gonna be too happy about that. It's not like they are denying you the right to purchase any of the new stuff. It's not exclusive to anyone. If you have the credits to purchase what you want then you deserve it. Besides, if you make everything available to everyone then what is going to make any item desirable to people? Making everything available to everyone is a great way to alienate all of your players. Some items need to be uncommon to keep people trying to get those desired items. It keeps players logged on and playing.
  3. Are you referring to the Commendation medals you get? Those are used to purchase armor, weapons, mods, and the like from Commendation vendors. In most cases each Commendation medal is planet specific so you can only use Coruscant Commendations at a Coruscant Commendation vendor. The fleet holds every planetary Commendation vendor so you don't have to travel to the planet in order to spend them.
  4. You cannot undo that. You should be able to purchase one through your commendations vendor on Coruscant. You will probably need 14 Coruscant Commendations. If you have trouble defeating people on Coruscant you could try going back to the fleet and having higher level players help you run through Esseles and maybe the last boss will drop a double-bladed lightsaber for you if you're lucky. That's all I can think of right now.
  5. Fair enough. I guess saying the Sage is intended to be the main healer was the wrong way to put it. I did mean to suggest that the Sage is the traditional healer type, not that it was designed to be the exclusive best healer.
  6. I understand. It can be rather annoying when you get surprised by a strong mob and your companion doesn't summon and you end up getting killed because of it. I'm not sure what's up with it.
  7. Just so we're clear, what isn't true? I basically said the same thing as you did just not in so many words.
  8. Not sure it's a bug per say but if you attack or get attacked while mounted on your speeder then sometimes your companion doesn't show up. Best thing to do is if you are going to enter combat dismount your speeder first.
  9. Well you can be a healer with most classes but I believe that the Sage is intended to be the main healer.
  10. As stated, push "N" to bring up the crew window. Then you will see your list of companions and on the right side across from each of your companions is a button you can press that summons that companion.
  11. If he did that then every time he boarded his ship he'd have to use the droid revive system.
  12. You came in that thing? You're braver than I thought. - Princess Leia ANH
  13. Well of course. But I like to go off the beaten path. (No pun intended)
  14. New social warzone, Tauntaun speed shearing contests on Tatooine.
  15. I like these choices. My favorite Jedi would be Jacen Solo and favorite Sith would be Darth Caedus. Jacen has always been my number one character overall.
  16. I'm gonna toss my hat into Tenel Ka's corner. I can get past the whole one arm thing.
  17. You can only mod orange gear. Meaning it has an orange outline or when you mouse over the item the name of the item is written in orange. You Ctrl-right click on orange gear and then you can mod the item. So if you're trying to mod green gear for example, it won't work.
  18. I love how when the game first released all you saw on the forums were "BW you need open up more servers!" "The queue times are too long!" Now all you see are people complaining about how dead the servers are and that BW needs to merge the servers. The question I have for those people who complained about queue times at the beginning and who are now complaining about dead servers is, would you rather have gone through a couple months of queues until the population died down a little bit like it has or would you rather it be the way it is now? I'm not saying the OP is complaining or anyone else in this thread is complaining. I'm just saying how funny it is that first the servers were too full and now they're too dead.
  19. I'm pretty sure they said they are working on the social system for the 1.2 update.
  20. As far as I am aware the only way to get social points right now is to be involved in a conversation with at least one other human player. The best way is to run Flashpoints and most people run the hell out of Esseles or Black Talon I believe it's called for the Empire? You get more points with more people you group with so if you can find 3 other players then that is better.
  21. Did you already start the quest? There were a few I couldn't abandon that I either already started or just for some reason it wouldn't let me. It might be a bug. If it really bothers you then maybe you could just go complete the quest really quick to get it out of the log.
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