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10 Good
  1. Can we please get an option to hide the capes ?
  2. Hi every one, I am looking for a good West Coast PVE server to join with active Republic players. It can even be an RP Server. The one I'm on is usually dead and boring and I don't want to play Empire side. So any recommendations or suggestions for a good West coast PVE Server with active Republic players ? Thank You
  3. Cool thank you for the reply guys
  4. In commando Gunnery spec. does High Impact Bolt become useless after you get Demolition Round ? I think that Demolition round would do more damage with the effects from Grav Round, so why would you use HIB when you have Demolition Round ?
  5. Add Barber Shops so people can change the hair and facial hair style for a small fee. Also please allow the Miraluka race to have beards and mustaches.
  6. Maybe I should try to hit the repair button on the log in screen and see if that helps. thanks for the reply.
  7. Now I know I'm probably being very nit picky here, but I am having a problem with the Charged Burst animation for Gunslingers. It shows the Gunslinger charging both guns and aiming both guns at the enemy target but then only fires with one gun while aiming with both. I don't know if it's bugged or if the animation is just off, but if I am charging both guns and pointing both guns at the enemy I'm expecting for both guns to fire. Again I know I'm probably just being nit picky and that it was probably just an attention to detail ... it just really bugs me. Any one else having this issue ?
  8. Whats a good West Coast PVE Server for Empire ?
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