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Everything posted by -Shadowfist-

  1. Can anyone Confirm/Deny this? When RE'ing my artifice items, I get the same item but with better stats, not different stats. This sounds too good to be true.
  2. This. I see why people recommend power, and I tend to agree with them to a certain degree, however crit works juuuuust fine. Nothing like seeing 3 or 4 crits in a row on the opening and watching 3/4 of their health poof.
  3. This is the thought process I'm fitting in to... I don't typically whack someone in PvP for more than 15 to 30 seconds. For PvE, however, sith blood is gonna be dank.
  4. -Shadowfist-


    I HATE how cowardly carebear these forums are. It's disgusting. I was given a warning for calling someone a troll. That's completely unacceptable... bioware needs to 5TFU, this isn't communist china and we don't need ego-tripping nerds policing people's opinions. You'll probably get a warning for telling people to stop "QQ"ing. Just sayin'... it's sad.
  5. EVERYONE should read this. After that, if you're intelligent enough to realize that this is probably you, you should stop posting because your opinions are irrelevant.
  6. Thats a good idea too. It always amazes me when these games come out, how many AWESOME ideas come up so quickly from the community. It's almost laughable that companies are basically paying good money for less than great ideas from their developers. I mean, seriously, why didn't someone think of this before now? HOPEFULLY, they're just too behind to have implemented the better ideas yet....
  7. They just need to make it so that for every 5 (or insert X amount here) votes you give for mvp, you automatically receive a few bonus commendations yourself. THEN people will vote.
  8. Gonna laugh when this turns out to not be true and people realize they're just bad at PvP.
  9. Unfortunately. There's a lot of baddies in PvP right now, and judging by how much they QQ I doubt they'll figure it out.
  10. LOL WHAT? Assassins pwn sorcs once they close the gap. I specifically target sorcs on my assassin because they're laughably easy to own. You do realize that assassins have 4 or 5 interrupts and can burst sorcs down in short order.. right?
  11. Step 1: Get owned by sorc. Step 2: Bash Sorc. Repeat.
  12. I'm confused. What skill, beside mind control or w/e they call sap, requires stealth? There's no need for a stealth bar if there's only 1 or 2 stealth abilities to begin with. No offense, just asking/observing.
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