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Everything posted by DirtyDiggler

  1. Open world pvp is not happening in this game, they tried it with Illum it failed
  2. I'm annoyed with the event, all the stuff i really wanted like the weapon tuning are bound and I don't think there is a way to unlock them for legacy, thus pointless to continue doing it as I don't play alot of alts.
  3. I think the trailer and all the fighting that was shown was taking place before our grand meeting, at this that is what i thought, hence his brother already dead.
  4. World PVP will never work on this game. The best thing we can hope for is cross server PVP
  5. I like Jugger/Guardian..... really all i play
  6. They really need to add a new house with more hooks as we progress and more decorations are aded, larger housing is required. Also housing makes money for bioware.
  7. Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior.....
  8. I'm still annoyed i have to pay money to unlock things for all toons. In a game that focus on alts, shouldn't be the case
  9. How did the thread get hijacked by the we need more ops crowd?
  10. Cool story bro, if only we had more ops that no one wants to do....
  11. I personally think its more enjoyable the way it is now. I remember back around launch it use to be so annoying having to fight your way through countless mobs to get to and from missions, healing after every pull, trying not to pull to many, and having to do every single quest you come by just to level up. My first toon it took me a month to max level as the grind at launch was long. I do have fond memories of some of the quests around the world, but its still better now.
  12. It is super easy now, you don't even have to gear up. You can go through it with simple gear drops from the missions ect... Long way off from how it was at launch. Back when they released the game day 1, it was a bit challenging at certain points.
  13. This game has always focused on solo over group content. I think its what it does best.
  14. I plan to sell off items to get it, just waiting on timers to run out.
  15. Better PVP stuff would dwarf that I think, but this game has always failed at pvp
  16. Welcome back, many people are returning
  17. your crying over supercrate? Try buying 5 hypercrates to get one item which you don't get, instead your trolled with the double-bladed verison of kylo rens saber...
  18. Not everyone likes group content, and it doesn't equal to massive numbers. I recently returned a week ago having stopped playing shortly after release of Knights of the fallen empire. I came back to finish the story and get new goodies for my house ect..... I will play a month or so and likely take another break. I have been doing such things since launch as I a day 1 player that was here at launch. Over 5 years and I still have not done all the ops nor do I have desire to do them. I prefer solo content, pvp, and collecting.....
  19. except some of us spend tons of money and time playing around with strongholds. You know the reason that players like you can sell decorations for millions so easy? Its because alot of players like playing around with the strongholds, fixing stuff, changing stuff, and collecting stuff.
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