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Everything posted by mystbladex

  1. This ^ It is nor our fault if your tank does not want to guard you, or if you even have a tank in your group that can guard. Guard is very powerful and can turn a fresh 50 into a pain to deal with
  2. I do that too but I fight and try and take out as many as I can. Its fun and blow all CD and see how hard my AOE's hit
  3. On a serious there was a crappy healer fresh 50 like, I could not bring him down solo fast I was like ugh. Then I saw he was guarded, so yes healers do not complain, it is not my fault your tanks do not love you enough to put guard on you. Oddly enough faced the same healer a couple matches later with No guard and 2 seconds dead.
  4. I always have a pre-made at my will, but alot of the time I choose to queue solo, Not because I like a challenge but because it is sometimes more fun. The only time my premade loses is if we face the other IMP premade, and we usually split the wins and losses but it is rare we face each other, and sometimes on the same team. OHHHH So I queue solo and just see where I land. Might be good might be bad but I always do my 110%.
  5. What I liked about the pre-weekly is the $$ and each bag you opened had $$ it was useless items but they had $$. I guess that is what I am looking for. I am determined to stay on fleet and never leave. But funds are running low, and with long queue times, and my mod replacements it is getting to the point where I need to crank up the ship and do dailies or something. I did however complete my augmented war zone set fully modded so I wont be spending so much $$ on that anymore, mmm, maybe I do get my dream of staying on fleet
  6. no, huttball is the only warzone, where non-geared little people can win. 1)KB, Push, Pull take no gear requirements so a team of fresh 50's that know how to play huttball can win. It is refreshing to play huttball but it gets old after 10 times so its more of a pace yourself
  7. I have two character my level 50 mara and my level 22 sage Got my mara to 50 played until full BM the old way, then rolled the sage and ehh did not care for it much, might finish it to chapter two. /played on my mara is 39 days so yeah i have been playing it alot, since day 1
  8. You did not lose anything since the cap on warzone comms before 1.2 was 1000. so by putting them into merc comms you actually gave yourself an added 1000 warzone comms vs nothing.
  9. Thanks for point out my grammar error I just of had heavy metal on my mind with thinking about medals
  10. Kinda but you have to add Queue, join, GET 1 METAL, lose, gain , celebrate because if you do not get that metal then it really is worth nothing.
  11. I look forward to fresh 50's for PvP, I see you, I mark you, I then cloak, pop all cooldowns, and stab stab dead. So squishy and so fun. no really I only do that to fresh 50 healers but I do that with vet 50 healers too so ehh welcome to PVP
  12. So you walk into a PvP match and the end result is you will either be on the winning side or the losing side. Those things are certain. What is not "certain" is how you get there. 1) Know the players you are working with, click the queue popup as soon as you can and start to analyze. 2) Once you know what you have and what warzone you are going into to. Assign roles, people like being told what to do or give them a general direction on what their job should be in this warzone. 3)Let the lower newer PvP players in your group, do tasks like guard turrets, if civil war have one experienced player with a freshly new player for example. 4) not everyone is on vent that is for sure but at the start of every match I give out my vent info, and no I do not expect them to jump right in on this match but maybe they will log the info and on the next match they will be voice connected. 5) express call out and how important it is to call something out but also that "Do not cry wolf rule" things NOT to say when calling something out. a)HELP b)EAST or any general direction c) INCOMING First off the directions in where things are are fuzzy at best because of your left is your right and your right is your left depending on where you are facing at any given time. But yes learn the correct directions for the given warzone, and advise this at the start of the match. Now here is how to call something out and that is acceptable a)Need one more to help guard NE, I am the only one here. b) EAST 2 or E 2, then if you see more in view proceed with just numbers like 3 4 5 6 7 c) East clear (always announce a clear if you call an incoming or help to notify us that all is clear) Always be doing something, sometimes "risks" are needed to win, if you can burst DPS fast and think you can take down a 1v1 or 1v2 or just to have them get more players over there because they call out "cry wolf" that is needed some of the time but it is rare. Also know the score, there is a point in every match were it is a) not winnable b) in the bag c) or in civil war down to you only have to have one cap and still win. Nova you can win being down 100 - 2, with only having to hold 2 out of 3 points Huttball you can win being down 0-5 Voidstar depending on who starts first for example if you make it all the way and then you are defending your time is posted but you have to account for things like 8 seconds to plant a bomb and 20 seconds for it to blow, 8 seconds to draw the bridge and 8 second to open the force field. And depending on where you are on the map and the time left you can determine a win Civil war has its own quirks with the ticks now, I have a guess of when its safe for 1 turret, and it seems as when you double the other teams score but have not tested this theory or had to chance too. I ramble too much
  13. For me it is not the number of warzones, it is that they are all, 8 man warzones. What I would give to see a 16 or 24 or god forbid a 32 man warzone. Not saying we will ever see a 24 or 32 but a 16 is possible and would rather enjoy a more full scale battle in warzones. I played for 12 hours straight yesterday as I got to say the warzones did get a tad boring but that is what grinding is, it has its momenets even on our 17 game winning streak, I was yawning, ok go do this and ok now go do that. Kill then, kite that. ect. Atleast Vent make it fun
  14. If you can not get 1 metal in even 2 minutes, you are doing something wrong. I joined match with less than 2 minutes left to go in huttball, I just picked a target blew all my cooldowns to ensure I get atleast the 2.5k metal and thus I killed him so i got the killing blow, and I acutally got the 5k metal too. So 1 metal if you can not get it even in a small windows, there is an error between the chair and the keyboard
  15. That is a big no, might as well share "levels" or "crafting levels" Valor is more now like a reputation that you gain on a certian character, how would another character gain that "reputation" what just because he is linked to someone, he should be shown the same respect? Never each character has to earn it and if you PvP alot and show your legacy title people will know who you are if they pay that much attention. The warhero gear is great and is one of the only things that seperates every day PvPers to casuals. However Rank 70 is by no means hard to get. I am sitting at rank 85 and my friend just hit 90. It is just how you play if you want to PvP all day then you get your rewards If you want to make alts and level them up, then you get benifits with those too. I just hate seeing that because you do not have time for this or that "its boring" as you put it. why should you be rewarded with something you did not do. Everyone has different playstyles and habbits. If you want something they you gotta work for it, even legacy can not save you from what you are asking.
  16. mystbladex


    For OP Healers what really frustrates them I know it does. Is to snare them good and often, They like being able to run around fast and heal on the fly, run around a corner, heal ect. I harrassed one the other night a good foe of mine, all match long snare,snare,snare,snare I DPS when I could, but it seemed work because his team ususally wins and I was not in a premade with people I have never seen before and pow we won. Maybe it was just him and his playstyle and the slow movement threw him off alot, but I can say that was one of his worst games as he had to keep himself healed the enitre match as I was the only one on him, I really dont think anyone else touched him
  17. assassins are really the true OP class. Can they top damage meters = no Can they take the most damage without dying = no Are they the best self healing that is not a healer = no Do the have the best CC's = no Every class other than assassins is number 1 but the problem is assassins are #2 in the bottom 3 and mid range in damage. Though i have noticed that they can be bursty
  18. should not cost comms because people sometimes have a legit reason to leave and or disconnect issues. It has happened to all of us, or a glitch in the game where you fall through the world. But that other game really hit the nail on the head in terms of people who leave. It should be a simple debuff you get that will not allow you to queue back up for a certain amount of time. 15 minutes sounds fair
  19. mystbladex

    PVP for Dummies

    I love capping a point in Nova while the one guy defending is inside the control hut, looking right at me as I am capping it right in front of him. Then it gets capped before he realized, and calls hax
  20. Gear does mean very little, sure it might get you a "EDGE" but that is pretty much it its just that and it is razor thin. PvP players with the good gear got the gear by playing a lot. A time sink so they are going to know a thing or two about PvP and their class. side story but kinda funny there is a marauder on my server, love her to death, she put all the mods in a skimpy. princess lea type outfit and people target her for "an easy kill" OPPS lol
  21. I hate this too, as first you accept the warzone then you have the normal loading screen. Then in voidstar you have to .......wait......then hit the spacebar and then hit the space bar yet again before you are in the warzone. If get in a warzone I ususally like 1 minute of time to grab a drink or bio, ect. any other match I can do that but voidstar I did not hit the second space bar and was like ***. I did not get kicked but still annoying. They should have the option to bypass all cuts, that and that goes for PvE as well I mean when I want to get something out of my ship, it launches it into space what is up with that
  22. That is just the thing, there are a number of already "Good" shadows and then there are the "NEW" shadows who are at least decent without even trying. Civil war or void star, I hate fighting them. But when I do and actually kill one of the better shadows, I am like, YES, but it took a long time to kill him and ohh there he is again full HP, it is a never ending cycle. I do however like capping a point in Nova when they are on the point in stealth and I just stand there and range cap it as they wait for me to come closer to come out and hit me, and then I run off after I cap the point and they do not even realized what happened. As they are now defending a point for the other team. lol. Noobs will be noobs
  23. Best match by far was against our IMP rivals vs us IMPS go figure, on Nova We won 2% - 0% and as the % was ticking to 0 they were capping a second point and over halfway through the cap, a mere second or two more they would of capped and won the game it was that close and a nice game to end the night on.
  24. It is not rewarding bad players, bad players will still get less rewards. but if you are on the losing team and get your 8 metals, meaning you do not quit on the team, you are then rewarded for your efforts rather than just here are a couple of comms and some credits for your time. Even the best of players can be on losing teams and this is a justification that was needed. Now it should provide the following 1) people that quit will start to play again 2) people that did not quit but simply went afk like in civil war to a defender cap to get atleast 3 metals and be done with it, might go out and try and get that 2 or 3 cap 3) no more fighting against the same Imp premade vs Imp Premade, however made for some good matches but kinda sick of seeing each other after the 20th match.
  25. Just to be fair I have won matches 4v8 or hold them off long enough for more people to join up. Like if we start 4v8 and on Voidstar just keep them from planting and don't die usually people come a few minutes into the match. I do not like it but I just make the best out of it.
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