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  1. biowareftw

    Scripts in PVP

    First 4 letters in alien are "a lie". The last is most likely masonic code. N = 14. A lie 14. Another instance K K K is 11 11 11, 33 started by Albert Pike (has a statue of him in DC). B1G Ten conference? B=2, 1=1, G = 7. 2 +1+7=10. Which is why it is the B1G. You see this is the most interesting of places... I have done my research as well. As far as automated scripts that pvp for you and are better then even a mediocre player? 1) They couldn't position for you on say a sin/shadow for backstabs, and if they could they would fail at it. Sometimes jumping through is the correct move, sometimes waiting out a low slash for energy is the right move. The coding it would take would be immense, and it would still not play it as well as a player. 2) If you created a macro/script that did multiple attacks, it would just screw you over in this game due to the game engine and animations. Say for instance putting a force/melee attack on a marauder/sin. The animation would loop and make you do worse. Add to that when would the script restart after a stun? Would it play from the beginning of a dps rotation? It just isn't possible to make it do the right thing. 3) Even if you could write one to use interrupts/CC, they would never be interrupting the right thing. 4) They wouldn't taunt the right things on hybrids. 5) The only dps class I can think of where this might be effective is a ton of botted MM snipers (only class I can think of that wouldn't be subject to animation looping) that all target someone at the same time with entrench up, and you would still only beat morons. Also good luck building the computer that can multibox this game well (no I am not talking about multiboxing, I am talking about multiple clients on one machine running WELL). 6) It would be easy to make a healing script, but that healer wouldn't cc right/interrupt, escape right. Then again most healers suck, but people tell them they are AWESOME cus they don't feel like clicking bars. You could possibly script a Pyro PT, but why bother. You can play it with a Sega Genesis controller, and manually taunting would be better. 7) This is a much bigger problem in WoW where people use keyboard/mouse programs and animations don't make things stutter and where classes have priority systems and hardware software can play for you. See Swifty "one shot macro's ", that have happened in the past. The same people who think a script/bot can play better then even a mediocre player? Probably also believe in aliens. Why? Cus they are evian, or is that naive? Re Verse is often the key. BTW even with his hardware/scripts? Swifty got his butt kicked against any decent warrior. Also LOL at the idea that Bioware/EA (EA = enki btw) wouldn't like people to believe (anagram of be evil, and live of course is evil backwards) in aliens. Hell they have a Consular quest named "AS ABOVE SO BELOW"... Now go back to being a gnostic or a theist, and watching tell a vision. Ewe don't speak jabberwocky and ewe (such fun word games when you learn how to spell, and you don't even need to cast the SPELL) think Einstein and Newton believed most of what they proposed, while they translated the Emerald Tablets and practiced alchemy. Of course, Tesla knew they were full of it, but Tesla is taboo and the "madman". Now if you want to see a post get deleted? This will be the one to go. In fact? They might ban my account for this beauty.
  2. You think op's are going to counter snipers in ranked (shows how clueless you are). This is what people are going to use to counter op's. http://pts.swtor-spy.com/skill-tree-calculator/sith-assassin/222/?build=022202201100000000000000000000000322220021112030221022000010000003000000000000000000000000000000&ver=20 Can burst like an op, isn't tied to a opener, can guard, taunt, can also self cleanse root with force sprint, and is harder to bring down then a tank after a vanish/blackout. But yeah...you bring that operative. These sniper buffs are horrible. All people are going to play is snipers/hybrid tanks. Pure melee specs will be gone. It won't take long for people to figure out (even people like you). Should be some awesome pvp...as if pvp doesn't slow down enough already with competent tanks/healers. Now go back to your one class, that isn't really even countered by stealth in a lethality build...currently, and that is ranked viable NOW. See the funny thing is? You actually think this game is an esport, even though most of the best players left it (just like SWG), due to stupid things like team bubblestun, and the upcoming sniper buffs that weren't even needed. When 5 of 8 classes are penciled in out of 8? That isn't a esport lol. For me? This game is a big joke, with pvp that is only bearable, and some classes that are challenging and fun to play and the sniper ain't one of them. I am bored as hell on my sniper. Even when I lead dmg with single target and stomp kids. If I compare my infiltration shadow to sniper as far as difficulty? It isn't even close. The shadow is played at warp speed with you needing to make lightning quick decisions and the sniper is like playing in slow motion. You keep thinking that the class is "pro" though lol. I am going to laugh so hard when the FOTM'rs top you kids in damage, when you think this class is nerf proof hahaha. Funny thing? Like me they will be bored doing it. Pro class. A class where your best move is often standing still, while your character autofaces the target. Seems legit... As far as Euro pvp? We get that on Pot5 every night after about midnight. It is when the pvp becomes laughable and you see people that can't even pass the huttball...
  3. Yes I have played it. Odds are I play it better then you on a better server. I don't spend my entire day on the forums in every single forum trying to protect stupid buffs this class didn't need. All it takes is a forum search of your posts to see you have spent the last month 24/7 trying to protect this class and get these shenanigans into live. Lethality needed nothing. It was fine against stealth. Now it gets a roll, and an anti stealth ability. MM could have used a little something, but not the sweeping buffs it got. The talent is called portable bunker (you get another 3 seconds of entrench after you leave entrench). As it is I have no problem beating smashers on damage as MM CURRENTLY, and my dmg is mostly single target (all that matters). Lethality is currently ranked viable NOW. I am sorry you suck at it. Maybe if you spent more time practicing and less time trying to see these buffs go live? You would fair better. Now go back to the one class you play, and act as if you have any idea what you are talking about. Kind of hard to play another character when you are on the forums 24/7 protecting what is about to be a broken class eh? What is this the 20,000th post you have made trying to defend a class that damn near the entire playerbase in PTS said was going to be OP as hell? It is an absolute joke that sniper will have two to three ranked builds that will work in rated, when marauder/sents are pigeonholed into 1 (all classes are cept Jug). This class is a JOKE to play as far as difficulty compared to annihilation marauder. If you think people aren't going to mass roll them or the spec requiring more keybinds then some of the easier classes is going to protect this class? You are mistaken. People weren't exactly flocking to play annihilation and the class is a shadow of what it was in 2.0. People WILL be flocking to this class. Have fun with the upcoming nerfs! Also LOL at concealment OP's being in rateds. Yeah let's see... They are going to bring a class that does 300 k dmg to "shut down" a guy that does 600k while being "hunted", a million with no stealth present "hunting him", and who also brings a ranged mortal strike and a LONG RANGED aoe mes. LOL. People will stack tanks. high survival sin hybrid builds before they bring an operative. Let alone 2... The pvp must absolutely SUCK on Euro servers...
  4. ^. This. I do not need a see stealth, a retrench AND a roll on MM. Lethality needs literally nothing atm. It is already perfect. The only spec that might have needed a retrench or roll was MM, and just one of those would make the class slightly OP. Adding all 3 to MM and a roll to lethality was just stupid.
  5. They aren't OP now at all. I think they are perfectly balanced to be honest. They already counter melee very well, I have no problem leading charts with SINGLE TARGET DAMAGE (all that matters). Give me a roll, a retrench when I am forced to move (this is prob the WORST change in 2.0), and a anti stealth ability that this class didn't need? Then yeah the class just got OP. Stupidly so. Entrench was already the best ability in the game for QOL in warzones. It got buffed on multiple fronts. The anti stealth thing? That is just lunacy. There is already enough anti stealth stuff in this game, aoe's are not in short supply. Yes you have an ability on stealth to improve it, yes in a 1 v 1, it will still be fine against a sniper, but in a WZ where they can throw a dot on you and force a defensive cooldown just to get an opener again? This is going to be dumb. It wasn't just the roll. It was the entrench changes/buffs, it is the anti stealth ability, it is the dumbed down rotation to MM on energy (followthrough after freakin everything), it is the faster channels in MM, it is the dot protection that lethality already had, that is not given to other dot classes. Slinger/sniper became the best single target dot class in one spec (that also happens to be RANGED), AND the best single target burst class in another spec. The only class that can compete is carnage marauder, and that spec is subject to being interrupted, knocked back, and requires melee range, and is better off sprinting a group around anyways. If all they gave this class was a roll it would have STILL been slightly OP, but they went way beyond that, and the Dev playing a sniper just shows the bias this dev team has. As far as the "target the sniper first crap"? That is just stupid. Some classes are based on aoe damage and they will hit a MM sniper for JACK, and heals/tanks/guard/taunt exist. There is no class "you target first", because the game is set up in such a way that it forces you to switch targets on the fly. There are already chokepoints in this game where I can solo defend against multiple people, including stealth. In civil war I can sit on the top and throw a channeled aoe that reveals stealth on the ramp leading up, while sitting next to a beserking buff, and I can do this endlessly. The only thing holding back current snipers is stupidity. Even stupidity will serve you well in 2.0 on this class lol. Also lol at not bringing more then one sniper. Maybe not more then one sniper of the same spec, and even then? It will be more then fine. Yeah 3 MM snipers wouldn't be ideal. 2 lethalities and a MM with a carnage marauder sprinting them around? Would work fine.
  6. To be honest? Anything is better then team bubblestun... Add to that? With this many people rerolling them? I don't think it will take a year to address them this time around. Lowbie WZ since patch notes arrived have been a snipefest, and it is STILL better then freakin team bubblestun. I do however wonder what the hell they were thinking giving snipers a roll/escape on this low of a cooldown. A minute and a half (like a vanish) would have been a lot more balanced. That said? The nerfs that happen to the class, probably won't effect pve, so they should happen quickly. I expect they will be nerfs to escapes, cc/defense, and I would expect the MM tree to get hit first.
  7. I am guessing you don't play ranked on Pot5. Why? Cus smash marauders are few and far between. Operative healer, Sorc healer, jug tank to make healers unkillable, carnage marauder (for sprint), hybrid sin to solo guard the offnode. There are three classes not penciled in for ranked. Smash marauder isn't one of them. Smash jug that can separate a healer from guard with force push, and push a sniper out of cover in 2.0 when they are new fotm, and also aoe taunt, taunt? Yeah that class might be brought... The other dps is usually a Pyro PT, for even more taunts (the more taunts the easier the game is in pvp). The third? A sniper or another smash jug, or two snipers and one smash jug, or hell even 3 pyro pt's to make it completely faceroll. Smash marauders in ranked. L O L...You will see three snipers before you will see more then 1 smash marauder in a ranked match. You can take that to the bank.
  8. A madness or hybrid sorc is a dumbed down shadow priest with an easier rotation, that doesn't need to shift in and out of shadow form to offheal, and isn't subject to offensive dispel. Substitute aoe fear for knockback, mindflay is the same, dot is the same, shield is the same, hell even the friendly pull is the same. I am guessing you only played WoW at release? Now the lightning spec? That is like a elemental shaman with priest utility. Much better then an ele shaman, still not better then a mage (sniper). If you are going to compare a class that is a carbon copy of a WoW class (the only one in this game)? Get the class right. Thanks!
  9. Smash Jug> Smash marauder. Snipers/slingers will be everywhere and marauder/sent can't push them out of cover. Vengeance Jug looks much better then Annihilation marauder in 2.0 Now to the spec everyone will be running as a marauder who hasn't already rerolled sniper/jug. Carnage. This spec should be called the "cheerleader tree". If a carnage marauder is ever leading damage done? You should all quit the game. The player is so much better then you that it is like comparing Nikola Tesla to Steve Jobs as far as inventing stuff. The only people that will be playing carnage is people that play ranked, as it is heavily dependent upon a group dynamic and being healed. This spec is more about utility then numbers. A jug is better in 3 pvp specs and can tank. What do you want them to do? They already pigeonholed marauder into 1 freakin tree as a pure dps (due to a stupid group sprint talent that they move around and pigeonhole them with), while a sniper/slinger looks like it will be viable in 3, while topping charts, and countering the absolute @#$% out of marauder/sents who can't push them out of cover. The only marauder/sent spec to stand a chance is carnage in a 1 v 1 that will never happen, and the sniper/slinger should still win. Then again? You probably think Marauders and jugs are the same class...so this entire post was pointless.
  10. You are doing more in rated then solo guarding a node on a hybrid spec with a shadow? Or are you talking about unranked? As a shadow my role in the field is sitting on a node, 3 v 1 people after I sap them, call for a floater. You can kill a sniper as a hybrid...but it is gonna take awhile , and that isn't your "role".
  11. I have no lag issues in pvp from hardware with my e8400 duo core at 3.8ghz and a gtx 260. This computer is trash, so warzones not running that great is probably a problem on your end. Now the lag spikes? Those are server related. Things you can do. 1. Take off aero in windows. This is a biggy. 2. Lower shadows if you don't have a cpu with fast floating point performance or garbage cache (some AMD's have this problem). Shadows are heavy on the cpu. If you don't have a good one, don't expect any MMO to run well in pvp with shadows maxed, unless it is a 10 year old game engine. 3. Download ccleaner, malwarebytes from ninite.com. Remove all the garbage (extra processes from startup). There are several online guides you can folllow to do this. 4. As a last resort ctrl alt delete, show all processes in taskbar and set cpu affinity to high (right click) both swtor processes. No this will not damage hardware. On my older machine (this one) I have to do this in GW2 for WvW. If you are running voice com it might skip sometimes though (cpu is working harder on the swtor processes).
  12. Yes because it is much better to see this crap go live, and wait months to see this is an issue, as people slowly reroll this AC, right? I don't think this thread changed jack, other then helping those that might struggle with the class. Every lowbie WZ now has half snipers in it LOL. What have there been like 50 threads on the PTS forum asking what the hell Bioware is thinking? This class is already good. To even suggest that I in anyway am at a disadvantage currenly (before these insane buffs) compared to another class would simply be a lie. Now I know that there are a ton of certain players who are on alert 24/7 and trying to protect these stupid buffs, but these people are a joke. It only shows how far people will go to get an OP beta class live. I remember when people said Deathknights were extremely underpowered before Wrath of the Lich King in beta...That turned out well hahaha. Why the hell am I getting a roll on a class that already can't be charged, has a knockback, a 30 meter aoe cc, a stun, and a ranged root BASELINE? This class doesn't need buffed...at all. I am sorry but when such stupid changes are made, and buffs like this introduced? The class should be rolled to the point that Bioware does something about it, because that is the only way it will sink in, and that they will change it. I mean I know the lead dev plays lethality but really? Is there anyone who honestly thinks this class needs these buffs? Hell no one will even play melee in 2.0 besides tanks if this crap remains as long as bubblestun did. If all they gave the MM spec was slow on the root? The class would have been fine. The knockback already puts a smasher beyond leap range. Lethality? That spec sure as hell didn't need a roll. The other pure dps class(marauder/sent) has one viable spec, and now engineering looks bawler as well? Did they spend half of this expansions development costs to appease Rob Hinkle? LOL
  13. Guardian is the best tank at keeping healers alive in the game. Shadows hybrid and are the best duel spec/solo node guarder in the game. It's just the way it is. Just be glad you aren't a PT/Vanguard tank.
  14. Pve? Sent/maraduers are fine in 2 trees.You can do well with just about any class in pve. Hell mercs rock good dps in pve. PvP? A MM sniper in 2.0 has much more uptime, hits just as hard, and will be visiting the GY a lot less. Both deal physical damage and both can burst on demand like crazy, both have a big group buff. One is very susceptible to CC and being shut down and loses a ton of damage for utility, and one does not. One has a ranged healing debuff, one does not. One has a stupidly far ranged aoe mes, one does not. Also LOL at these kids ranting about me being fotm. I betad this class before they had portable cover. Then they got cover and it had no global cooldown (that was just awesome), and then they reinstated the global and it became a bit clunky. Still very good (before 2.0). Newsflash to the dun nerf me brah crowd. When a class gets stupidly OP? Lot's of people are going to roll them. Eventually it will be nerfed. I am helping to expedite that process. If you don't like it? I don't care. In fact I hope these rerolls are better snipers then you, and most of them probably are. It will make Bioware/EA have second thoughts about these buffs, that much quicker, and maybe we won't have another year of people crying mainly about one class...
  15. If it is the bobbydigital from fatman? Not bad at all. I remember him when I used to play Liu-kang at release. Was a very good Pyro PT before people realized the spec was even good.
  16. ??? 5 roles are penciled in for rated games. Op healer, Sorc healer, Jug tank (healer guard), hybrid shadow tank (node guard), carnage marauder (group sprint). There are a grand total of 3 spots up for grabs and you are saying not to bring more then 2? L O L
  17. Oh I am having a great time playing my infiltration shadow atm. Most of these rerolled snipers/slingers are very bad, and they are the easiest kill in the WZ. Nothing to do with the class being bad, it is just they have no idea what is going on half the time. As far as classes? You can play them all after the first one. Legacy gear, pvp dailies makes this possible. The gear grind isn't bad at all. You don't HAVE to play just one class in this game. This isn't WoW, you can actually play a lot of alts and have a life. Which is why I like this game.
  18. Yeah I should have added an addendum. Lead dev plays a lethality sniper. While MM may be stupidly strong at release in the expansion? I expect this will get nerfed first. Get used to playing both trees. Respeccing is free for you subs! Enjoy.
  19. People will tell you this class is "too hard" to become fotm, and "too awkward" to become flavor of the month or to get nerfed in 2.0, and as someone who had a watchman sent, and scrapper scoundrel? I can tell you they are wrong about a great many things. This guide is intended to help you become a 35 yard ranged, uninterruptable, unchargeable carnage marauder, combat sent, and or a 35 yard uninterruptable, unchargeable madness sorc, and to do it with the least keys possible. At first this class may seem daunting by the time you hit 40ish. For people that played warriors in the "stance dance days" of WoW? It is second nature. The first toolbar is the money toolbar for hotkeys. Why do I say that? Because You have a cover bar and a non cover bar. If you are pressing a cover button and THEN pressing that instant snipe on another key? You are doing it wrong. Same with your knockback. Same with your single target bomb. Simply drag take cover (the non roll one) to the same button you intend to use when in cover. For instance if the 6 key (6 and onward should all be mapped to mouse buttons, scroll up's down's, since they are hard to reach), is bound to snipe in your cover bar? In the non cover bar make that a take cover button and bind it to left mouse click. Now? For instant burst on the move? Click the button twice. Now you have a follow through shot ready. Bam bam. I also like to bind my roll to cover on the knockback (on non cover bar) and put it on something like middle mouse. This is a great tool for escaping atm, and hitting the left mouse key, then middle key, works great, and you now have both covers bound with the least amount of keys. Gaming equipment. You don't need a Razer Naga. Any logitech g500 will do. The tiltwheel is boss. Control, shift modifers makes it better then a naga (IMO) with easier to reach/hit buttons. Mouse scroll up and down should never be on zoom in/out for pvp. This is a possible 6 easy to reach keybinds with control/shift modifiers. Bind zoom in /out to something like the arrow keys, when you want to zoom in on Risha's behind. Class story? Both scoundrel/agent probably had the best stories in the game imo. Enjoy it. Both make sense as light and dark side (unlike the BH, which made no sense as lightside). Vs other snipers (there is going to be a lot of them). Dodge isn't something to be used "whenever". Save this for big hitting shots, channels vs other snipers and for the 1 carnage marauder that the other team brings for group sprint. The AOE. When stacking snipers and playing a melee heavy team? Stacking, can be fun. Throw this on the ground x 2 or x3, put up entrench and stagger group shields and laugh as the melee kill themselves. On objective games? Use this on the door/cap nodes. Even if you are about to die? An entrench orbital strike saves that cap. The knockback/flashbang. These can hit at the same time (why I have no idea perhaps the game engine). Use this to your advantage in void star when capping a door. Stun/ legshot the one hero who is the try hard. Sometimes it is better to knockback then bang. Depends on if you are lethality or MM (dat mm root). Also? Remember this aoe CC? Can be used from FAR away. Don't be afraid to use it early to make people pop trinkets (and then watch them get absolutely wrecked), and on the 4-5 people on your huttball carrier. They will be wondering how they just got CC'd, but they don't know that you are a 35 yard range carnage marauder. Simpletons... Get the high ground. If you aren't? It is the carnage marauders fault for not buffing group sprint. The idiot thought he was leet dps also. Replace him. How to counter the calls for nerfs. Memorize these statements. 1. "We aren't a free kill anymore". An oldie but a goodie. 2. "Only the best players stayed with this horrible class, which is why we are now OWNING everyone". 3. "Other classes were OP, it was their time, it is our time now, OUR TIME (say it with the passion of Mikey from Goonies *breathes in asthma medicine". 4. "Stealth counters us". Now this is actually true, but are these stealth ranked viable? If someone asks that question, tell him to learn to play, call him a baddie etc. Anyways. This class was really fun and challenging, about a month ago, before I optimized keybinds etc. Now it is kind of boring. I have no idea why it is getting these buffs, but whatever. In before rage, blah blah. I could care less. Just saying it how it is, and wanted to help those people who may have been roadblocked to also being FOTM, due to keybinds etc.
  20. And what I mean by that, is delay it if you have to. You promised spring. It doesn't mean it has to ship early. This should be your priority. 1. Fix memory leaks. It gets irritating having to reboot my computer and or close the client down from the taskmanager. 2. Fix as much ability delay as possible 3. Make sure raid content WORKS. I don't care about raiding, but others do. They are a big part of making the game grow. 4. PvP. PvP is my thing, but the above should be highest priority. Just don't add any more CC to this game ever. If someone suggests it? Sack them. I know class balance is hard, so I would work on a multi server matchmaking system in non ranked as the number 1 priority. Thanks in advance. Take your time. Don't repeat the mistakes you made at launch.
  21. This thread sums up those who need to twink to compete in pvp. They need a guide to do it. SMH.
  22. Yeah I would agree and well played. Noun 1. A group of people leading the way in new developments or ideas. 2. A position at the forefront of new developments or ideas: "in the vanguard of technical development". He was the greatest vanguard of all time. Gave up patents worth a ton of money so we could have AC power, while Edison electrocuted live dogs and elephants, trying to discredit him. Edison was definitely a Sith Lord. JP Morgan was on the Dark Council and J Edgar Hoover was an Imperial Agent.
  23. Just work on being the best sorc ever, if that is the class you like man. I rarely, if ever see them "fakecast" to bait interrupts with a trash spell (heal specced ones usually do this), and they are SO good at kiting. Trust me, everyone knows who the good sorcs/sages are on every server, just like everyone knows who the best "smash" Jug is. If you are newer to mmo's look up vids of fakecasting/kiting. You can do some pretty awesome stuff with a sorc. The only people you should care about impressing? Are the people you play with. The best DPS sorcs? Usually heal at first. Why? They get used to healing/bubbling other people and having awareness. Once you have that down? Dps is a breeze. Game slows down. You clownstomp pugs . Perhaps I was too harsh in viewing the class as easy for a first time MMO player. If you played a mage/priest in WoW? The class is easy because over YEARS you learned kiting, fakecasting, and to know what other classes abilities were to counter them. If you don't have that experience it may be hard to jump right in against melee who have also worked on countering those ranged for years.
  24. I know not all sorcs are bad. I can tell you this though. Playing both sides of the most populated PvP server? Give me 3 sages over 3 sorcs any day. Other classes face the same crap. Most marauder/sents I know don't even like smash. They liked annihilation. They have to be carnage/combat in rated and smash is best for pugging. They are labeled smash tards on this forum lol. Why do you CARE what other people think? Screw em lol . Now as far as class balance etc? Sorcs are in a good place. They will be a STRONG healer in 2.0 with immunity on coordinated burst, and lightning hits like a freakin truck for pugging. Currently you can spec bubblestun and your pug will beat another pug damn near every time. Copy and paste with control V that they can aoe stun by clicking the bubble off. Paste it in ops chat. Enjoy the easy win. No other spec can almost guarantee a win atm. A sorc can. Is it a dumb mechanic? Sure. Should it have ever been implemented? No, and I also think the smash buff was stupid. But whatever, the game is what it is, and sorcs are fine.
  25. Generalizations? Hell just check out the thread I linked where sorcs didn't even know they were being trolled. They actually thought the game should be imbalanced in favor of their class due to lore. This class provides me with SO much laughter. UNLIMITED POWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEER. HAHAHAHA. If you don't know most of the people who play your class are idiots, then you haven't looked too hard. In WoW most of my fellow mages were idiots, and so were the rogues. Never did one say good duel after they lost. Certain people just gravitate to what they perceive is OVAPOWERED. Then when they fail on it? They want everything else nerfed, and their class buffed for no reason. Do me a favor and make a jedi shadow or scoundrel on a pvp server. Watch how hilarious it is as the sorcs backpedal, run around in circles and my personal favorite AOE LIGHTNING when a melee is on them. HAHAHAHAH.
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