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Everything posted by Kraye

  1. You have the details of the contract between EA and LucasArts? no. In the same manner people can't assume too much about sweeping powers, neither can you...i mean, unless you are a hypocrite.....are you?
  2. This is one thing SWG did awesome, the combat que. You could easily watch everything going on and not have to worry about missing any action, unlikely to ever see that again but I thought it was simply superior.
  3. Well, no. There are limits to RP, without question, you are wrong. SWTOR offers little in the way of tools to RP because its a theme-park and not priority. Sandbox mmo's offer a multitude of of RP options and are generally far better for RP.
  4. Chat bubbles aside, you want to RP and have RP tools in a theme-park MMO......THEME-PARK. You should be expecting just about ZERO or slightly above in developer attention to service roleplay. This isn't a sandbox, you are getting all upset over something you should have already known the answer to before even purchasing SWTOR.
  5. Bottomline, BW should not be directing where your character can or cannot transfer or at the very least choose several dead servers to transfer to one specified not this one to one garbage that is happening now, its ridiculous..
  6. This time period is all about galactic wide war. There should be Rift type events constantly in Tor, "invasions", 'incursions", "raids" by the opposing npc factions, there is no excuse to not have this feature in the first place and no excuse for such a feature not already on the table and being worked on.
  7. Total horse-pucky. Create a good game and players are drawn to it in one fashion or another...and settle in for a long time. Its the game itself thats the issue not the players, to blame the players is simply ridiculous.
  8. WoW still has 10 million players, SWTOR has 1.7 million copies sold....not concurrent subs...... but copies sold. In what reality is 10 million anywhere near less than SWTOR piddly population? OP, seriously, you need help.
  9. Prove that the naysayers are a small, vocal minority, perhaps with a percentage pulled from your rear. Bugs are not the biggest issue in this game, the forums are flooded with threads and posts of many, many issues. If you can't join the discussion intelligently, why bother, you only bring harm to the cause you are trumpeting.
  10. Your right that the class quests are not fun but not because they are hard but because they are ridiculously transparent and insultingly easy.
  11. Not being able to swim is simply ridiculous. TOR is taking the position that there are no species of underwater dwelling intelligent creatures, that they all somehow just emerged between then and whenever. Its just one more point to add to the long list that makes TOR an incredibly linear and boring game.
  12. Subs are dropping and the peeps that are staying are leaving their servers for more populated ones. Its called migration and will continue until only a few servers are full and the vast majority are all but barren wastelands. It began after the first month and there is nothing to stop it, perhaps Bioware will learn from this mistake and not make a total fudge-up of a possible Mass Effect mmo......perhaps:rolleyes:
  13. If SWTOR had launched about 5-6 years ago then it would have been a great success, however, it did not but still looks and acts like it did, no features no innovation wrapped up in linear paths that treat the player like a rat in a lifeless maze.
  14. Irony......learn it Anyway, nope, noway, not in this lifetime....I would rather be strained through a chain-link fence than spend so much as a single penny on this game that should have been a console co-op rather than a pc mmo. SWTOR will not get any of my, my families, friends and guild mates money ever again.
  15. It was SWTOR that turned me to a new found appreciation for WoW, expansive world, gameplay, features etc... name it. SWTOR is a pale shadow compared to WoW, SWTOR is a game better appreciated about 6 years ago.
  16. Your trying to make your own little English Only world, if someone is other than English they have to hide it so you and the others that are on your side can't see it.
  17. And because Britain's official language is English are you going to demand that all non-natives be thrown out as well?
  18. Not saying the game is dead but Bioware/SWTOR's reach far exceeded their grasp and its time to step back into reality and merge the servers.
  19. Your companions are an extension of your char, if they suck, so do you, its that simple. I have, will and continue to roll need on gear that are worthwhile upgrades for my companions.
  20. Wow, you are such a propaganda swallower. The zones are visibly larger than WoW in scope but TOR zones are in effect much, much smaller with all the ridiculous exhaustion areas and corridor style guided play. Peeps like you can repeat the trash you heard from Bioware all you want but but the proof is in the results and the results are irrefutable.
  21. If you have to ask hen you are a noob mmo player and it would mean little anyway, move along.
  22. 1.7 million active subs means little, peeps bought the game and tried it...had to activate. But, where are they now? Seriously, where are there almost 2 million players in this game?. I don't see it, not by a longshot even on the busiest of servers there isn't even close to an average that would bring up almost 2 million players across all servers, not even close. And most servers players are lucky to actually physically see another player cross there path during a session. Proof is in the results not propaganda.
  23. With all the issues this game has and as easy it is to faceroll this entire game the fact that there are players that want to make it easier is ridiculous.
  24. NO Why? Too much too list., it comes up short to that degree.
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