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Everything posted by CWBuff

  1. Dunno if this was mentioned already, but there's a guild on one of my servers (don't recall which offhand) called 'Chocolate Chip Wookiees'. Fade to Black...
  2. Although I often prefer playing tanks, I can certainly get behind the notion that 'sometimes the best defense is a good offense'... and the Sniper is as much the epitome of that idea as any DPS class in the game. I'd rather play a gunslinger though... =P Fade to Black...
  3. Just did Attis the other day on my DPS Shadow. I did notice that they hit quite hard, and at first it was like "arrruuuughh?" It wasn't too awful bad, but that first fight was a bit of an eye-opener. Then I realized what the terminals were for, went into CC mode, and it was a breeze. (I've always used Qyzen and don't normally use CCs unless I know it's gonna be a tougher fight... the opposition normally doesn't last too long. It's probably a bad habit, though, as I sometimes forget I have CCs at all!) Anyhoo, I do like that, every once in a while, you get a bit of a curve ball like Attis tossed at you... keeps you vigilant. Fade to Black...
  4. I also use some of these abilities as often as possible. Tumult in particular... I actually came to build my current Shadow play-style around this one ability, once I learned how to use it properly. Please do not remove these abilities from the game. Fade to Black...
  5. People who do crap like this deserve a treatment that involves the following: Rope Shot glass Their mouths Duct tape Louisville Slugger then: Straightjacket Beef gravy 3x3x3 room Wolverine that's high on Angel Dust Fade to Black...
  6. I understand the need to try and de-clunkify the GTN. But to restrict search terms to no less than 3 characters, when you know that there are items such as mods, etc., which have two-digit numbers as part of their names... well... sorry to say, devs, but that's just plain piss-poor thinking. Fade to Black...
  7. You know what some say about getting older... 'the mind is the first thing to go'... =P I may give ya'll a look... Fade to Black...
  8. Male character in a slave girl outfit? YGBSM Fade to Black...
  9. This... Ignorance and apathy are two of the biggest problems we have in this world, concerning... well, anything... you name it. It's especially so for spelling, and grammar. Spelling and grammar together are the cornerstone of language... language is the cornerstone of communication. If you cannot communicate effectively with others, you'd damn well better brush up on your language, (read: learn to spell, use punctuation correctly, and form proper sentences) or be left in the dust that is illiteracy. And as the second guy said... for the love of _______*, PARAGRAPHS. ( * Insert sacred, holy, entity of choice ) Now that I have established the nature of my 'character', I will say that I agree with much of what the OP has said. There is indeed a proliferation of people in this game who do nothing but try to cause grief for the rest of us. They are called trolls and can be found in any online community, not just gaming. Put them on your ignore list and you'll find that the game is a much nicer place in which to spend your time. Trolls can be found in 'real life' as well... but you cannot put them on your ignore list in real life, unfortunately. And the only suitable courses of action against them will most likely land you in jail... I don't know what server you're on, but I would be happy to help you out with any questions you may have about the game... my status as a 'grammar nazi' notwithstanding. Fade to Black...
  10. I like the hood... those asinine Lee-Press-On shoulder... whatever the hell they are... they gotta go. And so does the design team's mentality that sticking random crap onto clothing/armor here and there makes it more aesthetically interesting somehow. Fade to Black...
  11. Dunno if it's been mentioned already or not... I'm not going to go through 61 pages to find out... but I would like to see some very simple garb added as moddable gear, namely some of the starter outfits your toons are wearing when they're created. The Inquisitor and Consular robes/vestments, whatever they're called, would be nice... especially the tunic worn by the Inquisitor. I'm not suggesting it be added through the Cartel Market, as it's not flashy stuff. But it would be nice to have some schematics for these added to the game. Fade to Black...
  12. Dat's-da-one... thanks, kindly! Fade to Black...
  13. I seem to recall a thread where the devs were asking for input as to what kind of new armor sets we'd like to see in the game. After combing the forums and using the search engine, I've not come across it again... anyone have a link? Fade to Black...
  14. I kinda like Cera, at Aurek on Republic Taris. Zash is smokin', although I haven't reached the point where she wants to kill me yet, so who knows what I'll think of her then. Fade to Black...
  15. Droid engineers made vehicles in SWG, so perhaps DEV = Droid Engineer Vehicle? I miss crafting in SWG, it wasn't so... mindless. Fade to Black...
  16. Not sure if this is the place to post this or not... I saw someone in chat the other day complaining that he was unable to match colors. (he was a sub, not F2P) All was AOK for me at that time. Then I logged in after the update today and found that I could no longer color match. The extant color matching seems to hold with some items, so long as you do not remove them from your toon, while other items seem to have lost the color match on their own. (example: My trooper's helmet was AOK before I removed it and put it back on, now color matching doesn't work... while his boots lost the color match without any action on my part.) Anyone else experiencing the same thing? Fade to Black...
  17. Housing in SWG was the cat's meow and I miss it as well... with one qualification... if you weren't in a well-organized player city, house placement was often chaotic, and things got crowded quickly... even on lower population servers. High population servers like Starsider were absolutely insane, and the landscape was utterly littered with buildings. I really enjoyed having a ton of houses for storage and a few for deco, but I absolutely hated stepping out the door to see nothing but buildings, often poorly situated, for as far as the eye can see. I did luck out on my main servers and got to make my own little 'sorta-cities' right on the edge of the no-build zone near an NPC town, but it was still an unattractive landscape on three sides of me. If they were ever to institute housing in this game, truly useful, flexible, fun housing unlike, say the pointless crap in a game like LoTRO, I would hope that they would find a way to avoid the clutter. Some friends and I had a number of ideas on that score but... ah well, it'll probably never happen here anyway. lol Fade to Black...
  18. No accounting for taste, I guess... or lack thereof. There are very few hairstyles in this game which are out in left field, and for those that are... umm... keep in mind that this *is* a sci-fi / fantasy game. The vast majority of the hair in this game looks AOK and is very well done. Having said that, however, there are a couple'a male hairstyles that... well, I'll let my smuggler take this one: "Is that a hairstyle, or did a womprat die on your head?" Anyhoo, if you think poorly of the hairstyles offered in this game, you should have seen what we had in SWG... now THERE were some wacky doos. Fade to Black...
  19. YES They're exploiting... they're being *******es and they deserve whatever 10-fold or better payback they may eventually get. Period. End of story. Fade to Black...
  20. I too have wondered what exactly the pulsating visual effects signify... As to the communications antenna on the outpost, I hit it as often as possible whenever it is visible and within range of missiles and usually destroy it during the third pass. (you can also hit it when it is not visible, but have to know where to aim) Just keep at it, and you'll eventually clobber the thing. It does help to have a 40-missile magazine, but I believe you can get this done with the initial 20 no problem; just use guns for most everything else and reserve the missiles for the antenna. Destroying this thing is actually a bonus objective, and doing so will yield a fair amount of XP (either 2500-ish or 3500-ish, I forget which) and credits (around 3K I think... not sure), regardless of your level... but you can do this only once per day. Once you've destroyed it and received the bonus XP and credits, each subsequent destruction will yield only 500XP until the daily mission reset. Same thing applies for the advanced versions of this mission. There are also bonus objectives to destroy certain ship bridges, but I can't think offhand of which missions/ships. Fade to Black...
  21. Do not want... The colors and such aren't too awful bad (although the contrast between alternate post backgrounds is too high)... but this is a piss-poor layout for a forum. It is horribly open-faced; there's too much padding everywhere and the structure is poorly defined, providing little sense of order. Things such as borders between posts and compact spacing are musts for a forum because most folks require such visual guidance for easy reference. The font size for posts is too large. I always shake my head whenever a website is overhauled in such a drastic manner. What's the purpose? To keep things fresh? To one-up the competition? Why? Just because your web folks have nothing better to do than think up ways to destroy your site? The old look of the website and forums kicked this one right in the ***... you guys used to have the grooviest game website out there. Now it sucks moose-****. When will people learn... if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Geez... Fade to Black...
  22. Yes... Look around Anchorhead a bit more... Fade to Black...
  23. WRONG - the very first sentence below the header and image on the promo page begins with, "As a thanks for being one of our most valued players..." 'Support' and 'Loyalty'... in this context, what do those words imply? They could imply anything, really, and anyone could draw any number of inferences. But in this case, the only correct inference is quite simple... BioWare thinks that only those who had level 50 toons as of April 12th, 2012 are supportive and loyal, regardless of all else. I have to hand it to you, you actually made a fair bit of sense with that statement... even if it was a matter of simply recognizing the obvious. But, regardless, it's a moot point because the stipulation put forth by BioWare concerns the results of players' post-purchase activities, ie; whether or not they had a level 50 toon on April 12th, 2012. If that is what you see here, then I suggest you get your 'eyes' checked. In this instance, people are not BMWing because they haven't been given every little thing they want, they are BMWing because others have been given something quite SUBSTANTIAL (ie; not a 'little thing') based on a single, piss-poor criterion. So I ask, based on the personal case of myself and a friend, if you have two players who participated in beta at the same time, have both played the game every single day, if only for an hour or two, often more, since early release, and who have both paid for six-month subscriptions... why is one of these players considered to be less 'supportive' and 'loyal' than the other simply because they do not have a level 50 toon yet? There is no acceptable answer to that... PERIOD. The argument about level 50s wallowing in the mire that is the supposed lack of endgame content is a cop-out and utter horse-****. Fade to Black...
  24. THIS I am player 1 as described here, pretty much to a 'T'. I pre-ordered the game... participated in the latter part of Beta and have played EVERY SINGLE DAY since early access, literally, for at least 2-3 hours... usually more... and have re-upped for SIX MONTHS after my initial one month sub. I have many toons on several servers, with the highest level toon being 43-44. And yet, because I prefer to take my time with everything that I do in-game, while at the same time trying to experience as many different facets of said game all at once, and therefore level much more slowly than many other folks, I am left out of this promotion simply because I haven't got a level 50 toon? BioWare, I think you should pull your heads out from where the sun don't shine and attempt to use whatever may be inside your skulls for a change. I don't get truly insulting like this, or use foul language on forums very often, but wake the **** up, will you? Fade to Black...
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