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Everything posted by Meldwyn

  1. Some have mentioned transfers in 1.3 is possible. That would go a long way toward solving the low pop issue. However, your second point is a little off-topic.
  2. Yeah. I definitely like the idea of moving more toward the whole Sith vs. Jedi battles outside of warzones. I also think we should be able to invade starter zones/capital cities and such (organized PvP raids). Whether that's 1.3 or not is yet to be seen. But it would be epic. Are we getting a sense that major updates 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 will have themes? i.e., 1.2 - Legacy. 1.3 = PvP? etc...
  3. Whether its space or not, something like TB or Wintergrasp would be a lot of fun. Call to arms, so to speak.
  4. Both of the above made me lolz. But why pick on Jedi, shouldn't Sith get some love?
  5. Agreed. Although there was one example of a former member of my guild who started his own (guild) in protest about something stupid and took some of my members with him (raiding guild). He got such a bad reputation in Trade Chat as a poor leader, reserving drops, etc... that he was black balled and eventually quit WoW or rolled on a new server (don't know which, and didn't care). That's the only example I can think of though. That is, however, on a different scale and wasn't related to a LFG tool (it was post cross server LFG). So, even with cross server LFG, the community can police itself if needed (worst offenders).
  6. Those would be HUGE in my book as well! I think once the Legacy stuff is implemented tonight, BW can start to concentrate on things that will really bring this game along nicely! And, personally, I would like to further the class stories. It really is necessary.
  7. So, now that 1.2 is dropping tonight, its time to turn our attention to 1.3. What will it contain, when will it drop, how long before it hits the PTS, etc... I am hoping a cross server LFG tool is implemented and also hopeful of June 15, 2012. p.s. no, you can't just enjoy 1.2 for a while before we start speculating on 1.3! This is the other half of the game.. the forums! We have to have something to speculate and debate.
  8. you log on. I am just kidding, but it made me laugh...
  9. So, why was Stephen Reid so coy about the 1.2 patch going live this week? I am struggling to understand his responses in light of when this is dropping. Was there some doubt up until last night?
  10. We believe in compromise, as long as you are the one doing it! Just kidding. Actually, I am open to a cross server LFG for leveling only, as this is the most challenging for everyone. I am also in favor of having the tool make the choice of loot distribution based upon role and need, role determination (healer spec'd, you heal), kick policy, gear score (to make sure someone is at the proper level for the content), etc... Lots of ways to do it and limit the possibility for abuse.
  11. 50. There is a pic of someone at that level.
  12. Yoda would have said, "Time ago, long it is. Far far away, in a galaxy you are. I just wanted to emphasize the far far away part, and didn't even put that much thought in to it... clearly! And to think, I was standing in line in the 70's waiting for the movie when it originally came out. "slaps self"!
  13. In a galaxy far far away, a long time ago.
  14. Just watch until all the credits are done. I didn't think the ending was all that bad.
  15. No, NBC! don't let your political leanings cloud your judgment or plug your ears.
  16. It depends on whether Sales got a hold of it. Seriously, if Sales hears a date, its in stone, all of their clients and potential customers know it, and you sure better hit it, or its your fault that we didn't make the customer happy.
  17. I take it that you think BW can do no wrong? Make no missteps? Doesn't need to learn anything? This game is new, as is the developer to this genre... I assure you, in their back rooms, they are scrambling at times and trying to figure things out on the fly (as most businesses do when delving in to new ventures). They will hit the mark sometimes and other times they won't. Hopefully, when they don't, they learn from it. Unfortunately, their communication methods and style leave a little to be desired from a consumer perspective, imo.
  18. Server mergers, as I posted before a while back (based upon when other games did it), isn't going to happen any time soon. The earliest any game has done it was Rift at the 11 month mark after going live (which was way earlier than any other title - Aion being the closest at almost 3 years). Not a big budget game, big name developer, and certainly as a result of losing subs and dying. Don't think BW would want to project that image to anyone, certainly not to EA and their investors. Server transfers might come sooner though... but then its not controlled and won't solve much, if anything. There really aren't a lot of options to help people enjoy all of the content of a game that requires grouping for some content. Spamming hasn't work for me for over a month now. I stopped trying.
  19. I believe the average age of players in most MMO's is considered "adult" (MMO Demographics, while somewhat dated, I think it holds true for today). And a good percentage are married. So, yes, they need to manage expectations in this environment, because when they don't, they are treating everyone like they are "kids" and that is usually counter productive when dealing with adults. Maturity is certainly relative and doesn't always correlate to one's age, but throwing a broad brush statement about how these players are all immature and should be treated as such is somewhat dubious. There are ways to communicate that aren't coy and condescending. A statement like, "While we know that our players are very excited, as we are, about the changes coming in v1.2, we are working hard to make sure that the content lives up to our promises. As such, we are not releasing a specific date, but rather giving a date range of sometime in April or May for this release. However, as we get closer to the date, hopefully at least 2 weeks out, we will give a more definitive date and will do everything to hit that date once set. If things change, you will be the first to know." vs. "next week" when responding to when we will know something. It leaves a lot of room for speculation and interpretation. I think this is intentional, as is evidenced by most of their Q&A answers... "We definitely want to do something like that and are looking in to it". <-- That's helpful More up to date stats on demographics (Here)
  20. People of all ages get impatient at various things. All companies need to learn to effectively communicate with their customers and better manage expectations. BW is certainly in this category.
  21. Do you drive everyone away from you? Anyway, it won't be sorted out by the time you get to end-game, as they are doing nothing to end game in the foreseeable future. It is a typical MMO grind that is totally disconnected to the "smelling the roses" leveling experience you are currently enjoying.
  22. That was annoying, for sure. Thus they implemented some great changes (cross-server, re-queue, etc..) to solve those short comings, and now its very useful.
  23. I was certainly aware, from everything produced prior to release, that this was a story driven MMO (ala ME series). What I didn't plan for was the total disconnect with end-game and re-playability being somewhat dubious (certainly don't get this in two beta weekends). The stories don't diverge enough nor hold my interest enough to keep me "alting" for "end-game". That's the rub for me.
  24. Here's the thing... Anyone who signed up for a 3 month sub (me) during the "included month with purchase" in early December, their sub is set to expire next Thursday (19th). If they hope to capture another month or more from those folks (maybe its not that many) they would be wise to roll it out before then, or risk losing that group forever. But, as some have said, maybe trying to gimmick this release around sub expiration is not a wise business decision as compared to rolling out a patch that is as problem free as possible, whenever that may be.
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