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Everything posted by CWBuff

  1. That was a real-life lol... Anyhoo, I'm a guy from Western New York, USA and I'm 39... just like Jack Benny... Fade to Black...
  2. Blue Skies and Bright Stars to your Grandpa... I've also paid tribute to my Grandparents in certain ways in-game... most notably, my Mom's parents were both tailors. Honest-to-goodness REAL tailors who knew their craft inside out, up down, and every which way but loose... or tight. It always fit just right. Anyhoo, when I played SWG, my main crafter for every server on which I played was always a tailor, in honor of my Grandparents. Same for this game... once all my crafters are up to 400, the only ones I'll be crafting with regularly will be the Synthweavers and maybe Armormechs. My Grandfather on my Dad's side worked at a local aircraft manufacturing company during WWII, so I also had a shipwright in SWG in his honor... there's really nothing for it in this game though. Cybertech is the closest because they make ship parts, but that's not much really. Man, I miss crafting in SWG... it was so much more of an art than it is here, or in any other game I've played. Oh well... SWTOR crafting is still somewhat fun. Fade to Black...
  3. I'm a milk man, myself. But I also gulp Coke or iced tea... or Stewart's Key Lime Soda. All that sugary schtuff goes through me quicker than a lightsaber through Darth Maul, though, so I try not to drink too awful much. However, when all that sugary schtuff has turned into a happy-smiley kidney stone, I drink real lemonade to help break it up, along with lotsa water to facilitate transit. Fade to Black...
  4. A few favorites... some of these may be para-phrased: Gault: (VERY funny BH companion) Upon first summoning - "So, who are we shooting today?" During combat - "Thank you, thank you... I'll be signing autographs after the smoke clears..." Embarking upon crew-skill task - "It beats gettin' shot at." After returning from crew-skill task - "You win some, you lose some. You just lost some." Vette: On Balmorra near the trenches outside the Arms Factory - "If you're looking for a little trench warfare... and really, who isn't?... THIS is the place for you." Upon entering the Dark Temple - "Wow, I could make a fortune in here. Think I could take just a little? Okay... OKAY!" Khem: Upon entering a cantina in Mos Ila, Tatooine - "I have an excellent Sabaac face. That was a joke. I hate Sabaac." (LMAO) Player character quotes: Any IMP class, while speaking with Lord Alaric outside the Dark Temple - "I'm just here to check the plumbing." Sith Inquisitor during class quest on Nar Shaddaa - "I LOOOVE GETTING GIFTS!!!!" Sith Warrior, end of Balmorra - "There are some things only YOU can do for me Vette!" BH, beginning of Alderaan - "Defeating a standing army goes for time and a half!" Any IMP class (I think) when first talking with Kilran during Black Talon - "Is the holo messed up or is your face supposed to look like that?" There are so many... can't remember them all... Fade to Black...
  5. Starsider was my main server... the vast majority of folks probably wouldn't know me, but my main toons were: Sannee - LSJ Feiapa - DSJ Crioson - Ent Obreiann - Trader Yuwana - Trader Sandhi - LSJ In SWTOR I play on Grand Master Zym (Republic) and Eidelon Security (Empire). Fade to Black...
  6. I'm thankful that gals play these games because the majority of women I've come across while gaming are far more desirable 'gamer pals' than the vast majority of guys I've come across. This is not merely due to my being a normal, red-blooded male and their being female... it's the fact that most... not all, but most gals I've come across are much more level-headed, reasonable, and pleasant to talk with than the majority of guys I've interacted with. However, there was this one psycho-chick from Hades a couple years back who did not grasp the concept of sleep and who was apparently snapped up on chocolate and caffeinated beverages 24/7... her demeanor never swayed from that of a teenage girl who just received tickets to a Lady GaGa show for her 16th birthday... man could she heal with the best of 'em, though... Anyhoo, I say all of this based on my own experiences... your mileage may vary. Fade to Black...
  7. Bioware... pull your heads out from where the sun don't shine... please... Why do we have to play the game the way YOU want us to play it? We are the folks paying for the damn game, let us play it the way WE want to play it. Just like the commendation question... WE earn those... let US decide how WE want to use them. Get a clue, will ya? Fade to Black...
  8. I sometimes see players running around who look and act a bit... clueless. I'm not the most social person on the planet (or, in this case, the galaxy) but I still remember my early days in MMO gaming and how clueless I was, and so try to help folks out from time to time... either with a friendly offer of in-game help or advice, or sometimes with a few 'gifts' from my crafters. Fade to Black...
  9. What's the big whoop? If you don't wanna show skin on your toon... don't. Sure, there may be a period of time during which the best gear you can find flashes some flesh, but there are enough gear choices in this game, even early on, to satisfy almost anyone. Stop BMWing and play the game. You'll eventually come across something that adheres to your sense of fashion... or lack thereof. Fade to Black...
  10. This... I have relatively limited experience with MMOs and have played only two, other than SWTOR, for any great length of time. The experiences I've had with credit/gold farmers in TOR pale considerably in comparison with those I've had in the other games. Many other things in this game may be messed up, some royally. But the folks running the SWTOR show have made it super easy to report farmers and are doing a wonderful job in dealing with them... so much so that, more often than not, when I log in and check my mail for the first time each day, any spam mails I may have received were sent by a character that has been deleted. And only once have I seen a farmer spam in chat. I reported the DADS and he was dealt with quite quickly. Fade to Black...
  11. I doubt anyone here would know me... Some of my mains: Sannee/Feiapa/Obreiann/Yuwana/Crioson/Sandhi - Starsider Chevelle/Scar'let/Tok'yo - Chimaera Seusin/Sultanov/Sashya - Bloodfin (Then Farstar/Flurry/Farstar, respectively) Biyou - Farstar Too many others to remember at the moment, or list here. These are the toons I played most. My guild was SNAFU across all servers on which I played. It was a small, intimate guild made up of a few friends... nothing big. Sadly, only one of my friends has moved to SWTOR and has already quit, so I don't think SNAFU will make an appearance here anytime soon, but I can dream! lol I was also with TS on Farstar for a while toward the end. My main servers here in SWTOR are Grand Master Zym (Republic) and Eidelon Security (IMP). If I could find a smallish, laid-back, mature guild where nobody says 'sup' or uses the f-word ten times in a twelve word sentence, that would be groovy. Fade to Black...
  12. WNY here... Buffalo area... it's 70 degrees outside right at this moment!! Holy Hannah... Fade to Black...
  13. I'm 39 and a PvE player, with little to no interest in PvP... if that matters. Server does not matter. I'm in the Eastern USA, but will roll a new toon West Coast if need be. EDIT: Have joined up, thanks much. Fade to Black...
  14. Your age matters not... these games attract any and all who find them to be of interest. Unfortunately, regardless of actual age, many who play these games act as though they're 15-year-olds who think they have the world figured out already. On the bright side, however, there's always 'Ignore'... lol Oh, and I'm 39 and have only been playing MMOs since 2008. Have only really played SWG; initially because it was Star Wars but kept playing because I found it to be the grooviest game ever... both because of the subject matter and because of its pure sandbox qualities. Played a bit of LoTRO... not too bad, on the whole. Tried some others briefly, including WoW... for a day and a half... 'nuff said there. Fade to Black...
  15. I played SWG for only a few years... 2008 to the end. It was my first MMO, as I'd previously been a solid FPS player and flight-simmer, but it converted me to the idea of the MMO. I won't say much about the pre/post-CU/NGE debate... only this: I was not around for the original game and got a very brief taste of it through the EMU, but have the feeling that I would still have preferred the CU/NGE in general; some things from the original game did intrigue me, though. As to a comparison of SWG and SWTOR... you simply cannot make one. As a gamer, I would prefer the wide-open sandbox that was SWG, hands-down. SWTOR wins out in certain areas, but is severely lacking in others, and lacks the overall depth offered by SWG... as does every other MMO I've tried. In the end, I am mostly content with SWTOR because it is Star Wars. That's the Star Wars fan in me... I have to have a vested interest in a game's subject matter in order to play it, and SWTOR fits the bill there. That aside, however, the gamer in me likes SWTOR for what it is, but still longs for the grooviest MMO ever created... SWG. Fade to Black...
  16. /support OP... I recommend valium... Fade to Black...
  17. No... I wouldn't play this game if it were not Star Wars. I am not your typical gamer who plays any game that comes out just for the sake of playing games. Stuff like WoW, Rift, and such hold absolutely no appeal for me... although, if there were no Star Wars MMO, I'd probably play LoTRO. Anyhoo, I've got to have some sort of vested interest in the subject matter to play a game... 'twas just a tyke when the original Star Wars flicks were released and grew up with it until I discovered girls, guitars, and airplanes about the age of 10-12. Had I not taken a turn for real-world history as a hobby while in my teens, I'd have undoubtedly become a full-blown Star Wars geek. Over the last few years I've been making up for it... lol Fade to Black...
  18. I'm an SWG refugee and was not sure how I'd like SWTOR after several years playing what is to this day my favorite game ever; which, aside from the basics of questing, leveling, etc., was much different than SWTOR, or any other MMO as far as I am aware. I knew that SWTOR would never replace the game that I had come to love so much, but that it might present a fair substitution, based wholly on the fact that it was Star Wars. Unlike many, I am not a universal gamer and don't play any and all games that come out just for the sake of playing games. I need some sort of vested interest in the subject matter to justify spending the amount of time in-game that is demanded by an MMO. I also like to have something else to do in-game besides combat and questing, something which most MMOs seem to lack for the most part... SWTOR being no exception, unless you consider sitting back and enjoying the story as it unfolds. I am not interested in the 'end-game'. I have rarely done PvP in MMOs and never will do so again... in any game. So perhaps, in that respect, I have little, if anything, to look forward to upon reaching level 50 until new content is added or I move on to finish leveling other classes. That being the case, I am in absolutely no rush to reach level 50 and muse mightily at those who already have several level 50 toons and now complain that there is nothing worthwhile to do... less than a month after the game's release. I just shake my head and feel somewhat sorry for the fools. No, SWTOR does not replace my favorite game in most respects. In some ways it is quite superior to SWG, while in most others it simply cannot hold a candle... But it is indeed SWG's equal in the single most important respect... sheer joy in the experience. The story lines, although so far mostly cliche and predictable, are nonetheless thoroughly enjoyable if only for the mostly high-quality voice-acting. The combat is a helluvalotta fun... regardless of class... and I am especially happy to be able to see my Jedi and Sith toons do things that were totally impossible in SWG. The game worlds, although so far relatively small and quite restricted compared to what I am used to, are sheer works of art; while running around on Dromund Kaas, one of the comments made by Kaliyo, the IMP Operative's first companion, is something like, "Slow Down... let's spread out, have a picnic, and watch the lightning...". I could take that to heart because part of the total experience for me is to explore the game worlds, see as much as I can, and soak it all in... In short, to the original poster, no... you are not the only one enjoying this game. I miss my favorite game... very much... but SWTOR is a solid second-place and I will continue to play and enjoy it. Fade to Black...
  19. Just put the morons on ignore. It's super easy in this game... click-click. Fade to Black...
  20. They're both REAL issues... if you bother to read some of the threads, and are able to weed out the trolls and numb-skulls, you'll find that many folks with perfectly capable PCs, including a good number who have bonafide gaming rigs, are having trouble with this game. It's apparently a problem with the game coding conflicting with hardware and/or software on the user end, making the game as a WHOLE unplayable when you're crashing every 5-10 minutes. THAT is a REAL issue. So there are not "far too many people in here with bad computers complaining about the game and not their bad pc", there's a buncha folks who cannot play the game through no fault of their own asking for help. Now, on topic with this thread... you have quite a valid point with the issue of 'CTRL-A' being bound to something such as toggling ambient sounds. I myself have some other issues with the lack of flexibility in user-customization of control schemes, such as the lack of the option for free mouse-look. It cramps my style considerably, but I also realize that many other folks have no problem with holding down the mouse button and do not presume to express my personal dislike of same in an imperious manner, unlike yourself. In short, yeah... you have a valid point. Fade to Black...
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