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Everything posted by Meldwyn

  1. You will never see it. Ghostcrawler himself said that the players like the LFG tool (post Cata Q&A). The only thing that Blizz ever felt was a bad decision, was Arena. Not the LFG tool.
  2. Very cool! Keep it up. Once they move out, you will fully appreciate these memories you are making.
  3. I don't know how old your son is, but playing games with my family is a great experience. I have been a gamer since I was a wee lil tike, so I naturally introduced my wife and three children to them early on. My son and I, specifically, started many games in different genres together (MMO's, FPS's, SPG, Online Coop, etc...). I always made a point to have some hobby we shared. He's our youngest and has now moved on to college, so time is limited, but I will always cherish the memories of the various games and hobbies we have shared. I say all that to say, I think its great that you play games together with your son.
  4. You can't please everyone all the time. The forums may not be the best place to mine for ideas, but BW's vision for their game is ultimately the true test of whether they will be a success long term or not. Is their idea(s) for what they want it to become going to drive it to great heights of subs and years of expansions or drive it in to the ground? I don't know that their current vision and implementation is doing them justice. They need to change some things, add some things, fix some things. I have to admit, from my vantage point, they have their work cut out for them. Like I have said, I have no axe to grind, no vendetta. I got most of my money's worth of entertainment. But I was foolish in buying a 3 month sub (which ends tonight or tomorrow).
  5. How can you say WoW didn't achieve greatness? It is the standard by which all others (AAA) are measured.
  6. While there is some point to a company making a product and just saying, "here it is, if you like it great, if not, too bad" I am not sure that a gaming company wants to go down that path long term. Yes, they need a vision for their own game, but why not tap in to the entire pool of creativity (player base) and let them help shape the ins and outs of features and benefits of playing. It can be a win win, but BW seems to miss this point. If you are going to allow feedback from your players, you need to be able to filter good ideas from bad ideas... that's where BW may struggle right now.
  7. You bring up a valid issue with the system in games like WoW. I have never understood anyone who asks for raiders who have the proper gear level and achievement before getting invited to a raid. LOL Um, how do I get the achievement? Anyway, there has to be ways around this where its not used to punish folks, but rewards people visibly. Codex doesn't do it.
  8. To some extent, that is their own making. Yes, consumers can be very fickle and difficult to please in so many ways, but BW is making some fundamental errors in their first MMO that is creating this give and take of like and dislike all at the same time. When people complain about having too many credits, I don't think they were thinking about having to use it all on Legacy items that they don't even think are all that great. BW is fixing one problem with a poor solution. That's why they can't win right now.
  9. That would seem to be a good idea for games, no?
  10. While SW has several redeeming qualities as an MMO, they missed the point completely on "Achievements". This is very important for a leveling experience and it really didn't hit me until recently. Accomplishments need rewards and "achievements" and points for said milestones is such a simple and cost free approach to doing just that. Its probably too late to add them now, but its a glaring hole in this MMO and needs to be considered. Who doesn't enjoy hitting a milestone of some kind (maybe even one you didn't know existed) and getting a sound, a flash, and an announcement of your achievement?
  11. No new species, just an unlock for you to create a class in what was prevented before (Sith Jedi). Hokey, imo.
  12. I agree in some ways, but if I want to PvP I will play COD. PvP in an MMO is always broken in some way.. and that too is a grind in a way, because you have to "grind" WZ's for better gear to be or continue to be competitive.
  13. It would be hard to disagree more with this foolishness. This game is linear, grindy, and boring after your first level 50 character. My sub runs out tomorrow and I deleted it off my PC last night. I hadn't played WoW in 9 months, but last week I resubbed and am having a blast with my first Horde character. This game had a shot, but unfortunately, it has been squandered on half-baked ideas and time sinks that aren't even enjoyable. Basic modern conveniences are also missing that makes it impossible to enjoy some of the content. Do I wish ill will on this game or its players, absolutely not! I hope it succeeds and thrives and provides plenty of entertainment for years to come for those that enjoy it. But for me... it was good for a month, but that was about it.
  14. Game was great during the first month or so with my first toon. Unfortunately, it lacks features and things I like in an MMO, so I won't be sticking around past the 19th of April (i.e. LFG tool, achievements, etc..). I do wish everyone well who stays and plays. Take care!
  15. Let me start with… I loved this game when it first came out. The story, the leveling process, the character development, the companions, the IP, etc.. However, as time wore on (no, I didn’t rush it), I started to notice some holes in the design (that others had pointed out before) that had never really hit my radar screen because I was so engrossed in leveling my first character. Once I hit level 50 things started to take a nose dive in regards to interest in my first character, so I decided to start a cross-faction toon. Unfortunately, after 39 levels, interest in this new character waned as well. As I reflected on what the cause might have been for my apparent antipathy, I thought about some of the big things like no cross realm LFG tool, the total disconnect between leveling and end-game, repetitive nature of quests (outside of class) and a few other things, but it wasn’t until I really stopped to think about some of the little things that, when combined, make an even bigger impact on immersion and long term interest for me. Here’s my short list… - Ambient noises (example: bird sanctuary sounds in a rain forest) - Music (smooth transitions by region as you travel) - Silly comments from NPC’s (even if you aren’t interacting, just passing by) - Critters (flying insects, crawling ones, jumping bunnies) - Pathing NPC’s (enemies or good guys) - Ability to add friends who are offline (lost touch with lots of people because of this) - Voluntary special events (fairs, tournaments) - Exploration (go off the beaten path and see what you can see) - Fishing (“chillax” activities) - Swimming (just a simple change in movement and exploration) - Achievements (tell your guild and surrounding players something special just happened to you) - Smooth combat - No lag - Customer service communication Now, taken individually, these things are trivial and not game breaking in the least, but combine them, add in the bigger issues as well, and you have a game that needs some serious attention, and soon. I am hopeful that BW understands this and is able to make the necessary enhancements to keep people subbed for a very long time. The game/IP has a ton of potential, but right now I see it being squandered on things that either don’t matter much long term, or should have been in place at launch (i.e., Legacy). TL/DR- What is wrong with you? Take a speed reading course or something… ___________________________________________________________ Epilogue: I purchased a 3-month sub during my “included month” with my DDE. It runs out on April 19. I will not be resubbing, but I did want to say goodbye and good luck to all SW players. I have enjoyed my time on the forums and have enjoyed getting to know this game from the very beginning. And, although the game is not for me, I wish it well and hope that it has many years of success. Take Care! Oh, and save the "can I have your stuff", "who cares", etc... comments. Just assume that I already know.
  16. If you can find groups for FP's (Foundry, Colicoid, etc...) do those. Good XP, good gear, good experience. If not, kinda tough to know how to get more XP from lower level planets if you have done everything! The challenge will be finding groups for FP's at that level. My Sith Inquisitor is stuck at lvl 39 because I want to do FP's, but haven't been able to find a group for over a month now. Could be my server though.
  17. I thoroughly enjoyed my first toon as well, but you may find the repetitive nature of alts not quite so exciting as you imagine.
  18. LOL indeed. Not a chance. Damage control. If it was a week, 3 days, maybe. They cant even write this off as a charitable contribution.
  19. Mailing things. At least in other mmo's this makes easier.
  20. You are definitely a valued subscriber!! They should have just compensated you with a free 30 days.
  21. Exactly! Listen, its a debacle of epic proportions. They didn't think through it completely, but they needed to get something out there. They certainly couldn't admit to compensating PvP players only... They had to try and make it sound like some kind of a "we love our lvl 50'ers soooo much, guess what we are going to do for you?" Your next 30 days are FReeeeEEEEE. <-- Bedtime Stories anyone? Anyway... now they are scrambling to figure out how to clean up the mess this has made now!
  22. I don't think you will find anyone that says this was a well thought out and well worded plan. It is a debacle and they are scrambling!
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