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Everything posted by biowareftw

  1. The raid requirement already uses a 1 1 2 setup. In addition I stated if queue times were long they could limit queues to 3 people. If no tanks/healers were found after a couple minutes? They could throw dps vs dps (what you see in lowbies usually). There are many solutions. The problem can even be faction related on the same server. If I queue as dps on republic side till around midnight? I win almost all my games. If I do it on Sith side there is mostly premades I am fighting, and low health people on my team. At around midnight? The server does a 180 and the republic are awful. You have perspective from one faction on one server and then are creating a problem (long queue times) that would have several solutions, and wouldn't even exist. WoW is doing it for a reason (players quit the game). Swtor would be foolish not to follow. I highly doubt EA/Bioware is looking to appease the pugsmashers who are afraid to play ranked, over most of the playerbase so that they can lose subs back to WoW...
  2. I try not to leave games, but if I do it is at the start and it is because i see 5-6 people in recruit gear. I will stay in those games on some classes but not others. My shadow? Sure. I am going to have fun against any comp on my shadow, because I can pick my fights, ninja nodes, and make them earn the win. Carnage marauder? No. Hell no. If I am specced smash? Sure I will stay. Adding a penalty without addressing the real problem (matchmaking)? Wouldn't fix jack. Be glad you can leave. You get your coms quicker in what would have probably been a loss anyways.
  3. Is there one server in SWTOR? If not? The post you made is completely irrelevant in this discussion.
  4. ??? You can often run into 2 premades against all non premades with no heals, no tanks and 5-6 15 k health people. Hell I have been in WZ where the highest health pool besides me was 17 k, and played against two voice com premades that got put in the same group. This was solo queuing as dps on the same server you play on (pot5). Where are you getting this information? I have seen ZERO evidence of any queue matchmaking. If they do it by valor? That is beyond stupid. Valor means nothing. You can have someone who leveled in warzones from 1-50 and sold all their adrenals, healpacks for a ton of money, that is in recruit gear with no datacrons. Healers are spread out? Do you mean an AC is spread out? That also means nothing. There are a metric !@$@ ton of dps sorcs on our server, dps jugs, pyro pt's (can't blame them as their tank tree sucks in pvp). Also I find it hard to believe an AC is spread out since I have been in warzones with damn near all one class.
  5. Hehe. Yeah it is quite funny on Pot5 when we out protect tanks as infiltration/balance or infiltration isn't it. That said, guard is pretty nice for a healer, and I see a lot of "healing is underpowered" posts (which we all know is laughable). Perhaps when people see how this game is balanced and how the pvp works with tank/guard/taunts, they may be more inclined to run ranked. In addition to my first post, if dps queues became too long, they could always limit the premade to 3 to allow a random dps in the 4. Like I said, with voice com a heal a tank and a competent dps? You are going to win the majority of the games anyways. Hell I have queued with 3 other marauders before on sith side and steamrolled people for my daily. This game needs to grow and it is not exactly 50 friendly. I really don't want to see more people go back to WoW. I hate that freakin game. Have played every class, every role, and am bored to death of it.
  6. WoW is implementing a healer queue. Same thing could be done with this game with healers and tanks and it would solve a ton of problems. Of course you would also have to make it so you can't change specs in a WZ. Before peoples heads explode. Healers/tanks would still get in before other players (dps) as there aren't as many. If you are going to balance a game around a tank guarding a healer (and weight it even more so then healers in WoW), then you should do everything possible to make sure that balance is evident in a warzone. The only people that would be against this change are people who want to run healers/tanks/dps against all pug dps or healers without guard, to steamroll them. If you queue 4 people you would still have a very big advantage (voice com), but at least many of the games wouldn't be as one sided. If you can't win with voicecom against no voice com in non rated? Well you probably shouldn't be PvPing in the first place. In before people calling me a noob, solo queue trash, etc, even though I have been on both sides of the spectrum and realize that this is a huge issue and when the competition does something right? It might be a good idea to implement it. WoW looks like they are copying the expertise change (static across pvp gear). Sometimes competition can improve both games and a good idea is simply a good idea. 2 heals/2 tanks should be the limit for any match, which would mean if you queue with 4 the ideal set up would be 1 tank 1 heal and 2 dps. This also happens to be the raid setup, which should make it ideal as everyone is already used to that role.
  7. Luke is the most powerful Jedi of all time. Sidious is the most powerful Sith of all time. Lucas said Luke had all of Anakin's potential, and in the fiction afterwards fulfilled it. The next tier would be like Yoda, Windu, Jacen and then his sister, then broken Anakin with Obi-wan probably bringing up the rear, with Revan perhaps being close. Malek? Might have ended up near Yoda if he had lived. As far as duels Windu is up there. Yoda is up there. Debatable whether Sidious purposely lost to Windu. Luke was stupidly good with a saber in future series. Jacen/Caedus was as well, but Luke would have beat them all by a fair margin, not to mention he was also stronger in the force. It is like debating DBZ. Goku wins. Cept in this argument? There is no mystic Gohan argument. It is just Luke > everyone else in everything. Luke has highest potential. Luke fulfilled said potential. Luke beat one of the strongest sith ever, and one of the best duelists ever (broken Anakin) with a very short training period, and no one to practice dueling with (lighsabers), and without the benefit of training as a child. Now take that, and add years of training (what happens in novels afterwards) and you can see where this all goes.
  8. A) I wasn't trying to be rude. I was trying to tell you this is the best patch EVER . Be happy my friend. B) Memory leaks are a royal pain the @%$ to fix. That is why it took so long. As I said, I reported (and tons of other people ) reported this in beta. Other people chalked it up to "beta programs" running and taking up their memory. If they can actually fix this sucker before the expansion? I will be very happy. It took years for Age of Conan to fix theirs and the game was dead by the time they did. Even "polished" (overblown statement imo, since they had YEARS of working with a OLD game engine) WoW has had memory leaks spring up quite often, and they take awhile to fix.
  9. Why? Because it is silly having a ton of companions with the same name running around. It would work after 50 (so that class story doesn't get in the way). Texas Hold Em Sabaac table. It is in lore. Hold em is one of the only games that works online, since you can use math to make a decision and can't see a persons face (bluffing). One of my favorite things to do in other mmo's during raid downtimes was to bet game currency with a hold em mod with guildmates. If you want to add this without cartel, put them in cantinas and make the cartel one portable with a pimped out dealer. Pazaak table. This could be against the computer/house. Doesn't really work well in player vs player because whoever goes first is at a huge disadvantage (bust). Pimped out pods for pod racing minigame (no stat advantages, just cool looking). See Kotor podracing. Perhaps add a pod game minigame where you vs other players and earn titles.
  10. At OP? If they are actually fixing the memory leak and it can be done in a day, you are going to complain about it? This leak has been around since beta. The only people who don't run into it are people that stay on one world/zone in their play session, don't log in multiple characters, don't play for extended periods, and or have a silly amount of ram. The memory leak should be priority number 1 as far as fixes. If people play this game for the first time in an extended session and try to exit it and have to use task manager to do it? They are going to say "this game is a piece of junk". Especially if they have voice com up, or a few other programs taking up ram (like lookin up datacrons on a web browser). If you don't think you have the memory leak? You are wrong. EVERYONE has it, but everyone does not play extended sessions. Press ctrl alt delete and look at ram usage when you first log into the game inside task manager. Go to and from a few planets, and check the memory usage again. It is higher. Want to know why? Cus there is a memory leak. If they actually fix this thing? It will be the best patch to ever hit SWTOR. Not everyone can make a freakin ram drive so that the game will run well...
  11. 1. Building another deathstar. What is so great about destroying a planet? Why not mine the planet dry and strip it of all resources, and enslave the population. You essentially kill the planet that way, while making mo money. The resources and materials spent on the deathstar could have been used for a more mobile, gigantic fleet that would have clownstomped the rebel alliance. 2. Jedi council fail. Not paying to release Anakin's mother from slavery. Bad move. 3. Love interest fail. Padame is rich and a queen. She probably could have skimped on one stupid looking hat and freed Anakin's mom. This makes her the most evil, selfish person to ever live in the star wars universe. 4. Little kid jedi fail. Next time you see a guy with glowing red or orange eyes? Get the hell out of there and don't ask him questions. Do they not teach these dumb kids, that jedi go rogue all the time? Luke should make this the first lesson in the new jedi order for young students. In fact all future jedi temples should have an eye identification system that you pass through to enter the temple. When glowing red/orange eyes are detected? No entrance. 5. Not wiping out the Ewoks with carpet bombing, did the empire have a shortage of wood? Why didn't they enslave these people? Some evil empire... 6. Universe fail. Two words. Chemical warfare. Make a disease that attacks midichlorians. No more Sith, no more Jedi. Midichlorians can't be trusted.
  12. This is the most overpowered heals have ever been in any MMO...ever... Find a tank (guardian/jug). Have fun never dying in a pug, unless you are undergeared and never fakecast/use CC/escapes. If they made tank/guard/taunts any stronger? This game would go from having mediocre pvp to unbearable pvp...
  13. ??? As engineering I am the best denier of caps in the game and can usually top dmg. As lethality I do more dmg as single target but running with a healer is preferred (like carnage marauder but putting out way more sustained dps). As MM I lead dmg but the dmg doesn't seem impressive because !#$@ just blows up too fast. I am basically a ranged carnage marauder that blows stuff up before it can even come close. You say they are balanced now. I agree. Then you say not to nerf them, which is not a nerf, but Bioware/EA realizing they screwed the pooch buffing this class, that you say is balanced now? I think my head just exploded... But anyways...run two engineering snipers with a clue. Enjoy dominating and ticking off melee trains. You can make them 100 percent worthless already...before 2.0 Did it this morning with a friend, who had never even played engineering spec before. It was LOL funny. In 2.0 this spec is getting a roll that drops more aoe bombs... L O L.
  14. Correction. Many, many smashers already have their sniper alts geared for 2.0.
  15. MM is single target, scoundrel is single target. Both have an aoe mes for control. The MM's is better. If you aren't doubling the damage of a scoundrel on a MM in 2.0? You are horrible. This isn't like comparing an aoe spec to a single target spec. Engineering? Different. Stupidly good at stopping caps, single target is initially good then drops. Still better then any spec scoundrel/op. Lethality? Not even close. Lethality on a sniper is leaps and bounds better. You have fun playing the op/scoundrel. I will have fun doing a third more damage on infiltration (at least, sometimes more) and that is without throwing nades that break cc/pad dmg, and annihilating every single op/scoundrel I come up against because they never get off their opener. As far as pulling big numbers atm? There are a metric @#$# ton of new 50's in WZ's right now. You could lead dmg as a lethality op right now. It doesn't make it a good spec.
  16. Well you do get a 5 k medal and a solo medal on stealth every game. On a infiltration shadow I usually lead medals. On my scoundrel? Not so much. Only need 8 though so it really isn't an issue.
  17. 1. If you do well on infiltration/deception now, you will do better in 2.0. If you don't do well now? You probably won't like the changes. If you hybrid madness/balance or pure it? You will probably hate them (the changes). Personally I love all the changes and am ecstatic. 2. Pt/vanguard should be a much better tank in pvp now. Don't know if they will be brought over a sin/shadow guarding a node or a guardian/warrior guarding healers. DPS? They were extremely high, then got some nerfs and people didn't get to test them much after. 3. Slinger/sniper already has 3 very good specs for pugging, and one for ranked. In 2.0? They just might have 3 for ranked...Why? I have no freakin clue. Engineering can defend like a boss and prevents caps like no other, MM is like a ranged carnage marauder that can go immune to CC, Lethality melts heavy armor, and puts out some crazy single target dps. Marauder/sent? Go combat/carnage or go home. Vengeance>Annihilation, jug smash>marauder smash. 4. Sages are just fine. In before slingers/snipers saying "these buffs are justified", even though people who play this class like myself, say"are you high"? Everyone knew the sniper buffs were too much. Either the roll, or the anti stealth needs to go. If they keep the roll, it should be on a higher cooldown.
  18. I played Liu-kang on the Fatman server (scoundrel). I obliterated kids. I know exactly how the class works. Not that you would bring them currently, but a infiltration shadow-balance/infiltration > scoundrel. The scoundrel is never going to get his opener on the shadow (positional requirement) and the infiltration shadow isn't tied to his opener. Reasons why I play my shadow over my scoundrel. 1) beats scoundrel in 1 v 1 unless you are bad. If a scoundrel/op ever gets the opener on you in a 1 v 1? You fail. Even if you both go for "saps/mez", you can simply hit him with a project when it ends and GG you win. 2) can aoe taunt/taunt, which is much better then throwing crappy offheals that just prevent a restealth and make you do even less damage. No restealth on a scoundrel = bad. No restealth on a sin/shadow = I am now as squishy as a scoundrel (sans blackout), but can still burst like a champ. 3) Infiltration shadow/balance infiltration hybrid can do almost as well in 1 v 1's as a scoundrel and the hybrid tank spec loses to NO CLASS, which makes them the single best node guarder in the game. Why do most shadows/sins cry? Cus they wanted to be like Darth Maul and they suck. Yeah most sins/shadows suck. I agree with you on that. Hell they had most of us convinced the class sucked.... Until we rolled one lol. I loved playing my scoundrel until I made a shadow. A scoundrel is like sub rogue with no gouge and a cooldown on backstab. The shadow has a gouge and can backstab as much as stupid people will let them. Now as far as OP? No the shadow/sin dps specs aren't even close to OP. I can do more dmg on all three specs of slinger/sniper, which is pretty messed up, and that is BEFORE the buff...
  19. Actually nothing he said is credible. Sustained damage on a scoundrel/op is crap. They will get less openers then they do now (cept in a 1 v 1 which doesn't exist, in which case a hybrid sin/shadow is better anyways), and they are tuned around their opening burst, and without it? They are worst class in the game. This class will never top meters in a WZ unless the people in it are pants on head stupid (and the only way they can get close is throwing a frag grenade on cooldown, and they still fall well short) and it is mainly due to putting their backstab on a long cooldown. Their dmg looks like a rollercoaster (spikes), but they don't have the survival talents to live to the next spike. A class that does A LOT less damage then other dps specs, is a worse 1 v 1 class then a hybrid sin/shadow (who usually outdamages them as a TANK LOL), and that is simply, far and away the WORST class in the game till 30ish? Going to be FOTM? You can lead dmg on a twinked sniper at level 10 pressing snipe ROFL. Good luck doing that on a scoundrel, and if you are? Screenshot it so the entire community can laugh at the other players from that WZ. Add to that? I can lead dmg in WZ's ON ALL THREE SPECS on a sniper/slinger. The classes aren't even close as far as viability. Let me echo what the other guy said. HHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAAH. The class is good for one thing in pvp. Healing and griefing/clownstomping badly geared players in pugs. Most of the good ones either a) left the class for a shadow/sin, b) heal on it in ranked. There are a few good ones left and they never top dmg. Not even close. A roll isn't going to change that lol. Op thinks people are gonna bring a scoundrel that does 300 k dmg when played well to counter a sniper who does 600 k dmg with a scoundrel harassing him, and a million without one. Makes perfect sense...
  20. ^ HAHAHHAA. You do know that on the test center healers were healing for way more then the dps was dpsing right? The only dps coming close to the healing output was snipers/slingers. IF guard and taunts didn't exist you would have a point. They do exist however and this is the EASIEST game to dominate on a healer that I have seen. In fact when 2 decent teams face each other it becomes a complete snoozefest. Do me a favor. You make a team of all smashers and go into ranked. Tell me how that works out for you. Want to know why you don't see all dps teams? Cus guard/heal synergy, plus hybrid dps throwing out taunts is OP as hell. You want to buff it more??? If you are not dominating pug pvp atm with a healer? You are either horrible, undergeared, don't fake cast, or need to find a better tank.
  21. You heard it here first folks! This game must be balanced on 1 v 1's according to the OP Also Op/scoundrels are awesome healers, even though as dps they self kite themselves from their kill target, and keep themselves from restealthing, even though the class is balanced around an opener. OP please roll a operative/scoundrel yourself so that you can see what happens when you can't stand in one spot and press buttons while being immune to cc, while your character autofaces their target. Sniper is the most boring class I have ever played in an MMO. At first I thought it was ok, and interesting, and now I dread doing the daily with him. Not because I don't lead dmg damn near every game (with single target, which is pretty insane), but because it is boring as hell. I will say I was wrong before. Sorc as boring as it might be, and as much as I hated playing it? Is more fun then a sniper/slinger. Probably more challenging as well. A class whose best move is often standing in place while your character autofaces? Is broken as far as a fun factor for me lol.
  22. 1) Rift pvp sucked 2) How would it work in this game? All hybrids would be tanks and healers? I am sure that will go over well. If you take away how OP tank/heal synergy is? Then the pve players don't play pvp, which is why GW2 "bg's/wz's" aren't very popular. You have to hold out candy for some people to pvp. Whether it is a gear advantage or a OP "support" spec that is weighted as meaning about 1.5 times as much as a dps. 3) I would like to go back to Ultima Online before stupid support classes, and where if I could kill someone in the game? I could loot them of all their goods. Thing is? There aren't a lot of people that will pay 15 bucks a month to be sheep to the wolves out there. I am sure others can vouch for how great pvp was in Ultima Online, but we have let it go. It isn't going to happen again. EQ and "support role classes" and subsequent mmo's? Took that away forever. When a mediocre healer/tank/dps can beat 3 dps that are better then them or hold an objective point for a long, long time before they are beat? That makes it every attractive to people whom otherwise wouldn't pvp in an MMO. In WoW you had the same trinity of either 2 CC/burst dps/heals or a healer with high survival dps who would wear you down. This game? Just makes the "support classes" even better. If I lead dps on my shadow? It means nothing. If I go tank spec and guard some numbnuts using half his abilities and healing? I win more. Do I like it ? Nope, But the other mmo's are just as bad, or simply not played.
  23. Guard is 50 percent dmg taken away/shared. Taunt (can be aoe) is another 30 percent for 6 seconds and will be backed to back by a competent dps hybrid/tank. You aren't going to exactly be doing a ton of damage during that 6 seconds. I do this on dps attacking healers all the time as infiltration. With vent, a tank guarding a healer, and hybrids staggering it? That healer isn't going to die without a force push/long knockback away from the guard. This game isn't like WoW where you tunnel the healers. It won't work.
  24. biowareftw

    Scripts in PVP

    You probably think Columbus discovered America. We have evidence that the Vikings were here long before. Why don't you tell me about Marconi and the radio. Also big foot? Yeah here is a guy that saw big foot. Seems legit. Now if you want to question things, how about questioning the completely obvious, that people like you refuse to question. http://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=92662&page=1 Or MK Ultra. That was a pretty cool thing in our countries history! It directly relates to the Agent story in this game, with "key words", used to trigger "alters". They really did their homework! Funny how the whole "alien abduction" thing took off after we worked on programming false memories into people (including children). Or.. http://www.nytimes.com/1988/07/05/us/bush-they-say-is-indeed-a-connecticut-yankee-from-king-henry-s-court.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2183858/All-presidents-bar-directly-descended-medieval-English-king.html How very interesting. We have empirical evidence to discuss all of the above. Einstein? Hardly empirical. "The theory [Relativity] is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king ... its exponents are brilliant men but they are metaphysicists, not scientists..." - Nikola Tesla, New York Times, July 11, 1935 Now you go ahead and call me a "nutcase" and a "theorist", when you are the one who believes in things, that lack empirical evidence, when we have things like this... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_War_of_the_Worlds_(radio_drama). To show just how badly people can be manipulated and fooled. Then again? His-story now views Tesla as a mad man also. It seems I am in good company. Now open that wallet. Look at the SS card in it. Tell me why the name there is in all capital letters. Then again you probably think the Federal Reserve is part of this country and not a private bank? You probably don't care, in which case ewe deserve to be manipulated. Seeing I really don't feel like being banned on this forum, simply for posting a few news articles, this will be my last post on the subject. You are right though. The truth is out there, but you have to wade through complete b.s., and a counter culture that was also designed to manipulate. People like BS artists Alex Jones and Jesse Ventura.
  25. biowareftw

    Scripts in PVP

    You believe in aliens and play a game series where ANAK kin was the messiah, while never even knowing who the sons of Anak were. You also probably played Diablo without knowing who Tyre El was. I will give you a clue. In Diablo 3 he fell...
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