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Everything posted by Calsidian

  1. I don't know, I talked to a fanboi and he said TOR is growing faster than bacteria. Fanboi wouldn't lie to me.
  2. Half the time YES, half the time NO. So I guess you can put me in the undecided slice.
  3. The types of gamers who are looking for the MMO experience the OP describes are unfortunately drowned out by the legions of gamers who demand mediocrity and stagnation, and they'll continue to get it.
  4. Exactly! Bioware made an absolutely flawless gaming experience and if you don't like it, the problem is obviously with you. How dare you state your support and hope for future success of the game, offer some reasonable criticism, then have the nerve (for shame!) to say you'll stick it out a while longer to give them time to make improvements! The nerve of some people.
  5. Items also have level restrictions you know. It takes just as much "effort" to remain neutral to X level as it does to gain LS/DS levels at X level.
  6. Realistic? I don't think so. At least I don't feel it would be worth it to try. However, there could certainly be much better MMO economic systems than we have currently. But that kind of thing requires some level of sacrifice by the players (who will certainly ***** and moan over any minor inconvenience), and has to somehow deal with the issue of gold sellers. Therefore, it is unlikely to happen anytime soon.
  7. I can't take anything you say seriously when you keep typing "interrump."
  8. I'm running into the same problem with the techstaff that Torian Cadera uses. It's annoying.
  9. Basically this. Yes, you're going to end up with quests that want you to kill and collect things in an MMO. However, it's how those objectives are presented and what impact your actions have (or appear to have) that makes a big difference. Take the class quests for example. For the most part, they are having you do the same things the other quests are. What sets the quests apart is context and the feeling that the events are closely tied to your character and his crew of companions. The quests are "unique" to your story and it's progression and thereby are more interesting (to me at least). So, how can you mimic this in quests that everyone does? You can have multiple ways to complete the quests (could even tailor possible objectives to specific class traits). If quests provide you with several different paths to follow to completion (even better if those paths then branched), it gives you the feeling that you're customizing the experience and seems less tedious. TOR went half way with this in that you choose different options in the conversation portions of the quests. But these choices rarely (if ever) actually impact the actual content of the quest. If they took it one step further it'd be great. I would like if they had longer stringed quests like this instead of tons of small kill this collect that quests. This also provides much more replayability to the game when you reroll. This can carry over to group quests as well. DDO comes to mind here. In that game, each class had unique abilities that could be used in a quest or dungeon that would either make it easier, or create an alternate path of progression, etc. It also had a sense of puzzle solving that, while not always complex, did provide some variety. When you play a rogue in that game you feel like you're useful for something other than just killing stuff. That's one of the things TOR is really missing. Things that set classes apart OTHER than just how they kill things.
  10. This reasoning would only be accurate if you took a random sample of people who have played SWTOR and had them rate the game. User ratings on Metacritic are inherently biased, as those who are disgruntled with the game are more likely to go out of their way to express it than those who are satisfied.
  11. The question then becomes, why bring a healer to a raid that has weaknessness, when you can bring a healer who has none? If this is the case, then there is a problem. If each healer has it's own situationally unique weaknessness and strengths, then it's not.
  12. It's always fun to see fanboys calling other people fanboys as an insult, and they completely fail to see any hypocrisy in it. Good on Bioware for having a good start to the game. Hopefully it drives them to build on the success.
  13. I completely agree with the OP. I feel the same way about Duplos and normal Legos. Normal Legos are waaay too complicated, no thanks!
  14. Anyone else find it ironic that the entire post is about why grinding isn't valid anymore, yet it feels like a grind to read through the whole thing?
  15. I can boast way more about not needing it than you can, that's for sure! But yeah, no idea why it needs to be invisible.
  16. What is the point of a thread like this? It's not going to actually have any affect on player behavior in the game. Even if everyone on this forum magically decided on the same honor system for loot rolls, that is still only a very small portion of the total playerbase. Until there is a system in place within the game that restricts who can roll on what, everytime you decide to PUG you run the risk of getting an item ninjad. Don't PUG if you don't want this to happen.
  17. Just great, now the government is going to copy the super sweet talent build I came up with. Stupid government.
  18. Err, is this your first experience with an MMO by chance?
  19. The shear amount of vitriol and insults laden throughout your post rob it of all relevance or impact on the discussion, and weaken any argument you put forth; therefore, it can be disregarded entirely. Have a nice day!
  20. Yes, and it's well known that throwing pebbles is an ability granted by the Light Side of the force since... oh wait...
  21. Yes, it's a terrific solution that would benefit everyone.
  22. I get not liking the min maxer mentality, but honestly there is no positive reason to have this trade off. Lets not endorse customization restrictions simply out of spite.
  23. Honestly, the mod system should not be used as an excuse for luckluster endgame armor design. It's great and all, but it doesn't free them from all criticism. There is no reason why we can't have both a mod system AND visually appealing endgame armor.
  24. Zomg! The game just came out! You shouldn't be expecting to be able to abandon quests until at least 6 months after release. Realistic expectations people.
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