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Everything posted by Feskmacka

  1. It looks awesome either way, my hat off to you good sir. But closer to the topic at hand, does anyone know what the word on this removed feature is? It almost feels to me as if the (already fairly limited) visual customization of TOR faceplanted into the pavement as launch came. With no colour matching and what-not... Minor gripes that gnaws in the back of my brain like the filthy rodents they are. And I've no cheese to lure them into my furnace. Tired, getting crazy, time to sleep.
  2. I'd love for it to be implemented, maybe "ramped up" as to keep up with your lvl 50 skills and stats? Story-wise, I'm not sure how it would work, though... Memories?
  3. SWEATY HEADBANDS ARE NOT OF VALID MASK-MATERIAL! Right down the corner. But why can't I do the same with my SI? It's not fair!
  4. Really? I demand proof and instructions on how to do so in that case :I
  5. Instant cast backstab? Gee wiz, I'm gonna try it out this instant! *PRESS!* Wait... W-Wait for it... Waaait... SUCCE- Oh, he turned around.
  6. I came, I saw, I nodded in approval and proclaimed "nice".
  7. I'm sure this has been discussed recently, but I'm way too lazy to sift through the forum manually now that the search option is gawn. Call me vain, but it's my #1 problem with the game right now: You see, I really really really I want to wear a hood over my Kallig's Countenance. It bugs me more than any other customization- or AMAGAD MY COMPUTER JUST BLEW UP-issue, especially since we from pre-launch footage know that it was once possible in development to wear a hood and helmet. Notice the SW to the right, as well as this SI. Even the ingame Codex mocks us with its fancy pictures. I want THAT! But no, I get this... I can't quite put my finger on it, but I just don't feel like my character is any menacing when he isn't hooded. It ruins the mood, and I don't feel like anyone takes me seriously at the Sith Lord conventions. Maybe it's the ear-things. True, I could hide the mask, thus enabling my hood. But alas, my character has a nose ring that I got incredibly annoyed with at level 25. So you see my dilemma. TL;DR - Whatever happened to wearing both your mask and hood?
  8. 1/10 at the moment due to my frustration with the queue (5 hours until I gave up yesterday ). But once that's out of the way, I think it's more like a 7 or 8 in my point of view - It's fun, but still has its flaws.
  9. Whenever a guard says that to me, I slit his throat. On topic, just make sure you've got lots of water with you.
  10. Well, it's not all bad. I'd never watched Futurama before, but now I'm going on the 17th episode.
  11. So pull 8 mobs, without your companion! That's what I do, anyway.
  12. I'm too tired to understand the analogy, so I'll just go with the Big Mac.
  13. I must have leveled two times from doing like only three of them, though :I
  14. It increases the performance of your damage you do.
  15. I hope so. My character's nose ring just begs to be pulled off... Why did I feel the need to add that thing?!
  16. I did, and I must say I don't feel nearly as butthurt as I thought I would. The urge to write essays of inconsistent whine... It's just not there. Gee.
  17. And mine's got some weird dirt all over his face that I first thought were some kind of facial tattoos.
  18. Ugh, 6 hours queueing on Tomb of Freedon Nadd... And then the game crashed. I hope there'll be some kind of solution to this soon, be it free character transfers or whatever
  19. I'm not sure where the Suggestion Forum went, if it went anywhere, but I'd just like to hear what you other guys think about being able to change your character's looks after its initial creation. I'm sure I'm not the only one that a couple hours in discovered that my char looks like a rancor sh-... shot it out of its a- nose, but don't feel like leveling it again just because of a minor change to the complexion. I mean, the techology's there lore-wise, with reconstructive surgery and all that. I'm also pretty sure that there are headdressers, as I'm positive Leia didn't spend her morning having her buns styled on her own. Ah well, what do you people think? Me, I believe it would be fine if some (If not all) things could be altered for an ingame monetary fee.
  20. Going on my 6th hour in 10 min. Oh, the joy
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