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Everything posted by Redat

  1. If this is the "balance" we can expect, well I really see no other option, I will be going FTP. I really aint gonna pay for something thats broken. What about the tanks which have trouble tanking? I think DPS classes have had enuff love, show other classes the same FFS.
  2. This is one of the glaring faults in having a LFG tool.....it takes away the social aspect of the MMO and takes a lot away from the experience. The players who tout the LFG tool as necessary are mostly of the same ilk, they dont want to talk, watch cut-scenes OR be civil, they just want it NOW and woe to any who get in thier way lol the moral here is: Be careful what you wish for....the LFG tool has removed the need for players to communicate hence the issues.
  3. Was a fan when it first surfaced, was in Beta/launch. Not sure about now though as the wife spends more time on SWTOR than me........The constant glaring fault in this game is the lack of the community "feel", its almost as if most of us just log on for a quick hit and need it all now, now, now. I will not carp on about other MMos I've played but I didnt mind waiting around for a group to form OR mind spending time chatting to players and often having epic PvP in Restuss and various cities....Here endeth the lesson
  4. As the title says, will this issue be "resolved"? Yes the pun is intentional........ I spent a while today in PvP and spent a great deal of time stunned, resolve bar full and yet again get stunned.......something has to give, with that AND the lag issues (as well as periods of being unable to fire ANYTHING (abilities/weapon), it is a total waste of time and I really dont see the point in lining up to be fodder.
  5. THIS is part of the reason WHY the mmo scene is falling apart, people who are convinced that they are owed something just because they spent stupid prices for another edition.........your subs are no more valuable than ours, you have what you paid for so stop crying.
  6. I will not be touching any more "space" missions........As a flight-sim vet I find this section of the game shallow and sadly in need of some TLC, would be nice if they would sort out space flight and actually make it part of the TOR universe instead of an afterthought.
  7. That chest piece and similar ones are all over the place, I have a full set of oranges on my PT,which was bought with various comms, just keep your eye on the GTN also
  8. QFT! How long will it take for a subber to accumulate the required coins for the decent items? At best you are being drip-fed content/items or at worst dimed to death. Anyone sayin "The shop wont put this on" etc is not takin into consideration all the facts, this is a business and they will do WHATEVER it takes to rake in those dollars, they are NOT ur buddies.
  9. QFT! In STO they said exactly the same thing, then promptly proceeded to do the exact opposite, making it PTW in a matter of months, not to mention the loot drops YOU HAVE TO BUY THE KEYS TO UNLOCK...... Sadly the way this goes is dependent on profit margins etc BUT I see it comin sooner rather than later
  10. EEEEEERRRRR didnt they just do that when all the WoW kids screamed about a group finder? So yeah they can
  11. WAIT and see bro, its coming and make no mistake.
  12. Calling a world event " content" is a bit of a cheek dont you think, YES it leeps you busy for 10 minutes BUT what players are talking about is actual "content" meat and gravy stuff. Saying they (BW)are releasing content when this is all they get is a big joke. No force user weapons, sketchy quests, just a time sink, and I will not be driving around NS any more wasting my time.
  13. Come on Bioware, please surprise the hell out of me. I would like more to do than drive around NS in a daze looking for random spawns,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,OH yeah, way to go with the crappy rewards, a reskin of a pet we already have (yawn), no pistolas or force user weapons...........DID you guys actually sit down and THINK about this or are you intentionally trying to piss off a big chunk of us players?
  14. Doesnt that give you a clue? SGR are not a game-saver and can only enjoyed by the few "enchanted" (the robin williams fans will get it) people. Face it SGR will prob never happen, thank god.
  15. I have and the idea is great IF the companies responsible would stick to what they say, i.e no game-changing gear in the store etc BUT we all know this is BS, as soon as the profits dip, they will roll out content, slots , the list is endless. SWTOR WILL be pay to win, either at FTP launch OR when their greed warrants it. But it WILL happen, I have never seen ANY FTP that did not eventually slide to PTW.
  16. QFT! For example, SWG was set at a point in the timeline we all know and there lies the limitations........Devs have to lay out content in accordance with the lore, unless you want to really throw it out of the window (a la SOE and the 1000000's of jedi parading around when according to lore there were a handful) and alieneate the fans of the IP. this era was the best choice with more oppportunities for real original material which fits, without compromising the lore.
  17. Would like to see a properly implemented space section of the game, not a rail shooter, its much like the infamous STOL DEBATE ABOUT THE FACT THAT THE SHIPS ON THAT mmo will not roll , loop or dive climb steeper than 50-ish degress, this bieng the devs fault who just took thier superhero game engine and stuck startrek skins onto it, really lame i know but same principle, unless they are going employ an entire dev team to totally redo the space section, I cant see ANY big changes coming, more missions BUT same old same old.
  18. The biggest problem with SWTOR is the players (I should say, the ones I see most vocal on the forums, anyway). They migrate from whatever MMo (guess which one?) And instantly expect/want it to have all the bells and whistles that made it soooo special.........we have seen it time and again with group finders, gear ratings, the list goes on and on.......the sad thing is, ALL these things take away a BIG chunk of what an MMo is all about, social communication. BW built an above par MMo but thats not what the crowd I see wants, it wants instant gratification, now, and with the same doohikies that (*WoW etc) has/had! Lets face it, if more "normal players were to step up to the mark, instead of letting the vocal QQers cow the devs into submission, this MMo would be at a better place, instead of trying to please everyone and failing badly. I have one thing to say to those other players who QQ here, if these tools and fluff are so nice, what are doing here? Your last MMo had these things and it was great right, you know what to do. TLDNR: We all know WHY SWTOR is on the rocks, too many WoWites trying to make this into the second coming or something. Leave the devs to do their job and you play the game. YOU do not know what is best for SWTOR, you want YOUR needs fulfilled.
  19. when your friend created the account and entered the serial number the should be credited with the 30 days free, , im pretty sure you still have to enter card details for your account to become active though
  20. Toon tansfers will be available on the store when it hits, they will not be available until the shop is ready, they wont set them up twice, so expect em with all the rest of the fluff.
  21. Yeah, a sith throne sitting in ur ship cargo bay will make it all better
  22. I found this ironic at best...........the fact that they went on to describe about 90% of forum posts as the ones they will close....so, Bioware loses touch withjthe community, does not listen, lets the game go south then wont let anyone complain or acknowledge the fact........IF someone buys a faulty product or suffers at the hands of BW infamous CS, do they not have the right to be peeved? This stinks of "you bought it, more fool you" .
  23. I would go sapphire all the way, good brand, good quality
  24. Anyone with any grey matter can see that EA/BW will squeeze every dollar out of the F2P model, after all, they WILL lose subs.............Do not expect them to come down on your side when they could be making cash, they will drop for the cash every time....they are NOT our friends.
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