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Everything posted by KrustyDog

  1. Level 38 BH in our 20's zone ganking lowbies fancying himself the man. After chasing him off with my 41 commando he came back later and got himself owned by a level 27. Empire must be so proud.
  2. Geared Marauder/Guardian > geared anything else. Their damage numbers in bg's are always tops by a good margin. Maybe thats why the tide has swung in the favor of the Republic. All you guys have is bh's and sorc's while our side actually has diversity. Newsflash-all bh's and sorc's is not gonna get the job done vs. a vet Republic team. If you call targets sorc's fold faster than Superman on wash day. They have to have tanks with guard on them and the Empire is severely lacking in that department.
  3. Fought a geared marauder at 50 yet? When you do come back and tell its commandos that are a problem,.
  4. Theres so many new mmorg players (noobs/nubs-your choice) in this game that level 40 with a full set of 40 pvp is dang near all you need. Oh, and biochem to take out that twinked 49
  5. I wish PvP was about skill It is, until you hit 50.
  6. AND once fixed the cheaters get to keep their ill gotten games and be our overlords while we try to earn gear competing against god geared said cheaters. Whats the lesson here kids? Cheat while you can, its in your best interests. Nice.
  7. Aint that the truth. Giving a player who already roflstomps you even better gear so he can roflstomp you even faster. And the real ****** is it getting to such a large disparity that the people with god gear can just stand and do nothing and you still cant friggin kill them. Thats how wow got the last couple of years. I play mmorpgs to pvp. I pve to support my pvp habit. I also do not need any unfair advantage for me to enjoy the game. I also do not require a game genie to play Marios Bros.
  8. Whats the point of pvp. Does it change anything? Is there an ultimate goal to be achieved? Seems to me its just the hampster on the wheel model. Game needs territory disputes, sieges, non instanced pvp that actually matters. As is I am enjoying the game but I dont see it lasting long if all we get is bg's and Ilum. Epic 2012 game needs epic 2012 design not the same crap as the last 4 or 5 supposedly next gen games have. I guess what I miss is the sandbox feel of older games where there was more adventure rather than the tedious grind for gear being the driving force of the game. UO, DaoC, ShadowBane, games like that where you flew by the seat of your pants and just had a blast.
  9. I agree. In the end poning inexpierienced pvp nubs in bg's get boring. I want to fight the best of the best without the annoying flys buzzing about.
  10. Bioware-I find it unacceptable that a Sorc actually damaged me before my Commando rickrolled roflstomped him/her.
  11. Had an ATI Radeon 4350=horrible frame rate even with everything on lowest settings, got a Radeon 6670 and game is rocking the highest settings now. Cost me like a hundred bucks installed and that was retail. GL.
  12. Lol rolled a sentinel as my alt after seeing what they can do at 50. After ops/scoundrel nerf theres only 3 things I think need a nerf-commando/bh (my main and even I know grav round is op as hell), anything duel wielding light sabres (see above post), and the stacking of guard on healers. Sorc's-meh, I tear them up. But knowing the nature of the game, being as marauders hard counter sages, if they get nerfed sages will prolly end up FotM. Such a viscious cycle.
  13. Join a big guild then theres always plenty of people to do stuff with. Theres too many guilds running around with 5 people in it complaining that they cant find groups. I went from a guild with 4-5 on to a guild with over 30 on all the time and life is good.
  14. No matter how big or how small the map is the problem is the imbalance between the two factions. It sounds wonderful but its just another gigantic piece of space that the sith will totally dominate. As is the Republic is bleeding players at an alarming rate thus making the imbalance even worse. I would much rather have arena where its even numbers, with the same rewards as bg's and Ilum.
  15. I am a member of the Republican party and I endorse this post.
  16. I see 3 commandos and 2 BH's b4 the next sorcerer. Equally geared, equal skill sorcerers really arnt all that. And what the op has left off is...wait for it....was he guarded by tanks (making him unkillable), whats the date (was he a 50 rickrolling 10's?).
  17. Biotech Gunnery Commando here. I fear nothing 1 on 1. In group fights I fear Tanks guarding healers. They just wont friggin die.
  18. Ret Pallys right as WoTLK was released, oh and Arcane Mages at the same period of time. It was just stupid to be anything else at that time. There will be balancing, anyone who doesnt think so is naive. The fact that 8 man teams are often to be found with 6 sorc's and 2 bh's ought to be a clue. I swear some people would play a rat if it was op.
  19. Agreed. Because world pvp is such an unmitigated success who needs arena?
  20. Or you could google SWtoR hacks, spend a couple hundred dollars to get the hacks, read the coding and put an end to it. Much more efficient imo.
  21. KrustyDog

    you are the 1%

    I bet you can farm THE most uber gear in the game and it isnt going to help a bit when your outnumbered 10 to 1. World pvp is a thing of the past. World pvp only works when there are lots of factions or it is guild based. 2 faction world pvp will not work. Wake up and smell the coffee. Its time to make rated bg's and arenas the focus of pvp.
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