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Everything posted by Racheakt

  1. I got nothing, went for the lady the entire way....
  2. You hit on a point I think is worth pointing out. In the SW lore one is able to fall to the dark side and again be turned back to the light. Is one's sexual preference (if indeed like race or gender) a fluid state that one can "turn to" or be "redeemed from"? For a person who is one preference or the other to even have the opposing flirt opion is as abnormal as having conversations options identifying yourself a Twilik even though you are a Sith Pureblood.... This is why I think the "toggle" should be an orientation selection at character creation.
  3. Ain't this part of the "community" aspect that was expected to be happening with single server queues?
  4. It works good in PvP, I know when i am killing one of you stealthers you restelth and run away while in combat....
  5. This is a big complaint for me OP, the Essels and BT instances are what i expected for all flashpoints in this "Story Matters" MMO. I wanted all the flashpoints to be mini stories, the way it is now gives me the "Conan" feel that the first 20 or so levels are well thought out, but that there was a rush to fill the gaps. Everything after the first instance on both sides have a decided lack of story to flashpoints and become the standard trash to boss to trash to boss instance that i can get in any mmo
  6. Werd!!! I have a flight stick that i used exclusivly for Wing Commander 3&4 and the X-Wing/Tie Fighter games. I even re-bought the direct x ports of X-Wing and Tie Fighter game. I am hoping that BW can bring something great to the table.
  7. OP I want to subscribe to your SW:ToR blog on these matters Funny read
  8. SWToR is the run of the mill gear/raid game, why expect it to break out of the mold of the Genre? Nice long winded way to rehash a couple of different topics : Resilience and xLFD A Resilience like stat is needed in a game where you have PvP as a progression element; Raiders mush have the best gear. But best gear means that they would roll dedicated PvPers in quest gear. You cannot give PvPers the same gear as raiders as you demish their returns. You cannot just "make everyone wear the same generic PvP" while in pvp for the same reason you do not make Raiders were "Generic Raid gear" -- it violates the concept of progression. If PvP and Raid result in same gear, the whine will be deafening. If Raid gear > PvP gear, Raiders roll PvP with no skill. If PvP gear > Raid gear, Everyone PvPs and raiding dies. The xLFD has been beat like sith's slave -- no need to rehash the merry-go-round other than to say it is expected in a thempark, you queue up to get on the rides.
  9. First let me give you my MMO resume (as a vet): UO: Beta Tested, played for two years; GM Battle Mage, GM Thief. City of Heroes/Villains: 2 years; Lightning Blaster and a Robotic Mastermind Max level. Asheron’s Call: 2 years, Sword and board. Best Guild system ever. WoW: From launch to LK; Kingslayer Title 10 man; Hunter, Rogue, Deathknight, Pally all 80. Warhammer Online: 6 months, spongy controls, drab art, too many bugs. Lord of the Rings Online: Beta tested, lifetime Sub, Still play off and on. Star Trek Online: Beta Tested, Still play due to F2P status. Champions Online: Played for 6-8 months, ran out of content… Eve Online: Off and on for a couple of years. Rift: from launch for about 4 months, Cleric (max level). Ran out of things to do that was unique to do. Now SW:ToR The social aspect of of MMOs have been drifting closer to console style community for a while now, no chat, no real interaction just get gear, kill things. The "best" (pure personal opinion) social experience i had was in AC and UO, two game where getting to max level about the journey not the race to get there to start the "endgame". Which gear grind where the average iLevel your gear score replaces the numeric level of your toon as a measure of progress. In UO it was about living in the world, I loved trying to steal items from players (you could do that!) ya i got a bad rep on that toon but sure what petty criminal had a good rep? In AC it was about haning and helping others level at the high end or in my case I hunted Crystal Golums (Source of great loot) and explored -- the game world was open and huge!!! Warhammer Public Quests came close to bringing back that old school community, the game itself had too many issues to overcome the one good thing. Rift's Rifts are great for a dynamic world, but it too was a small world a gear grind to grind more gear. What drew me to WoW for as long as it did? The community of friends that I had formed in UO and AC went there, we played had fun; Truth be told, the lack of corpse runs and the posibility of losing all your stuff was a bis selling point -- anyone who remembers dying at the feet of a big mob and getting help from friends to help you recover your crap. Also the Blizzard name, the high standards they set for their games. I guess i was younger and felt different then, I enjoyed hanging in those games -- the games now are level rushes, there just seems to be a loss of some soul to these games now.
  10. Who says it needs to? These are off fleet, i group with those doing them at the moment i am doing it. Most of the "problem" is being forced to stand in fleet for hours spamming.
  11. Ninjas are already here, under the guise of "rolling for my companion" and "I can use the mods" A LFD does not create rude players, it just introduces them to you. I use the interstate analogy: Does the interstate make bad drivers or is it just a place you meet bad drivers? Also to those saying "If this is done I will become a jerk" I hear "I am a jerk, who hides it" Again LFD would be optional, you can spam general like you do now. Sometimes in WoW as a tank I would spam general for a healer, once i found one that worked well with me we used the LFD for random DPS. Even without spamming general 95% of my WoW heroic runs were uneventful and pleasant. I don't know what was going on with some of these horror stories are happening, maybe the common factor in those bad runs were themselves? Who knows, maybe they were placed on so many ignore lists the only random runs they could get were with others that were on a large number of ignore lists?
  12. Doesn't respec cost reset after some time?
  13. Yup, Mako is the best powerthech companion. Hell If i could find me a couple of good DPS i would use mako to heal me in instances Like the quoted person, I have found I can take almost all 2+ content solo, and a good deal of Heroic 4 stuff. I even soloed a flshpoint while some of the mobs were green to me. Great companion
  14. Not realy, if you follow SW you know the Hutt Cartels are known third faction that employs the services of smugglers and Bounty hunters, and they themselves are largely neutral and would work for any side with money. I think BW took the safe route in making a two faction game.
  15. Same. Not enough other than the SW name to make it interesting. That and I ma tired of Orcs and Elves ;-) Though they are adding them, there were some elements that were missing I think are a must for a quest based thempark : like duel spec and a quality instance matchmaker. The skills are flashy enough, but just not "diffrent" The Voice acted missions are real nice, but are still fetch and kill. I was expectin more from BioWare with this budget and time in development. Steal some from other games; The Public Quest system from Warhammer for example would be a great element to add in, get people out there working on the worlds.
  16. Suggested before the forum wipe, I did a poll (when it was active) had about an even split on the idea. It will never fly as there are those who do not see flirting as a subject worth filtering. Here again is what I think: Select character orientation along with race and gender. Filter the opposring orientation responses for that toon. Leaving it free form (flirting with everyone reguardless of sex) like Light an Dark points implies that like the alignment on the force it is posssible to for redemption to the other side. Let me explain, can freely go dark and go light. But Orientation is a non-transmutable attribute like gender or race (or so I am told) and to suggest that one can be OGR and go SGR and then return to OGR is the same as saying one can be a Chiss go Sith Prueblood at will ore one can change gender at will. you either are or are not homosexual -- make it so you select it as part of toon creation. This clears many concerns that many camps have: Homosexuals can play the hero they want. Hetrosexuals can play the hero they want. Pervey McPerv can play his lesbian character without seeing the male character prompts (<<<This is the one I think most are arguing for IMHO)
  17. The problem is we are only presented as Hetro characters at this time. Why have a orientation choice at character cretion? When the SGR content is added we now have two viable orientations to apply to a toon at creation time. This would make BW the fist MMO to have Sexual Orientation as part of the character creation, as oposed to assuming hetro-centric creation we have now. Edit: Thus reinforcing that Sexual Orentation is equal to Race and Gender.
  18. But SIMS is a game about personal relationships, the perfect place for the representation you seek. This is Star Wars -- All about the Pew Pew, Zoom Zoom, Swish Swish. I think that this is the wrong place/game for this as it is an action based game. It is an opinion, the OP is not arguing for the content to be removed/not developed just to make it so that players can toggle it (either way). given that flirt options are not seen by anyone but the player, how does it bother anyone if a player somewhere does not want the flirt option to come up as long as you get it if you want it?
  19. Is a game the best place to search for community validation and acceptance? I think all flirting sould be explicit by the way. I made the argument before the forum wipe for either selecting the orentation of the toon on the select screen or an option to toggle off the non-prefered orentation. I accept the existiance of same-gender relationships as the norm for some (BW I am treding close here) ther are just as many who do not see it that way. I couple that with this is a SW theme-park game not a Sims style sandbox, I see no issues with a toggle either way, [flit] options are not public they are only when doing private dialoge, why does it bother anyone that someone someplace does not want to see it as long as you get the content that you want? I would not be offended if someone wanted to filter out hetro flirt options, people are diffrent.
  20. In the movies? 99% of people get what the universe is form the 6 movies and the clone wars cartoon.
  21. Last time i checked he was working for microsoft at "Digital Anvil". But yes this is what I am getting at, Chris Roberts had the vision to create a good space sim years before x-wing/tie fighter. Though X-Wing and Tie Fighter are two more outstanding examples of space games to draw from. The reason i did not go there, is they are both Lucas Arts. Wing Commander in theory is still under the dominion of EA with their acquisition of OSI. EDIT: given the glut of good space sims I would thing it would be possible to lure these guys away from where they are to work on this project.
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