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Everything posted by DirtyDiggler

  1. The ending made me nearly hate the xpac. I always hoped that at the conclusion i would be able to destroy the Eternal Empire and put the Sith in charge. The fact that I seem to have been kicked out of the Sith, and become this leader of Eternal Alliance that I don't care about or want, and might have to fight the Sith is just dumb....
  2. I ran through dark side and killed them both. Based on how the ending went I assume they are all going to die no matter what you do hence we didn't really have much choice yet again...
  3. I'm disappointed in how the game ended. I really wish they would of included our missing companions as well. But I don't want to rule over the alliance, I was hoping I'd get to become the Sith emperor which is disappointing..
  4. I recently came back as well for the new update, I love the story and I'm enjoying it slowly as i don't want to rush it. I have only ever played for the story as this has always been a bad MMO in my mind. I liked SWG alot better in terms of MMO's, as I prefer sandbox.
  5. pretty sure any 3rd party program is a no-go
  6. Just recently returned and of course have to get to updating my stronghold. I always love returning from a break and finding lots of new decor to buy....
  7. I am really impressed by the new expansions story. After the last expansion I had given up on this game but this story is top notch. Great choices, very gripping..... I am happy I re-subbed and tried this out because I have not had this much fun since the game first released. I only wish Disney would do a movie set around the old republic instead of giving us Rogue one.....
  8. I am normally all about open world pvp, event hardcore wise, with open loot such as darkfall. But open world PVP is SWTOR was always stupid and doesn't belong.
  9. When they took away our companions at the start of the xpac they made the claim that if you cheat on them with Lana there would be consequences .. All the companions I romanced have not yet returned, but seeing that Vette was some peoples romance and thus they could of cheated on Vetta with lana, did there promise hold true? Were people that romanced Vette giving extra dialogue or story when she returned during the xpac?
  10. You also wouldn't have a problem with getting people to Q if all the reg ranked players didn't trash talk their teammates like they on a MOBA trying to get on a pro team.....Its justice that you have to work so hard and spent countless hrs getting matches...... the trash talkers who ruined the experience for alot of people deserve such fate.
  11. Do you really expect good rewards for broken PVP, and abusive tactics to rank high? ROFL.....
  12. Everytime a SW MMO adds space stuff it quick becomes useless-unplayed content.
  13. They have been adding more sabers that work with tuning, i'm sure they will get around to it.
  14. Because..... DARKSIDE > and because hes a poon...
  15. They should add a side chapter before release of next season and make it right.....someone needs to die
  16. I can't believe they would do this story to us after the Mass Effect Blunder....
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