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Everything posted by -Shadowfist-

  1. .... and still no acknowledgement/confirmation of any kind.... Well, I guess it makes sense. What can you expect from a group of kids that launch an MMO with no combat log, no meters, no UI customization, no LFG tool, no visible timers on skill icons, etc. Seriously? How the **** do you miss all of that?
  2. I'll stop leaving WZ's as solo queue when Bioware stops grouping me with herp derp retarded kids that don't know what they're doing vs. premades. Premades just shouldn't fight pugs, it's not competitive. I most often run in a premade anymore and no one that I know would mind this. Too many people will cry though because they and their guild are full of bad and can't roll anything besides terrible pugs.
  3. I, too, pay money to play this game and therefore have the right to slap you senseless in to the ground repeatedly because you're a carebear and shouldn't have rolled on a PvP server. See what I did there? How's that for tact?
  4. So... why does everyone think that we should get less valor in open world pvp than in warzones? Why is this a problem? Are people just mad because they spent so much time in warzones that now there's a better way? Do you realize that, based on how steep the valor rank requirements increase, gaining 48k an hour may very well be nothing but a drop in the bucket come rank 75 or 80? My point is that maybe, just maybe, this is intentional.
  5. Maybe that'll light a fire under their arses to pay attention to their players more and introduce an *actual* test server for things to be *actually* tested on.
  6. I really hope they roll this back. Not because I feel bad for republic. Just because I'm not on to farm it too. At least I'm honest..
  7. ^^^ This. Then there's going to be a whole 'nother wave of QQ posts.
  8. lol? Not sure if serious or mentally challenged...
  9. I have an operative healer friend who, just last night, kept myself (Assassin) and our Juggernaut buddy alive on civil war against 3 to 8 odds (that's their entire team...) for over 3 minutes. We literally killed every single one of them at least once, some a few times. They all rushed back using speeders to continue the melee. Eventually, they were able to over come us. Sure, they were baddies, and the three of us know our stuff, so the skill level really altered the odds there. The moral of the story is that if he could have healed for 30% more... yeah... think about it. Good thing there's a 30% debuff. Sounds to me like sorcs/sages just aren't as good at healing and/or you aren't as good as you think you are.
  10. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Guppy makes a 100% legitimate point, it IS fair. They never said you can't complain about it... but technically, it IS fair was the point. So stop being a rageaholic, you're wasting bits on hard drives around the world. kthx.
  11. Don't. Seriously, it's a half-assed class atm. Sorry for the negativity... just my opinion.
  12. I disagree.. sorry.. I really don't think this has anything to do with the problems this class has to deal with.
  13. So that's the only nitpicking you have, with no constructive feed back. Awesome. You sure think a lot.
  14. I disagree with most of this... pushing/pulling is fun. My only complaint is the "Pull enemy on to spawn ledge" trick. We lost a match last night 2-1 even thought we "technically" scored 8 times. Every time, a tankasin pulled the carrier up to the ledge and it insta-killed him without counting the score. I don't care if the pull to kill part stays, just make it score a point when they do it.
  15. Totally agree with the OP. ALMOST every class is better than assassin for DPS/Tank/Heals. I too have a mercenary now... and omg... they're just better in every single way. It's a shame so many dolts keep defending assassins... they obviously haven't reached the point of realization where it becomes obvious that you're just spinning your wheels. I'm getting my assassin to V60 (so close..) and parking him until they fix deception. The point is, assassins take a lot of skill and comprehension to play effectively. I, and other, have reached this point, and we're damn good at playing our assassins. An assassin playing at the top of their game will NEVER be as good as most other classes playing at the top of theirs.
  16. 100 replies, 6k+ views, a week later.. and still no comment from BW. I think they're afraid to comment with how many pissed off assassins they have on their hands right now. Just tell us "Working as intended" or "We're looking in to the assassin problems". Either way it's going to help. If you say you're working on it, GREAT! If you say working as intended... well... you're about to see a whole lot more operatives and mercenaries because if this is working as intended for assassin, you totally ****ed up.
  17. LOL I'd point out how laughable this post is, except 4 other people already have. YOU didn't do anything, the 4 healers keeping your squishy *** alive did. That's about as dumb as screen shots get if you're trying to prove... anything, at all. Oh, and double lol for only 9 medals in void star. Easiest WZ to rack up medals in.
  18. ....and still not a single reply from Devs/BW. Man up and admit your **** up bioware, then fix this garbage.
  19. LOL @ bioware moving this post in to the assassin forums, but yet, still not commenting on it or any of the other posts that outline how *********** broken DPS assassins are. This is such shoddy development.
  20. omg.. hold the press, we've reached a new low in QQ.
  21. lol... I know, it's ridiculous. Their priorities are so out of line. Though... healing was ridiculous. At least they're doing... something?
  22. Yeah... no. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1503885#edit1503885 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1436565#edit1436565 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1435443#edit1435443 So, that's blatantly false. Funny how you only come around to try and "stir the pot". Way to continue providing nothing of intellectual value.
  23. Still no response to: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=153524 I'm starting to thing Bioware simply doesn't give a poop. >_>
  24. Seeing yellow posts in other class forums... still none for assassins...
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